i was having a problem where the form would not send to an email address that had the same domain as the website itself…
ie: the form was on https://www.domainname.com.au and it wouldnt send an email to [email protected], but it WOULD send an email to [email protected]. weird…
anyway, i had previously turned off comments in wordpress, and ripped out all code with comments from my theme – cause i didnt want any mention of them at all (even that they were turned off.)
I ticked back on the “allow comments on new articles” setting in SETTINGS > DISCUSSION and the contact form 7 started working properly.
when i went back and looked at SETTINGS > DISCUSSION, that setting was unticked again – not sure why. possibly because i tinkered with the templates and ripped out the code.
Anyway – contact form 7 is now working for me, thought this may be of interest or help identify this bug