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  • Happy to be of service!


    You will need to go to the Customizer’s Additional CSS tab add the following code:

    `.site-header-cart .widget_shopping_cart {
    color: #000; }`

    Remember to click the Publish button before closing the Customizer.


    I’ve just checked the website and it looks like you’ve already fixed this?

    Ola, este é o fórum em inglês. Vou responder em ingles porque non falo portuguese.

    As you mention in your post the date shown is the current time. This is porbably done with a javascript function from the Theme or Plugin you are using to display that section of the page.

    The WordPress function to display the date a post was published is get_the_date(). You can find out more about it here:

    Hello there,

    What do you mean by weird? Can you give more detail of what it looks like and what should it look like instead?



    I don’t know if it’s done differently in Divi, but normally you first upload the video onto the Media Library and then insert it in the post or page the same way as you insert an image.

    Does the video work OK on your computer? You could do a test with a different video, even if it’s just to double check that is not the problem.

    Also, can you give more detail about what happens, please? It would be useful to have more information like:

    * Does the video upload onto the Media Library OK?
    * Do you get an error message in the screen? If you do, when does the error appear?
    * Are you able to insert the video onto the page/post?
    * What can you see on the Editor page after inserting it? How does it show in the front end?



    You can insert a video on a page the same way that you insert an image but only if the video is small.

    I think the size of the video you can upload depends on your hosting provider but, it is normally between 3 and 8 Mb in size.

    The first video in the page you mention is an embed from Youtube but the second one is much smaller (only 1 Mb) and runs on auto-loop from the website itself.

    Hope this helps.

    Hi there, could you include a link to your website?

    It’ll help to us help you if we can see the problem.



    This seems to happen only every two products, is that right? It looks like the problem is in the Theme’s media queries.

    To fix it, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and add the following code in the box:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
       .woocommerce ul.products[class*=columns-] li.product, 
       .woocommerce-page ul.products[class*=columns-] li.product {

    Remember to click the Publish button before exiting the screen.

    Hope it helps.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Carme Mias.

    Hello there,

    Yes, it is possible to try out Gutenberg before installing it on your own website. There are a couple of sites that allow you to do that. Here are the links:

    When WordPress 5.0 comes out, Gutenberg will be the default editor and you will need to install the Classic Editor plugin in order to not use Gutenberg.

    Hope this helps!

    Hello there,

    The text color box has not been removed from the classic editor and Gutenberg also gives you the option to change the color of the text.

    Could you give more information about the task you are trying to do? Thanks.

    Hello Britt,

    I’ve seen that you’ve decided to remove the logo, in the end… In case you wish to explore the option above, here are the instructions.

    Yes, you could do so by adding some padding at the top of the menu list with this code:

    `.header-left-col .main-navigation ul:not(.sub-menu):not(.children) {
    padding-top: 30px;

    (where 30 is just an example number)

    and to increase the size of the font you would add:

    `.main-navigation ul:not(.sub-menu):not(.children) > li {
    font-size: 1rem;

    Where 1 is an example number. The current setting is 0.8125rem

    rem is a relative unit meaning take whatever is the default size for the whole document and multiply it by this number. So the menu font size is currently 0.8125 times smaller than the default font size.

    After this, you’d need to check that the menu still looks good in smaller screens. And, if necessary, add extra changes to make sure it does. All websites must now be able to adapt to mobile, tablet and wide screens, and the size and position of all elements normally vary depending on the size of the screen…

    If you wish to learn how to make small styling changes to your website, here’s a Google mini-workshop that explains it quite well:


    Which text do you need to change?

    The checkout page is created automatically when WooCommerce is installed. Some of its content can be changed in the same way as all other pages, by clicking on its name in the list in Pages > All Pages.

    But if the content you need to change has been added by WooCommerce, depending what it is, it may either need to be customized either from WooCommerce itself or with some coding.

    Do you have a link to the website?


    The white space under the menu is due to the logo dimensions. In order to reduce the space allocated to the menu, you will need to reduce the height of the space allocated to the logo.

    At the moment, your theme sets a maximum width of 380px and the logo height in pixels is calculated automatically, in proportion of the original image.

    If you want to reduce that, you will need to go to Customize > Addicional CSS and add this code:

    `#masthead .custom-logo {
    max-width: 150px;

    Where the number 150 is just an example of a value you could try.

    Please notice though that the logo will be smaller as a consequence, so you may have to compromise how much space you remove from below the menu.


    If you can’t login to the Dashboard, the site url can be changed directly from the database.

    If your hosting provider has given you a Control Panel login, it may include a tool to access the MySQL database. It would be PHPmyAdmin or something similar.

    From there, you would connect to your website’s database and go to the wp_options table. The entries you would need to change are siteurl and home

    If you don’t see PHPmyAdmin or don’t feel comfortable doing the change yourself, you should contact the Support Desk of your hosting provider and they should be able to change it for you.

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