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  • Kris


    Hi @troyw2015!

    It looks like the FiboSearch icon added to the mobile menu is functioning as expected. It’s positioned at the very bottom and opens our mobile overlay when clicked (see screenshot). If you’re still encountering the issue described, it might be due to a cached, outdated version loading after the update. Try clearing the cache, and check if it works correctly in incognito mode on your phone.

    On another note, I didn’t find an icon in the header (I confirmed it’s not hidden in the HTML either). Was it previously visible there and has now disappeared? Please go to WP Admin -> Appearance -> Menus, select the navigation menu, and confirm that the “FiboSearch bar” element has been added. Check the screenshot for guidance.

    Best regards,



    Hi @syce!

    Please replace your code with the one below and let me know if that fixed the problem.

    add_action( 'wp_footer', function() { ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $('body').on('click', '.show-search', function(e){
    if ($(window).width() < 1199) {

    jQuery(document).on( 'fibosearch/hide-mobile-overlay', () => {
    <style type="text/css">
    .tbay-search-form {
    display: none !important;
    <?php }, 9999 );

    Best regards,

    Hi @husseinswaleh!

    This issue is likely due to the CleanTalk plugin, which, in its mobile version for our overlay, does not recognize our search input as an exception. As a result, it checks search phrases for spam, leading to redirection to a page with empty search results. Consequently, this displays all products from the store. We are currently in touch with the plugin developers to request the inclusion of FiboSearch in their exceptions. In the meantime, you can take the following steps to resolve this error:

    1. Go to the advanced CleanTalk settings (screenshot).
    2. Scroll down to the “Forms to protect” section and disable the “Test default WordPress search form for spam” option. (screenshot).
    3. Save settings. Clear the cache if you use any. Then test the search on the mobile again.

    Best regards,

    Hi @2beards!

    There’s probably a conflict with your filter plugin. It overwrites the FiboSearch search results. Please disable the search functionality of your filtering plugin.

    1. Go to HUSKY settings, switch to the “Advanced” tab, and then to the “Options” tab (screenshot).
    2. Scroll down and enter “by_text” in “Forcing disabling of functionality” (screenshot).
    3. Save the changes and check the search page then.

    Best regards,

    Hi @wildfire9859!

    In the free version, you can use this code snippet to replace the original phrase with another to avoid getting no results.

    add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/phrase', function( $keyword ) {
    $replacements = array(
    'assassins' => "assassin's",
    'children' => "child's",
    // Add more phrases

    foreach ( $replacements as $original => $replacement ) {
    $keyword = preg_replace( '/\b' . preg_quote( $original, '/' ) . '\b/i', $replacement, $keyword );

    return $keyword;
    } );

    You have two ways to add this code to your theme:

    1. Open the functions.php in your child theme and add the code at the end.
    2. or install the Code Snippets plugin and apply this code as a snippet.

    Best regards,

    Hi @itsupportacemsthailand!

    It looks like the code is not working because the orderby parameter is likely being controlled by your theme, page builder, or a filtering plugin. To identify the cause, I suggest the following steps:

    1. Deactivate each plugin one by one (especially any related to filters) to see if the sorting starts working correctly. Then check if the filters you are using are compatible with FiboSearch. We are compatible with:
    1. ?Change your theme to a default WooCommerce-compatible theme like Storefront and check if the issue persists.
    2. ?Check the theme documentation to see if it has built-in sorting or filtering functions that might affect the results.

    Once you’ve tried these, you’ll have a better idea of what’s causing the issue and how to address it.

    Best regards,

    Hi @itsupportacemsthailand!

    You can try this solutution:

    // Fix sorting products by price-desc in WooCommerce Search Results Page
    add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', function( $query ) {
    if ( ! is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && is_post_type_archive( 'product' ) ) {
    $orderby = get_query_var( 'orderby' );

    if ( 'price-desc' === $orderby ) {
    $query->set( 'orderby', 'meta_value_num' );
    $query->set( 'meta_key', '_price' );
    $query->set( 'order', 'DESC' );
    } );

    You have two ways to add this code to your theme:

    1. Open the functions.php in your child theme and add the code at the end.
    2. or install the Code Snippets plugin and apply this code as a snippet.

    Best regards,



    Hi @neikoloves

    FiboSearch replaces the default WordPress search query by hooking into pre_get_posts. It edits the query parameters (like the post IDs) before the search results are retrieved, which can cause conflicts with theme search logic if the theme also modifies search queries. You can observe these modifications in action using the Query Monitor plugin, specifically by inspecting pre_get_posts the Hooks & Actions tab.

    Best regards,



    Hi @franciscarehbein!

