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  • Thread Starter carolm


    Wow! That was fast! If only Google was so responsive…. ?? In fact I just reinstalled Jetpack again as a new Plugin to see what would happened – and everything worked!

    I don’t know what happened to it before, but it’s back – and as good as ever. Thanks.

    Alright wpmember, now I have the Light version it is ok, but why keep changing the design when the old one was fine? Old is not always bad – e.g. me for example ??

    It’s not just wordpress, in my neck of the woods it’s mainly banks – every couple of months they ‘improve’ their design and it is never ‘better’ it’s only different and usually worse.

    I appreciate the work that goes into it, but why? It must cost money. Improving security is great, and giving people choice is a bonus, especially if you use the dreaded white text on black background – or grey text on black background is even worse.

    I could be biased (of course) but the main design goal should be that you can read it, and that is easy to navigate and use. Bright colors are distracting, and flashy gizmos are un-necessary – again that is just my view. Keeping it simple is always good.

    I do love wordpress though – no doubt about that! ??

    OK I went to My User Profile and you have a ‘light’ version – it will do.

    I still prefer the old design.

    Why is it that websites and companies think they have to keep changing everything. Why? Is it because you employ designers who get paid and need something to justify their wages. If something works well, why change it, especially when it must cost you millions – all wasted and all unnecessary.

    Or maybe it’s your marketers or sales team who have to keep coming up with new ideas to justify their employment?

    I hate the new Contrast on the left sidebar. I cannot read it – it’s always hard to see white text on black background if you wear glasses or have eyes that are older that 40 years.

    How many of your designers have eyes older than 40 years??

    How can I get a light background with black text on my left side menu so I can read it??

    Thread Starter carolm


    Oops! You are right! I have the wp-stats-Dashboard plugin installed not your wp-statstics – sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for introducing me to your plugin!

    Thread Starter carolm


    In the WPSD Plugin Settings there is a long list of websites with their Icon, a text box, with a question mark and a link icon on the right.

    If my mouse hovers over the question mark, the plugin ‘searches’, and then a drop-down menu appears telling me what to add in the text box,(e.g Company name) but also for most sites, ‘Registration Required’ eg Linkedin, Feedburner etc.

    Registration with who? Where? With the plugin? With the site I’m trying to connect to?

    I just installed it on a wp 3.5.1 and it didn’t work. It didn’t break anything, but didn’t compress.

    Thread Starter carolm


    Yes I did that but wasn’t sure about badges. Thanks.

    Thread Starter carolm


    Hi Slobodan, I don’t want to use Socialize buttons inside Fanciest Author Box.

    I want to be able to add the code for Twitter and Google Plus BADGES inside the Author Box.

    I can get the code from Google plus and Twitter for the BADGEs which has the ‘Follow Me’ and ‘Add to Circles’ options that Socialize doesn’t have.

    Could I add those badge codes into the Fanciest Author Box on the page? And is that the paid or free version?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Nofollowr plugin is great
    Thread Starter carolm


    Hi Joel, no worries! I understand that it can seem difficult to see the wood for the trees when running a blog. It’s eyes down, and too busy, and then you find an email you missed. I’m sure we all do it.

    Luckily there are always plenty of new things to learn/fix/write about. I don’t think any blogger is sitting around and twiddling their thumbs, wondering what to do next and remembering messages we sent weeks ago.

    Thread Starter carolm


    I never found one Shubham. If you want to take it up with or with Jetpack itself, they might be able to help.

    I thought I had posted a comment here a couple of hours ago but it’s not here now….so I’ll say it again.

    This upgraded version of the Plugin DOES work. I’ve been checking my Spam Free Stats and this plugin is still blocking the Evil Spam Doers at the front door. The numbers blocked are still going up, and I have not been hit with a flood of Spam Comments either.

    That is my experience anyway. I wrote a couple of articles about how I set up my Comments Settings and Plugin Settings to encourage Comments but block spammers here:

    Thanks Todd.

    Thread Starter carolm


    If anyone here is still trying to sort out their Comment Reply Notifications, I have just sorted out all my Comment-related Plugins and Dashboard settings, and Anti Spam Plugins so everything works together with no spam and no plugin cross interference (the settings of one plugin or Discussion Setting aren’t blocking the other ones from working).

    There are 3 articles that I needed to untangle these issues: Here is a link to the first one:

    After that, just follow your nose!

    PS the third article will be live in about 1 hour from now.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Nofollowr plugin is great
    Thread Starter carolm


    I’ve been trying to send a thank you email to Joel for this great plugin but he’s a hard bloke to track down. So I’ll do it here: I have included this plugin in my Review of Must Have Plugins at

    It worked brilliantly from Day 1, I use it everyday…and it still makes me smile when I see those little green ticks and little red dots. It’s still super cooool, Joel. Thanks.

    Thanks for checking it out, Todd. I must admit, that even though you say it is working in the background, I feel safer if i can see the copy/paste option when I write a test Comment. But, if you say it is working ok, then I will trust you.

    I did go to your Support Forum – the text there was so pale, plus the Private Forum Title at the top, it made me think I didn’t have access there, even though I was logged in.

    In fact, I now see that I did have access there, after all, and access was not ‘greyed out’. So sorry I didn’t post my question over there.

    Thanks again.

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