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  • Thread Starter CaptainsLog


    without functionality, the posting of it here is the same as spam.

    and who wants to do business with spammers? who can trust spammers?

    i don’t do either.

    I for one am sick of hearing about W3TC being so good. I have never found it to work well, and I’ve tried. It requires specific Apache mods that you the plugin itself can’t tell you if they are active or not. More times than not, it takes too much time to setup and often it ends up slowing down my sites, rather than speeding them up. Yeah, I’m probably not setting it up correctly, but here’s the thing, it is hard to setup correctly. That’s why they have an option to charge for getting it setup. They’ve been out for so long, and they haven’t figured out a way to make it easier to get it setup properly.

    So, when I took a slight chance and activated Falcon to see what it did. Simple. Performance was blazing. BLAZING. W3TC NEVER did that for any site, even after hours and hours of trying to configure it and trying to get some basic support. NEVER.

    THANK YOU! for making Falcon available.

    Finally something simple, easy and effective.

    Complexity for complexity sake seems important and brainy, but I don’t need to impress myself with tweaking for tweaking sake. Right now I think Falcon is the best thing out there.

    And as far as complexity for complexity sake, go try BulletProof Security. And if you really want to sink yourself, try BulletProof Pro. What a joke. That’s another one that you need to pay to have configured.



    Thanks. turning off the opengraph defaulted check box in yoast allows the pretty links to work again.

    anyone figure out how to get pretty links not to work on h1, h2 . . .



    I have a normal blog and installed prettylink pro and then activated Yoast seo, and the pretty link pro keyword repalcements don’t work. Turn off yoast and they work.

    what is the fix, is this a known error?

    Thread Starter CaptainsLog


    Well, this was a free theme in the repository. Free here with limited functionality. If I could give the free version 0 stars I would. I’m
    not looking for support. There is a rating function for the free themes here.

    Developers use the free distributed option here to gain a commercial traction on their paid for versions. I’m reporting that the PageLines developers are not to be trusted with their free or paid for versions. They simply drop the development.

    So they are at it again. This if the 4th time they are using the WP Repository to put out a limited version of a commercial theme.

    What I’m saying is be wary of their free version, and don’t buy into the commercial version as they will drop it with out support.

    Users of WP need to be aware of the ‘upgrade’ path and how developers have acted in the past before they decide to upgrade and do business with the PageLines folks.

    Thread Starter CaptainsLog


    Thank you.

    I now understand that my setup has Apache and NGNIX.

    Ngnix is fast on its own. But your plugins allow for some additional optimization like gzip and minimization.

    Would your program be of use this particular setup?


    who is this, the developer? how is this your money maker. It doesn’t even work.

    But I too would love a way to get the data into charts somehow.


    I love tablepress. Thank you. I donated as well.

    the problem with Table2Chart is that it is VERY expensive if your site is commercial. Runs on highcharts js which is like $590.00 if you own more than one site. WOW.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Hyper Cache] can't logout

    because it is NOT resolved. Not here on an old thread. Not on any thread I can find. By posting on a new thread it just covers up the problem that wordpess is NOT addressing consistently over time. So I post it here on a relevant thread to say that WordPress is not addressing the issue.

    otherwise it seems like you all want to hide the issue?

    and why object where i post the issue and not try to address the issue?

    the issue is the issue, where i post it is not the issue. so here are two extra posts that never needed to be written . . . a waste of time and resources.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Hyper Cache] can't logout

    can’t logout either. updated all WP files. Deactivate all plugins. Using 2012 theme. It takes a dozen or more repeated attempts for the logout to take.

    I see this issue reported in many places here on WordPress and yet no one has solved it. I don’t see a single post here where wordpress has actually addressed this issue head on.

    I get the same problem. Can’t log out.

    seems like a security issue to me.

    is there any resolution to this issue?

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