    The delay you’re experiencing could be related to the fact that the free version of FiboSearch uses the native WordPress query, which can become slow when there are a large number of products in your shop. Additionally, if the search is configured to include the product descriptions, this can further slow down the query, especially if the descriptions are long or numerous.

    To troubleshoot this, you might want to try disabling the search in product descriptions and see if that improves the speed. You can do this by going to WooCommerce -> FiboSearch -> Search config (tab) and unchecking “Search in description”. This will limit the search to just product titles and other essential fields, potentially speeding up the results.

    Best regards,



    Hi @neikoloves!

    Try this way:

    add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/search/product/args', function( $args ) {
    $meta_query = [
    'key' => '_stock_status',
    'value' => 'discontinued_sku',
    'compare' => '!='

    if ( isset( $args['meta_query'] ) ) {
    $args['meta_query'][] = $meta_query;
    } else {
    $args['meta_query'] = $meta_query;

    return $args;
    } );

    Best regards,



    Hi @jkont,

    By default, FiboSearch sets the search bar width to a maximum of 600px. You can easily adjust this by leaving the “Max form width” field blank under WooCommerce > FiboSearch > Search bar (tab). Here’s a screenshot for reference:

    Best regards,



    Hi @jkont!

    Yes, this can happen because we use JavaScript to replace the default search engine with ours. The best solution will be to replace the default search engine with the Text/HTML element in the header builder, to do this:

    1. Go to WP Admin -> Woodmart -> Header Builder
    2. ?Find and remove the element named search (screenshot:?
    3. ?In its place add an element named Text/HTML and inside the Text/HTML content add our shortcode [fibosearch] (screenshot:?| screenshot:?
    4. ?Save and check now the FiboSearch loads without this problem.

    By default, the shortcode inherits the settings from the FiboSearch global settings, which you can edit in WP Admin -> WooCommerce -> FiboSearch -> Search bar (tab). However, you can also use the shortcode attributes to customize the FiboSearch options in the header. You can learn more about this here:




    Hi @franciscarehbein!

    This can be changed under the WP Admin -> Divi -> Theme Options -> General -> “Number of Posts displayed on Search pages”.




    Hi @dool676!

    1. Please ensure sure you use the Archive Products or Elementor Loop widget to show products.
      See the below screenshot for reference:
    2. Please ensure you include the “Search results” in the Display Condition in the template you want to use as the research results page. See the below screenshot for reference.
    3. If both of the above conditions are met, try this solution:

    Sometimes excluding “Search Results” from the Shop page still doesn’t work. In such cases, create an empty?fibosearch-search-results.php?file in the root of your child theme and paste the following code.

    get_header( 'shop' );
    $frontend = new \Elementor\Frontend();
    $template_id = 100; // Your search results template ID
    echo \Elementor\Plugin::instance()->frontend->get_builder_content_for_display( $template_id, true );
    get_footer( 'shop' );

    The $template_id variable is the post ID of the Elementor template with WooCommerce search results. You can find this ID on the URL. Go to Templates -> Theme Builder -> Products Archive and open the template with the search results. The URL should be like this In this case, there $template_id is 100, but in your case, it will be a different number.

    After creating this file, use the below snippet to force Elementor to use the newly created template. Open the?functions.php?in your child theme, add the code at the end, or install the?Code Snippets?plugin and apply it as a snippet.

    add_filter( 'template_include', function ( $template ) {
    if ( isset( $_GET['dgwt_wcas'] ) ) {
    $search_template = locate_template( 'fibosearch-search-results.php' );
    if ( file_exists( $search_template ) ) {
    return $search_template;
    return $template;
    }, PHP_INT_MAX - 1 );

    If the above method doesn’t work, please install the Query Monitor plugin and check which function can overwrite FiboSearch results with its own. It can be other search or filter plugins. Enable the Query Monitor plugin and go to the search results page. In the top bar of the administration panel, you will see the results from Query Monitor. Open the entire plugin panel and go to the Hooks & Actions tab. Then search with CTRL + F for the word “pre_get_posts“. There you will find a list of all the functions that overwrite search results. Try to determine which plugin is doing this except FiboSearch and temporarily disable it, then check if the search results are correct. See the below screenshot for reference:


    Hi @hezign,

    The issue occurs because when you select a category item in the FiboSearch autocomplete, it redirects you to the default product category archive view. For the “Assurance” category, this takes you to the subpage with the slug “/categorie-produit/assurance”, which isn’t linked to the Elementor template displaying your catalog.

    To fix this, you can either create a new template for the category archive view in Elementor or include “Product Categories” in the existing template by adjusting the Display Conditions.

    Please refer to the screenshots below for more clarity:

    Additionally, I noticed you’re using a filtering plugin that isn’t compatible with our plugin, which might cause issues when filtering search results. You can check the list of compatible filtering plugins here.


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