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  • Thread Starter cassady


    I am still very confused. My Firefox web developer plugin shows the right image dimensions, still the image on the left is continually being resized to different dimensions.

    I contacted the developer of the plugin about this a few days ago but unfortunaltely I didn’t get a reply yet.

    Thread Starter cassady


    Yosemite are you saying you see the right size pic in FF?
    I tried dimensions. The plugin actually gives you the option to enter dimensions:

    Thread Starter cassady


    thanks for your help Otto42

    Thread Starter cassady


    Now this is confusing, my theme doesn’t have a functions.php…

    Thread Starter cassady


    That would be this part:

      <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&title_li=’ ); ?>

    But that’s all I know, I am a complete n00b at this. Can you tell me how and where to put the .: in this color ff7800

    thanks a million

    I actually tested the beta version and it looked well. There were some minor things I couldn’t get to work. I gave them some feedback but I am not sure when they will be able to release a final version. I am in a bit of a rush though ??


    any news on the addendum? I am really interested!!



    Okay I understand that part. But then I want to use my blog as well. these are Denis’ intructions:

    FAQ: I want a static front page and a normal blog

    1. Use the static front page plugin normally
    2. Create a category called ‘Blog’, make it the default category, and put every post in it
    3. Link to the ‘Blog’ category in your navigation menu.

    I am using the blix theme and I have no idea how I should do step 3. I am a php newbie and this is driving me bananas.

    this is the navigation code from the header:

    <!– navigation …………………………… –>
    <div id=”navigation”>

    <form action=”<?php echo $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]; ?>” method=”get”>
    <input value=”<?php echo wp_specialchars($s, 1); ?>” name=”s” id=”s” />
    <input type=”submit” value=”Go!” id=”searchbutton” name=”searchbutton” />

      <li<?php if (is_home()) echo ” class=\”selected\””; ?>>“>Home
      $pages = BX_get_pages();
      if ($pages) {
      foreach ($pages as $page) {
      $page_id = $page->ID;
      $page_title = $page->post_title;
      $page_name = $page->post_name;
      if ($page_name == “archives”) {
      (is_page($page_id) || is_archive() || is_search() || is_single())?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>Archives\n”;
      elseif($page_name == “about”) {
      (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>About\n”;
      elseif ($page_name == “contact”) {
      (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>Contact\n”;
      elseif ($page_name == “about_short”) {/*ignore*/}
      else {
      (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>$page_title\n”;

    </div><!– /navigation –>

    Now I have two navigation buttons called HOME in my nav bar ??

    Thread Starter cassady


    Okay so far so good, I made a static page. I do have a bit of trouble making it look like a default page without the right sidebar. I suppose it has got something to do with:

    <div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”>

    But I am not sure how I should change that.

    More importently though I would also like to see this static page in my navigation bar. On the left side if possible but any place will do (however if the static page would be on the left side, the news/blog button would have to be moved to the right). Also the hyperlinked blog name in the banner should point to the static page, in this case the root directory. No idea how to accomplish that though ?? I am sorry if I am being a pain in the ass but I am just very very new to this php stuff. I am eager to learn though ??

    Thread Starter cassady


    Thanks, I will look into it further when I get back home. I appreciate your replies.

    Thread Starter cassady


    Thanks I just tried the static front page, but I am not sure if this will work for me. I understand you can still use a normal blog when using the static page but you will have to follow this procedure:

    FAQ: I want a static front page and a normal blog
    1. Use the static front page plugin normally
    2. Create a category called ‘Blog’, make it the default category, and put every post in it
    3. Link to the ‘Blog’ category in your navigation menu

    When I use static frontpage the page has an empty right sidebar. I would like the page to look like the default template (about page for instance). So I would have to do something about that as well. I was hoping there was some other way I could make this work. I basicaly want my introduction page at and my blog at (while still having the entire thing powered bu WP). It sounds really easy, but…. ?? I will keep you informed…

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