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There is a plugin that makes S2M and MC integrated bidirectionally. This allows you to use the MC form on your site and have those subscribers added to your s2M members list. Since I know you can have a checkbox set in the MC form, you could consider that. I am not sure if you can do it from s2M though, so this might be an alternative.
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Did you check further down? In my dashboard, the password is below the Bibliographical info. Your image does not show below that.
Maybe you can create a Static page with the login info (maybe even a small pitch as to why they should register) and a redirect using some php code to another “main” page for anyone logged in? Something that might look like this:
<?php if(is_user_logged_in()) { ?><script type="text/javascript">window.location = '';</script><?php } else {?><?php } ?>
(I am not a programmer so maybe someone can come and give a better suggestion.
I had the same issue and Krum developed a plugin for that very purpose (paid). It is called KC S2M+MC
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Can you protect them by level and in the top right box when you have your post (in the dashboard), in the “Post Level Restriction?”
Oh I see. Unfortunately, I don’t know that one (I don’t even know how to get the feature image to appear in the first place, I just have it in the post!)
I have personally used Akismet but although it is good, it still let many “smart” bots through too. So I added Sweet Captcha plugin. It works fine and is cute too!
Yes, by using conditionals, it is very simple (even if the code can look scary). I am using something like this on my own site:
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level0)]<img alt="" src="your image for level0" /></a>[/s2If] [s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]<img alt="" src="your image for level1" /></a>[/s2If] [s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2)]<img alt="" src="your image for level2" /></a>[/s2If] [s2If current_user_is(s2member_level3)]<img alt="" src="your image for level3" /></a>[/s2If] and so on
Since the user can only have ONE level, they will always fall into one of the categories you list (making sure you do list all the levels you are using).
On my site, I use a black and white image of a course they do not have access to, but linked to the sales page, and a colored image if they have access to, linked to the course page (a nice way to advertise what you have to sell!)
First, one member cannot be both at level 1 and level 2, so you would have a problem allowing both parts to the same member. Instead of using levels you can use custom capabilities and conditionals, so you can have one purchase button that will include the ccap “Part1”, one will include “Part2” and one will include “Part1,Part2” in the ccaps.
Then, in displaying the content, you would go with something like this:
[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_Part1)] Display Part1 content [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_Part2)] Display Part2 content [/s2If]
So, in this case, if a member has only Part1 access, only Part1 will be displayed. If they have Part1 and Part2, both will display. And if a member has only Part2 (if you have that option available) only Part2 content will be displayed.
Maybe that would work?
I have heard of something like that but it is a third party product developed initially for a company (so it is a BIG product). You might want to still have a look at it and contact the programmer if you need more information. sure if it is exactly what you need, but worth checking.
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If you are using Krum’s hack, you can use the conditional to make content disappear. Check the other thread.
This is not a feature integrated with s2Member per say, but there is a small third party hack you can purchase (sorry, it is not free), that can do exactly that:
(this is an affiliate link for tracking purposes; I am not getting any compensation for it)That hack allows you to drip content based on the purchase date, and not the registration date (which might differ). Also, you CAN drip multiple classes simultaneously, even if they didn’t start at the same time, or have the same dripping schedule (although you can only have one recurring payment). I am using that hack and I can code something like this:
[s2If kc_drip_element(17_weeks) AND !kc_drip_element(18_weeks)] Show content for week 17 [/s2If]
In my case, it will display the content for one week only, but you can use the time period you choose.
Do you mean on top of the header? That is an Easy Hook inserted through my Headway Theme. It is not specifically added from s2M.
Here is just an example from my site: is definitely not the only way to have one.
If I am not mistaken, you just have to edit the code for the button and replace the “7” by “30”.