Forum Replies Created
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to set custom field value as post permalink..?Hi bcworkz,
thanks for the suggestion, but I’m afraid it still did not work !
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Help with "the_title" in WordPress plsHello esmi,
Surely post title & permalink are two completely different things..?
It is not the URL I need to shorten, I can do that easy enough using bit.ly.
I may not know much about php or mysql, but I am damned sure there must be a method to assign a new value to an already created entry, so if “the_title” or “$title” is the one I need to change & “$string” is the new value (the truncated title), do you have any idea what the correct syntax would be to assign this new value..?Thanks Steve
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Help with "the_title" in WordPress plsI changed
<?php the_title(); ?>
in my main index.php to;
<?php the_title_shorten(80,'...'); ?>
So the values were assigned each time it ran through the loop.Ok thanks, I’ve got it now (I hope)
So will this new code you suggest actually update and change the titles to the truncated versions permenantly..? or only prior to display on the screen..?I have to ask because I need to change the title to the truncated versions permenantly, so that I am then able to bookmark my posts / articles without having to go through each one to trim it to length.
Thanks Steve
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Help with "the_title" in WordPress plsHmm ok Esmi,
one other thing though & I appologise if this sounds stupid but php is not my strong point.
On the example code I showed above, the variable $len & $rep are assigned their values in the function call for that piece of code eg.
<?php the_title_shorten(80,'...'); ?>
Now if I replace the code I am using with the code you have suggested, I assume that function call will no longer work and will need to be changed back to;
<?php the_title(); ?>
..? If this is the case, then I have to ask where does $len & $rep get their values..?Thanks Steve
Ok a suggestion,
try a plugin for WP called “Get The Image”, this is a superb plugin with many different options that are very easy to set up. Basically there is an option available to scan any article for an image, the 1st image found is set as thumbnail or if you prefer you can also set a default image, so if ever an image is not found it will at least display some image on the screen.
Once an image is found with this plugin and assigned as thumbnail, you should have no problem with AMRP picking these thumbnails & all you need do to activate it is to place a short code within the loop.
As I said earlier, I pull in stuff from Amazon & trying to get images to show on the index page was a real nightmare, but after installing “Get The Image” everything is sweet. Oh and it’s compatable with WP versions 2.9 to 3.4.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Help with "the_title" in WordPress plsHi esmi,
Thanks for this, but could you tell me how I would call the function..?
Sorry but my knowledge of PHP is bordering on non existant!
Thanks Steve
Hey Violent23,
I have just checked and you are using different urls for these images..?
Large img assumed to be the thumbnail of the post;
Then the requested image for AMRP is;
https://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=theh02b-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B002SKZBTAI use AMRP myself and have it set to use the first img of the post and to resize to 50px x 50px & the urls whether they are in AMRP or in the content area are all exactly the same, this makes it much easier to track down any errors.
One other point that may help is that I also pull in content from Amazon & can sometimes have problems with trying to save the img to my server so I wondered if Amazon had certain images that were not allowed to be saved off site..?
My own solution to this has been to stop trying to save copies of all my images to my server & simply hotlink to Amazon’s images! This may not be the accepted method of doing things, but it aided the speed of my site & also stops the occasional errors that you speak of, which I don’t believe are related to AMRP.
Hope that helps
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Problems installing pluginsWoah there guys I’m on linux hosting and I have the exact same problem since upgrading from 2.7.1 to 2.8.5
I can no longer upload or install plugins & I set directory permissions to 777 but still will not work !Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Want to upload a new theme but a error occured?Hey guys I am having exactly the same issue since upgrading from 2.7.1 to 2.8.5. I can work around the theme issue by using FTP, but I cannot install plugins this way!
Every time I try to either install a plugin from WP or upload from my PC, I always get the same error “unable to create or copy a file or directory” . I have even tried setting all relevant directories to 777 but still exactly the same problem.
It appears to upload the zipped files & then unpacks them & this is when the problem starts, when it attempts to install after unpacking.I have been all day on this and even got in touch with my hosting company because I thought it may be a php security setting on their server, but they assure me it is not!
Any help on this would be very much appreciated as I’m now at a dead end!
Thanks Taffy
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: BumpIn] looks neat but what about spam?Quick update for those interested !
