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  • Yes, the code that prevents the site from loading correctly is in a code snippet.

    I tried the latest version, 2.9.4 just now and nothing has changed. The site continues to load until it trips over some function that is in a snippet and loads without it or stops.

    I enabled debugging in wp-config to see what was up, but no errors were shown.

    I’ve rolled back to 2.8.4 again.

    All snippets. (Including one-liners like: add_filter( 'the_generator', '__return_null' ); ??)

    I also had this problem with 2.9.1 and 2.92 AND dialed the plugin back to 2.8.6 via a backup.

    My site would partially load and when I commented out the functions that were dependent on snippets from the plugin, the site would load normally. I was unable to get either release to work properly. I tried the usual suspects first: enable/disable plugin; reinstall; clean install; rewriting the snippets; checking the code for errors; etc.

    The problem is that with these updates Code Snippets does not load the snippets for whatever reason — the code is simply not there … which is why commenting out the dependent functions fixed it.

    Usually when this kind of thing happens, I compare the code changes and find a work around, but with the number of snippets used and current time constraints it was much, much easier just to rollback to 2.8.6.

    My site is a multisite install …

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by careb. Reason: grammar
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by careb. Reason: grammar again

    I’ve got this issue as well, but I’m too impatient to wait for the developer to come up with a solution, so I went digging.

    1. Buddypress 2.9.0 does a deep overhaul of the bp-core-avatars.php
    2. BuddyPress First Letter Avatar seems to be affected by the code changes

    After a bit of experimentation, I was able to restore the normal functionality to my site by commenting out:

    add_filter('get_avatar', array($this, 'set_comment_avatar'), $this->filter_priority, 6); on line 139 of the buddypress-first-letter-avatar.php file

    This line is commented as:

    // this will only be used for anonymous WordPress comments (from non-users

    My site does not allow anonymous comments, so there are no ill effects that I can see. YMMV

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by careb.
    Thread Starter careb


    Sorry for the delayed response, yes, it has been resolved. Thank you.

    Thread Starter careb


    btw, if it’s possible, being your support page, can you edit my comment with the shortcode to remove the hyperlink? Maybe replace it with “”? ??

    (That was an oversight and what I get for replying with other things on my plate.)

    Thread Starter careb


    Yup, I want to add the files to Media, in username directories.

    All the media files are in the customized directory and show up in Media, in the Library, but not the uploads with the shortcode above.

    If I take the medialink attribute out, then uploads work and go into username subdirectories, but don’t show up in Media at all …

    If I put the medialink attribute back in, then uploads still work and they go into Media, but no subdirectories …

    Thread Starter careb


    Hi Dan,

    I appreciate the response and the code, but I’ve already solved the problem by uninstalling the plugin and then deleting the leftover entries in the database. Without that last step, the plugin wouldn’t work correctly whenever I deactivated, deleted, and redownloaded it.

    There was definitely some kind of corruption with the entry in the database, and thankfully it was limited to this one plugin.

    I’ve saved your pastern code so if this happens again, I will try it. But I hope this was just caused by an update not fully taking.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter careb


    same here, re: delay ??

    anyway, the shortcode:

    [wordpress_file_upload singlebutton="true" uploadpath="/sites/%blogid%/%username%" uploadrole="coordinator,teacher" maxsize="10" createpath="true" showtargetfolder="true" dublicatespolicy="maintain both" uniquepattern="datetimestamp" redirectlink="" adminmessages="true" forceclassic="true" debugmode="true" placements="subfolders+filename+selectbutton/progressbar/message" uploadtitle="" waitmessage="File %filename% is being uploaded to %filepath%" widths="filename:99%" medialink="true"]

    Thread Starter careb


    One more update; debugging is on (stuck that way) and the log file is throwing an error:

    Attempted to save invalid options.
        [gallery] => Array
                [columns] => 4
                [order] => ASC
                [orderby] => date
                [relation] => OR
                [limit] => -1
                [mime_types] => video,text,audio,image
                [post_status] => publish
                [post_type] => attachment
                [new_window] =>
                [fancy] =>
                [attachment_pg] =>
                [descriptions] =>
        [css] => Array
                [text] =>
        [thumber] => Array
                [gs] => /usr/bin/gs
                [thumbs] => Array
                [timeout] => 30
                [width] => 50
                [height] => 50
        [validation] => 1
        [logging] => Array
                [enabled] => 1
                [purge_interval] => 7
        [meta] => Array
                [version] => 3.3.1
                [donate_link] =>¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
    Thread Starter careb


    Okay, I’ve got it working now with [dg id=-1] and the MIME type seems to have to include “application”.

