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  • Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello Upadesh,

    frankly speaking, I’m not a specialist in custom post types, but I’ve just tested it with a child-theme and here’s what I’ve done.

    copy single.php inside your child-theme directory and modify the while-loop, so it looks like:

    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
      //get_template_part('template-parts/content', get_post_format());
      if ( get_post_type() ):
    	get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', get_post_type() );
    	get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', get_post_format() );

    Create a folder named template-parts and copy template-parts/content.php inside. Rename it, to fit your custom post type, i.e. content-software.php

    Now you can modify the content to fit your needs, by renaming the function quicksand_the_entry_content() to quicksand_the_entry_content_software()

    Create this function inside your functions.php.

    if (!function_exists('quicksand_the_entry_content_software')) :
    	function quicksand_the_entry_content_software($class = 'entry-content') {
    		<div class="card-block quicksand-entry-content-software <?php echo esc_attr($class); ?>">
    			<div class="card-text">
    				<?php  the_content();  ?>
    		echo "publisher: : " . get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'publisher', TRUE ) . "<br>";
    		echo "created: : " . get_field( 'created');
    		<!--displays page links for paginated posts (i.e. includes the 'nextpage')-->

    Here you can output your custom fields (get_field() is provided by the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin).

    Hope that helps ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello Upadesh,
    if you wanna create a custom post type, I would recommend to switch first to a WP standard theme, like Twenty Seventeen. If it doesn’t work there, it’s most likely an error in your code.

    Also, for getting started with CPT more easily, you can use a plugin like Custom Post Type UI. Havea look to this small tutorial: How to Create Custom Post Types in WordPress. I’ve just tried it out and it works also on Quicksand.
    If you still want to programm your own CPT, please ask on stackoverflow or another wordpress forum for developers.

    Hope that helps ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello actownsend,
    If you want to delete the writing inside the header, goto your customizer->additional css and add:

    .site-infos {
      display: none;

    or, for deleting the whole header, goto customizer->theme-options and deactivate ‘Enable Header’.

    Hope that helps ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello cyrilruf,
    I’ve just checked it and it works fine for me. So once more:

    – create the child-theme: quicksand-child
    – create : quicksand-child/template-parts/content.php
    – insert the following:

    <!--template: content-->
    <!-- post --> 
    <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class("card"); ?>>   
        <!--post thumbnail-->
        <?php quicksand_entry_thumbnail(); ?> 
        <!--post title-->
        <?php quicksand_entry_title(); ?>
        <?php quicksand_entry_meta(); ?>
        <?php quicksand_the_entry_content(); ?>
        <?php quicksand_entry_tags(); ?> 
        <?php quicksand_author_biography(); ?> 
        <?php quicksand_edit_post(); ?> 
    </article><!-- .post-->

    – double-check if your child-theme is activated
    – add for example a simple css rule:

    .blog {
        background: red;

    If it doesn’t work, try another child-theme-plugin

    That’s it ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello cyrilruf,
    for always exposing the full article you have to create a child-theme, i.e. with Child Theme Configurator and as it states in index.php you have to create a new content.php where you replace

        if (!is_singular()) {
        } else { 



    To remove the author, go into your customizer->theme options->content and deactivate author under meta

    Last, for removing the search option go also to your customizer and add the following css:

    .nav-search-wrapper, .nav-search-mobile-wrapper {
        display: none;

    Hope that helps ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello martincastro,

    the theme is responsive, so the number of rows change, depending on the actual screen-size. Just resize your browser-window to see the effect. If you want to change them anyway, you can do this by adding some css, i.e. inside the customizer->additional css:

    @media (min-width: 34em) {
        .card-columns {
            -webkit-column-count: 2 !important;
            -moz-column-count: 2 !important;
            column-count: 2 !important;
    @media (min-width: 48em) {
        .card-columns {
            -webkit-column-count: 3 !important;
            -moz-column-count: 3 !important;
            column-count:3 !important;
    @media (min-width: 62em) {
        .card-columns {
            -webkit-column-count: 4 !important;
            -moz-column-count: 4 !important;
            column-count:4 !important;
    @media (min-width: 75em) {
        .card-columns {
            -webkit-column-count: 5 !important;
            -moz-column-count: 5 !important;
            column-count: 5 !important;

    You can fiddle around with the min-width options, the number of breakpoints and the column-count-option to fit your needs.

    Hope that helps ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello zaino,
    first create a child-theme, i.e. with Child Theme Configurator, which creates a functions.php as well. Otherwise yor modifications will be overwritten by the next update. From there, just copy the function you’ve already mentioned ( quicksand_entry_meta() ) and paste it inside, but including if (!function_exists(‘quicksand_entry_meta’)). That’s it.

    Hope that helps ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello zaino,
    you don’t have to modify the code to blind out the date. Just goto your customizer->theme options->content and uncheck ‘date’ below ‘show meta’. That should do the job.
    Hope that helps ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello Lisa,
    as I said, the fixes won’t be done in a day. It’s not just the renaming of css-classes, you have to make changes inside the js- & php-scripts as well. I have some other projects running and not to forget I have to go to work as well ?? So, to answer your question, it won’t happen this year anymore, I am sorry ??
    Surely in the beginning of the next one …

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello Lisa,
    sorry for the late answer, but even me have sometimes holidays, which means no computers ??
    So, I’ve tested your problem and I think it has something todo with the number of your posts and primarily with the Bootstrap version, so you where right.

    Quicksand still uses the Bootstrap-alpha version, but I won’t update the code, unless there’s a stable version, because it’s a lot of work to change it.

    The masonry-style isn’t a real one, like many JS-libraries offer. Basically it is a simple CSS-layout from Bootstrap (see) and the cards are ordered from top to bottom and not left to right. Apparently Bootstrap includes some CSS, which acts differently on some browser. That’s not a bug of the WP-theme, it’s just the CSS-framework.
    If you add more posts, your page will fill up and you won’t register the different breakpoints anymore.

    So, there’s nothing you can do about it right now, except for adding more post


    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    sorry for my late answer, no time ??
    Well, you are absolutely right, they don’t center. Couldn’t fix the problem at once, but I am gonna have a look on the weekend.


    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    … das funktioniert leider nicht, sorry ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    … sorry, just select a featured image, that’s it ??

    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello ,
    you’ll get three cards in a row, when you post enough articles. Bootstrap organizes its masonry-like style in columns, means from the top to the bottom, unfortunately not from the left to the right.


    Theme Author cafeserendipity21


    Hello @flandriaruns,
    goto your customizer and add this additional CSS:

    .site-info.header-image.row {
        margin-right: 0;
        margin-left: 0;

    It should work now ??

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