The yellow warning triangle was in fact caused by a conflict with the java on the BluMag theme I was using ! I tried a different theme & everything was then OK.
So I guess the Eastern Block hacker was a pure coincidence after all !
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: BumpIn] looks neat but what about spam?Hey Guys,
I added this plugin to one of my sites yesterday, it looked really good ! But then I had problems & discovered somebody had added himself as Admin in my wordpress dashboard. The only give away was the fact it was list 2 x admin but only showing my details. Am now reloading my whole site so I know it is all clean.
I admit this could be pure coincidence, but this plugin, their website, are all a little too good to be FREE I reckon. Oh & just to double check, I installed it on another site a hour ago & as soon as I ran it and accessed the website, I get a yellow warning triangle at the bottom left corner of my browser, so I quickly uninstalled the plugin & the yellow warning triangle has gone !!!
Pity cos it was a class plugin.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: help please with more feature !Hey jlighthall,
I have just been reading a post by the guy that built Blu Mag & he is aware of the problem with 2.8 and says it is due to WordPress not including a script file called jquery….? I Know this file is to do with java script & obviously if missing then I would expect things not to work.
I have reverted back to 2.7.1 until they can sort out whatever this problem is, I also note that a few other themes are also suffering the same or similar problems.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: help please with more feature !Hi Guys,
thanks for the response, I will give the plugin a go henkholland oh and esmi, the problem I encountered with 2.8 & java script, was not actually plugins, it is java scripts that are part of the theme I have used, eg. the feature block & a tabbed sidebar widget for posts & categories.
Because of this I think it is probably more likely that the theme needs updating to suit 2.8 as I haven’t heard of similar problems encountered by other users.Thanks again guys.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: KeywordsHi Iron1,
Go to your WP admin panel & you will find “All in One SEO” is listed under settings OK.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: After changing domain name all posts & categories have wrong addressWell thankyou Saurus for that valuable input !
I have no doubt that somewhere amongst the miriad of threads in this forum, there are answers to just about anything us novices can dream up.
And as you saw fit to point out, YOU have been reading this stuff for over two years & yet still read 3 or 4 pages everyday..? So just out of curiosity I go and search for WP installation & guess what…?
there are a mere 21,314 posts, threads, call them what you will, just on installation alone !!! Now I don’t care how bright you or anyone else is, or indeed how lazy or hard working they are, nobody is going to read & digest 21,314 posts over a coffee & half a pack of chocolate digestives ! As I said earlier most novices will scan through the basics & then have a go, people do it setting up a new DVD, microwave, fish tank, whatever ! It does not mean they are lazy !!!Now being as it was two years ago that you started with all this, then you perhaps cannot remember what it is like to be a pure novice…? Well not wishing to appear excessively lazy, I shall try to give you some idea ok.
Most will as I said scan through the basics, if not then they would not get it up and running in the first place. Now to a novice or newbie, getting your head around all the terminology is hard enough, not only that, but the shear volume of stuff to read is mind boggling (you’ve been at it over two years & I assume have not reached the end yet…?) Also not everyone that plays around with WP or any other software such as Forums etc comes from a computer background, whether taught in school or in work & therefore to many of us we may just as well be trying to read traditional Chinese for all the sense it makes to us. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand what someone is talking about, unless you actually see it on the screen ! So I am very sorry mate, but laziness does not enter into it, not where I am concerned anyway.
Now I will admit that I was probably in a shit mood (having almost lost my entire site),when I read Samboll’s reply & therefore probably took what he said the wrong way.
Samboll, if this is the case then I appologise to you.
However my point is still valid, some of the people that reply to a query or request for help, do so from a self righteous stand point, which is very easy to do when you have all the answers ! But for those, like myself that have struggled for hours or days & then finally pluck up the courage to ask a question (knowing that we are probably going to make complete idiots of ourselves), it does not help one little bit to have an answer laced with a good shot of sarcasm, ridicule or self righteousness.
Everyone that uses WordPress is learning about it, unfortunately we do not all learn at the same pace, age & background also have an effect on the ammount of knowledge one can absorb.
So my request is simple, please just be a little more understanding, when one of us dummies asks, what to you, may seem an idiotic question !