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  • cantbutron


    Hi there,

    I agree with @ anne96. What is the use of a function that cannot even be tested?

    I am a web designer and developer and I depend a lot on the clients’ wishes. Some of my clients have no problems paying 200 or 300 dollars annually to have certain special functions, but others do not want to spend more than necessary for their economy or for not needing it. Currently most of the premium plugins require annual payments and, therefore, in my case is the client who is responsible for those costs, since I as a designer can not afford more than 3000 dollars annually to maintain the payment plugins of the clients.

    Using the free version of your plugin is correct and although it does not give you direct income, it does increase the opinion of users about your plugin. It is obvious that some like “update to the PRO version” should appear to give you publicity and encourage the purchase, but is it really necessary to show a series of totally useless elements? Wouldn’t it be better for the designer to decide if he wants to deactivate those elements, display them or buy the PRO version of the plugin?

    It’s just an opinion about a plugin that was perfect for the designer, since he could deliver a clean final project to the client.

    Thank you for your understanding and I hope you will consider it for future updates.


    I have the same problem, sometimes the images are pixelated. If you need access to the site, please contact me privately.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi guy,

    Maybe it’s a bit late, but to change the format of the date shown with the |CHECK_IN| command, you can edit line 90 of the /booking-system/includes/reservations/class-backend-reservation.php file and add the format that you want.

    For example:
    From this: ‘check_in’ => $reservation[‘check_in’],
    To this: ‘check_in’ => date_format(date_create($reservation[‘check_in’]), ‘j F Y’),

    ‘check_in’ =>

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    Sorry for the delay. Now it works perfectly.

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    It would be perfect if it worked at least in the latest versions of PHP 5 but really I’m going to install the plugin using a server with PHP 7.2. The outdated server is my test server.

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    Try it now and you will see that the first hours of every day have disappeared.

    This is the result of your test page accessing the checkout at 9:01 a.m. The next day (11 April) should start at 10:00, that is correct, but the rest of the days should start at 9:00 instead at 10:00:
    11 April, 2019 @ 10:00
    11 April, 2019 @ 11:00
    11 April, 2019 @ 12:00

    11 April, 2019 @ 22:00
    12 April, 2019 @ 10:00
    12 April, 2019 @ 11:00
    12 April, 2019 @ 12:00

    12 April, 2019 @ 22:00
    15 April, 2019 @ 10:00
    15 April, 2019 @ 11:00

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    If you have tried it about 3 hours ago it work fine because the plugin did not have to remove any time from any day. As I told you in a previous message “It is important to place the order after the opening time, for example, at 10:05” and you have tried the prugin at 4:30 a.m in Spain (UTC+2). In this case, the opening time coincides with the time allowed for the first order and therefore it is not possible to check if there is an error or not.

    I will test your example page in 1:30 hours and see what happens, although I am quite convinced that exactly what I have said will happen.

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    I’ve been looking at the code and I think the error is in the file class-local-pickup-time.php, on line 505. Here you should check if the variable $first_interval exists or not.

    This is your code:

    $pickup_dateperiod = ( $pickup_start_datetime->getTimestamp() >= $pickup_open_datetime->getTimestamp() )
    			? new DatePeriod( $pickup_start_datetime, ( new DateInterval( 'PT' . $minutes_interval . 'M' ) ), $pickup_end_datetime )
    			: new DatePeriod( $pickup_open_datetime, ( new DateInterval( 'PT' . $minutes_interval . 'M' ) ), $pickup_end_datetime );

    And this is the correct code:

    $pickup_dateperiod = ( $pickup_start_datetime->getTimestamp() >= $pickup_open_datetime->getTimestamp() && $first_interval )
    			? new DatePeriod( $pickup_start_datetime, ( new DateInterval( 'PT' . $minutes_interval . 'M' ) ), $pickup_end_datetime )
    			: new DatePeriod( $pickup_open_datetime, ( new DateInterval( 'PT' . $minutes_interval . 'M' ) ), $pickup_end_datetime );
    Thread Starter cantbutron


    obviously to test the plugin I deleted my code and made a clean install.

    It is important to place the order after the opening time, for example, at 10:05. In this case and with the configuration below, all days show from 11:00 to 22:00, instead of showing the first from 11:00 to 22:00 and the rest from 9:00 to 22:00

    These are my settings:
    PHP Version – 5.6.36
    WordPress Version – 5.1.1
    WooCommerce Version – 3.5.7
    WordPress Timezone Setting – UTC+2 Madrid
    WordPress Date Format Setting – j F, Y
    WordPress Time Format Setting – H:i
    All Plugin Start/End Pickup Time Settings – Monday-Friday | 9:00 to 22:00, Weekends | –:– Unselected
    Plugin Pickup Time Interval Setting – 1 hour
    Plugin Pickup Time Delay Setting – 24 hours
    Plugin Pickup Time Open Days Ahead Setting – 10 days

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    That’s what the client asked me and it’s not my problem :). I suppose they will have several delivery people or something similar. All he wants is to have a record of the approximate delivery time (+- 1h)

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    It’s true, I can use translation.

    The delay issue is resolved but now you have a new issue/s. This delay is used for all days and not for the next day only and the Open Days Ahead skips all holidays or closed days (Maybe this is intentional, but I think it would be advisable to give the option to skip the holidays or not).

    Settings: Delay 24h, Open Days Ahead 10 days, Start and end time for all days 9:00 to 22:00 and closed weekends.

    If I make an order on April 8, 2019 at 11:05, the select list must shows from 12:00 to 23:00 for tomorrow and from 9:00 to 23:00 for the rest of days. Instead it shows every day from 12:00 to 23:00.

    In relation to the days shown, in my case it should end on day 17 (without skipping weekends) instead of day 19 (skipping weekends).

    I hope this help you.

    Thread Starter cantbutron


    Hi guy,

    I’m overwriting your plugin to display a calendar for date and a select list for hours. I have done that and use the built-in wordpress datepicker. At the moment doesn’t use those values instead of your selection list values, because I’m doing it in my spare time.

    Another change that I plan to do is add text fields to customize the text that is displayed (labels, descriptions, etc), basically because in my case I’ll use it for delivery and not for pickup.

    If you are interested tell me, give me your email and I contact you privately.


    Thread Starter cantbutron


    Maybe you have changed the code, but in the current version that code is wrong. You are using the time interval to calculate the time delay. There is no additional logic or condition to modify the variable $delay_minutes.

    For that reason if I have selected a 2h interval and a 12h delay, only the next two hours are blocked instead of the 12 hours that it should be block.

    But also thanks for the clarification.

    Is it possible to grant those privileges to the role of plugin (Reservation Manager) so that the reservations manager can add exceptions on the days of the restaurant is full and prevent reservations from being made?

    I really appreciate the great support that this plugin has


    I have used the code that you have recommended and the captcha appears but it is not a required field and the form is sent without needing to mark “I am not a robot”.

    I am using the Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin. The instructions appear in the plugin support, but it seems like it is not part of the form and doesn’t validate it.

    I’ve tested it directly with the Google API and the same thing happens.

    I need some help
    thank you,

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