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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Bad Request Error 400Control-J in your browser will show them the link the download is coming from. You can’t really hide the link unless it is always a temporary generated link but even then with Fiddler you can see where the file comes from. Google drive generated a temporary 333 character URL when it does my download – that is what this plugin really needs to return.
By the way, my edit does not break any obfuscation – there was none to start with.
“Re-edit” means you need to re-link the file in the post and save it again so the link is regenerated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Bad Request Error 400Same here, I think a recent update broke it? The URL is malformed, the GUID for the file is ok
Rightyo, here’s how to fix it …
wp-content/plugins/wpdm-google-drive/src/picker.php – line 92, I left the old version commented out
//var downloadurl = ''+id+'&export=download'; var downloadurl = ''+id;
After you change this you neeed to re-edit the download to re-establish the corrected link.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Editor] Code editor skips textHi Benjamin,
Sorry about the delay, didn’t see the update. Yes, looks good in WP 4.3.1.
Thanks again for this plugin, very nice work. Loves me some syntax highlighting. ??
EwenForum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Default Author] Simple and EffectiveYes, still ok on 4.3.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Editor] Code editor skips textI saw some odd cursor behaviour too – toggling full-screen and back again fixed it for me.
” I wish I knew all:)”
You don’t have to know all, you just need to know more than me. That’s not hard ??
Thank you both for your clarifications, you both have awesome toys.
I hope so! Thanks for confirming Damon. I’m hoping someone from WordFence will confirm my formatting. I haven’t activated the Cloudflare stuff (nor IPv6 on my host) yet – still sorting out the canonical domains so this is untested.
Wordfence is a totally brilliant plugin by the way. I’m setting up WP sites for the first time in 5 years. Things have changed a little in that time. CPanel hasn’t but…CPanel.
Wordfence now supports IPv6 so here are those addresses with the IPv6 ones added. Let me know if I got this wrong, please.
103.21.244.[0-22], 103.22.200.[0-22], 103.31.4.[0-22], 104.16.0.[0-12], 108.162.192.[0-18], 141.101.64.[0-18], 162.158.0.[0-15], 172.64.0.[0-13], 173.245.48.[0-20], 188.114.96.[0-20], 190.93.240.[0-20], 197.234.240.[0-22], 198.41.128.[0-17], 199.27.128.[0-21], 2400:cb00::[0-32], 2405:8100::[0-32], 2405:b500::[0-32], 2606:4700::[0-32], 2803:f800::[0-32]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart 404] [Patch] Smart404, sane post redirection behavior & sticky postsHi belg4mit
I tried patching with TortoiseMerge but it never got over the whitespace differences. Probably a copy-paste thing. The great debate of patch files is a minor thing – thanks for posting the patch.
EwenForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart 404] [Patch] Smart404, sane post redirection behavior & sticky postsHave you ever tried to apply a patch in Windows?
Thanks for patching this but it would be much more convenient to just post the whole, edited file.
EwenForum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddQuicktag] [Plugin: AddQuicktag] What is the "Title Attribute"?ah, thanks – I understand now. ??
WP Touch have a page on using wp-super-cache which is behind a paywall. They just tell you to post all of these user agents in the rejected agents box, delete the cache and limp along:
iphone ipod ipad pre pixi iemobile aspen incognito webmate android dream cupcake froyo blackberry9500 blackberry9520 blackberry9530 blackberry9550 blackberry 9800 blackberry 9780 blackberry 9850 blackberry 9860 webos s8000 bada googlebot-mobile adsbot-google
That’s a copout if you ask me – it works fine using the workaround above for caching iPhone pages, there just needs to be a separate group for the iPad because it uses a different theme.
Looking into the future (well, now because it was just released) there are iOS6 variations as well. My point here is that the groups of user-agents needs to be an easy thing to configure. I didn’t come to WordPress to be a WordPress coder, I came to WordPress to write content. Making it easy to configure is your job, not mine. It’s all well and good to have a top-notch caching plugin (and wpSC is) but if it is a pig to use then it is of very little value. If I can’t configure it I will dump it.</ rant>
Sorry about the rant – I just wish the last step was there – you’ve written a great infrastructure then stopped short of implementing it in a usable manner.
It is a great plugin, btw – I have been using it for years on my $100 /yr host and it really does speed my page loads up tremendously. Compare…
Without: works brilliantly, when it works.
As a workaround I have added “ipad” to the excluded agents list.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: AddToAny Share] "Bookmark" tab replaced by "Earn"?!?!Hijack. Uninstall. That’s really bad form.
Hi Dave
That works. Thanks ! Oddly enough the busy graphic is missing in the dev version of chrome. I wouldn’t be concerned about that if I were you because I’m logged into it, and because it’s the dev version. They break it all the time.
Thanks for looking into it