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  • Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @josflachs,

    are you also using a block based theme and have the same issue as @yahyahaled has mentioned? I just want to make sure the issue is the same for both of you?

    Do you maybe a have an example of a free block theme with an XML import file I could use to test and debug this issue?

    Thank you and have a nice day!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    In version 1.12.0, we’ve applied changes to the database structure to provide a better experience for our users:

    1. Support non-UTF characters like emojis (??????).
    2. Faster email logs search.

    These changes are automatically included for new installation.

    For existing users who are upgrading from earlier versions, you can easily run this upgrade by navigating to the plugin’s Settings page and clicking the Upgrade button.

    However, please be reminded that upgrading through the Settings page (as shown in the screenshot below) will delete all your existing email logs.

    The reason for this is because the process of altering the database table with existing logs takes more time and resources than most web hosting providers allow, so it might cause issues for some users, especially for those with lots of email logs.

    If you do not need the improvements mentioned above, you can ignore this Database Upgrade and keep using the plugin as is. You can also dismiss the upgrade banner in the Settings page and it will not show up anymore.

    This guide is for users who need the improvements mentioned above and also wish to preserve their email logs. That’s why this database upgrade has to be performed manually.

    Note: If you are having difficulties following this guide, please ask your web hosting support for help.

    Note: Before continuing with this guide, please create a backup of your database.

    Note: In this guide you will be editing our plugin’s DB table only. In our case the full DB table name is: wp_wpml_mails, but that might be different depending on the $table_prefix defined in your wp-config.php. By default it’s wp_, but please confirm and change wp_wpml_mails to {$table_prefix}_wpml_mails in all of the below SQL commands, if necessary. For example if your $table_prefix in wp-config.php is wpvs_, then you would use wpvs_wpml_mails instead of wp_wpml_mails in the SQL commands below.

    1. Access your site’s database. Most web hosting providers allow you to access your database via phpMyAdmin.

    2. Run this SQL command to add support for non-UTF characters like emojis.

    ALTER TABLE wp_wpml_mails
        MODIFY host VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT "0",
    MODIFY receiver VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT "0",
    MODIFY subject VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT "0",
    MODIFY message TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
    MODIFY headers TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
    MODIFY attachments VARCHAR(800) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT "0",
    MODIFY error VARCHAR(400) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci' NULL DEFAULT '',
    MODIFY plugin_version VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci' NOT NULL DEFAULT "0";

    (result example:

    3. Confirm that the SQL command above was successful, by checking the DB table’s “Collation” was changed. The collation should be utf8mb4_general_ci for all the modified table columns used in the above SQL command.


    4. Run this next SQL command to improve the performance of email log searching by message. This command can take a lot of time to execute, especially if you have a lot of email logs. It’s advisable to delete and lower the number of email logs (to about 100-500 email logs) in order to speed up this process.

    ALTER TABLE wp_wpml_mails ADD FULLTEXT INDEX idx_message (message);

    (result example:

    5. Confirm that the SQL command above was successful. Notice that “FULLTEXT | message” was added in the Indexes.


    6. And the last step is to go to the WP Mail Logging settings page and dismiss the “Database Upgrade” banner, by clicking on the X icon in the top right corner. Our plugin will do the rest.

    That’s it, you performed a manual DB upgrade and added support for non-UTF characters, like emojis and faster email log search, plus kept your email logs ??

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder



    navigation blocks probably rely on the menu ID, but when you are importing content, that ID can change (usually it does) and that’s why the menus are not assigned correctly. You could resolve that with custom code after the import has completed, maybe in this after import hook.

    You would have to edit the page where the navigation blocks are and update the block with the correct menu ID.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder



    you are on the right track ??

    I would suggest you to read our guide here and just recheck that all your parameters are correct.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @yodastudio,

    our plugin offers the theme demo import and also some predefined pages that each website needs, and which you can import manually (separately from the theme demo import).

    If you no longer need the importing features you can disable and delete the plugin.

    Have a nice day!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder



    the code looks OK, but you can remove the local_import_redux row, since you are not using it.

    Now just make sure the files are actually there, where you specified the path for. It looks like you are saying you want to configure this for a child theme, but get_template_directory will actually point to the parent theme, so I think that’s the issue.

    You should use instead.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi Arafat,

    thank you for sharing this with us.

    Have a nice day!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @gonowo,

    please contact your theme support, they will be able to help you out.

    This is the plugin support, and we are just the tool, which takes the files from the theme and imports them. Your issue looks like an issue with the import files.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @kazirafeq,

    it looks like you didn’t specify the import files correctly. I would suggest reading our doc page on how to do that. Or if you want to set it up with local import files (not fetched from a server), check this documentation page.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @dadeji,

    thank you for providing more information. None of the warnings from above could cause the issues you are experiencing.

    Since the error is a “503 error”, I think your server runs out of memory or is blocked by some other resource being exhausted. I would suggest checking your server resources, more info can be found on our Import issues docs page.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @mondendev ,

    thank you for your feedback. We will consider it for our future plugin updates and try to improve this use case.

    Thank you and have a nice day!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi Arafat,

    if some pages are importing correctly, then it’s usually an issue with the other pages’ content,, which causes a problem and is not importing correctly.

    Also, make sure you have all required plugins installed, maybe the missing content is due to some blocks/shortcodes not being available?

    There is a general import log file, which is added to the WP Media page after each import, but it will not show details about sections inside a specific page.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @dadeji,

    I would say that it’s a server related issue, because it can’t process the import, due to some server limitation. We would just need to know what the limitation is.

    I would first advise you to enable WP debugging mode (read how to enable it here), try the import again and see if any WP errors are present in your WP Debug log file.

    When the error happens, is any of the content imported? Post, Page, Images, …?

    What happens if you try import the demo content a few times, one after the other, when it fails. It will continue from the previous items, if you run it again after it fails (in the span of 5 minutes). So please try to run it 3-5 times and let me know if it will finish in all those tries.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @gonowo,

    since this is a custom DB table, you would have to write custom code to create and then import your data…

    You can use our “after import” hook for this. More info here. But you will have to write the custom code to perform the import yourself.

    Take care!

    Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @gonowo,

    could you please be more specific and let us know which tables you are referring to? Maybe share a screenshot?

    If you are referring to content table styles, those have to be part of your theme or a plugin, so you can import content with those custom styles.

    Take care!

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