    This is a multisite install and all the blogs are working except the main site, which is still giving me a blank page. When I go to the settings to fix this, the settings page won’t save any changes I make. I’ve tried two user accounts and two different browsers to eliminate a cache issue. No dice.

    This was not stuck while I was changing settings trying to sort the first issue … I would rather not go through the hassle of deleting and reinstalling the plugin if possible.

    I’ve been using P2 on an internal multisite for almost a year.

    essential plugins:

    • P2 by email or BuddyPress to handle notifications—currently using both, with P2 by Email handling the main site and some others, but BuddyPress doing the other sites. P2 by Email doesn’t work the way i need it to, and BuddyPress was tapped, but I’ve not been able to solve this bug with it, so i use both with some changes to the mentions code in P2. Most of my users need to get an email on post for some sites, but not all of them. P2 by Email doesn’t allow for this kind of fine tuning. I use Subscribe2 (version 9.4, later versions aren’t as good) to handle this functionality this way everyone who is supposed to get the post will get it in their inbox, but the discussion can be left to only those interested and they can use @user which will evoke either P2 by Email or BuddyPress to send those comment emails. There are plugins for comment emails, but I haven’t been able to get any of them to work consistently across my network with wasting a lot of time.
    • Who’s Online (code tweaked)
    • P2 Resolved Posts
    • P2 New Post Categories (code tweaked to make the layout easier to control with CSS)
    • Google Doc Embedder
    • Comment Attachement
    • Simple Text Replace – this allows a single phrase to be used when typing a post on either the front end or the back end which will be replaced in the database by whatever you want. It’s only used to swap a single word out for @mention every user in the system because P2 lacks an @all function.

    some other important details:

    I tried User Access Manager, Advanced Access Manager, Members, Roles, and everything else I could lay my hands on. The best set up is to put this code in your functions.php:

    function private_wp() { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { auth_redirect(); } }
    add_action('get_header', 'private_wp');

    If a user isn’t logged in, they’ll be kicked back to the login page.

    Fine turning what each user can do and see on my network was handled by User Role Editor, then User Role Editor Pro. The reason for going pro was cost versus time: it was taking forever to set permissions per user across the network, but with the pro version, I can apply those changes and many others in a single click. This plugin saves me massive hours and $29 a year made that very worth it.

    Markdown for P2 never quite worked right and most of my users aren’t technical or web savvy enough to learn Markdown or be interested in using it. I was able to get Basic Comment Quicktags to work for the comments and for the front end post box by tweaking the code. This gives my users: bold, italic, insert link, and quote.

    On the sidebar:

    Since I’m using multisite and BuddyPress, most of my sidebar is probably not for you, but here it goes:

    1. BuddyPress Notifications Widget – displays private message headers (if any) in addition to BuddyPress’s functionality in the upper right hand corner of a site on the Toolbar
    2. BuddyPress’s login widget – displays the user’s avatar with a log out link
    3. Buddypress Sitewide activity widget – displays recent posts and comments from the entire network
    4. BuddyPress Groups widget
    5. Calendar
    6. Pages
    7. Who’s Online

    For almost all of the other sites on the network, the sidebar looks like this:

    1. Links to BuddyPress Groups – some sites on the network have interior discussion groups
    3. Posts
    4. Calendar
    5. Tag Cloud
    6. Pages
    7. Archives
    8. Categories
    9. Subscribe2 link
    Thread Starter careb


    and totally a dummy mistake.

    under the php date section i had inadvertently put a ‘t’ instead of a ‘d’ for month.

    for anyone who doesn’t know: ‘t’ = the number of days in a month whereas ‘d’ = day of the month (with leading zero).

    hopefully not much time was wasted trying to sort this one.

    GCE is working fine now.

    Thread Starter careb



    more investigation reveals that the dates are all being pushed to the end of the month which the events are in.

    for example:
    if an event is on the Google Calendar in November, it shows on the blog as 11/30 no matter what the actual date is.


    showing events for next week in November:

    showing an event on December 22:

    what the GCE plugin generates on my site:

    Thread Starter careb


    I will, when it gets pushed to my server via WordPress.

    I already added the fix you posted for MarcinwwwPL, which solved it.

    Thanks for the fast response!

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