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I used Krum’s plugin and used that exact same setting where people had to wait at Week 12 or Week 20 before being able to access some content. I didn’t have it say “you need to wait 2 more weeks” or such, as i just said “This content will be available at week 12” instead. But it is working fine.
Try contacting Krum. He has done lots of synchronisation work with s2Member. He might very well be able to create something for you.
His username is krumch in here.Good luck.
Thebert, there is a free plugin called KC MC+S2m that will synchronize between Mailchimp and s2Member.
Check it here: might solve your problem is s2M wants to play picky with that many members imported at once?
I think that using ccaps would be the simplest solution, and much more flexible.
OK, that works. I’ll just hope my regular users are now safe to come and go without issues.
Ok i did that. Now, could you just clarify what i am supposed to see (or not see) once it is set in that manner to determine that it will be doing what it is supposed to do, and not annoy the regular legit users?
Yes, i am using CloudFlare, so how can i get around this?
Did you look at the Button Code Generator For Subscription Modifications?
Maybe that is what you need?However, i can think of a little workaround. There is a third party plugin called KC S2M+MC which synchronizes s2M and MailChimp (sorry, if you are not using MailChimp then, it would not work).
That plugin allows you to import various information from s2Member to merge fields in MC, and you could set it to import the EOT, and then, with some simple automation, you can send a reminder through MailChimp based on that EOT date.
Of course, that would only work for recurring membership where there is actually an EOT, but otherwise, you could import a date when a product is purchased.
I am not 100% sure of this since i never used that, but maybe worth looking into. Maybe Krum could clarify if this is possible.
I don’t, but if i did, i could see 2 ways to do it: the simple and the not-as-simple.
The Simple:
Use one ccap called something like “ALL”, and add that ccap in the conditional for each individual piece of content. Then, have a button where someone can purchase “all the products” and be given that specific ccap. If you do it as you add products, it is very simple. A little more tedious if you already have 20, 50 or 100 products!
[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_CourseA) OR current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_ALL)]This way, the Course A will be available to someone who has the specific ccap for CourseA, or anyone who has the all-inclusive access with the ALL ccap.
The not-as-simple:
You can have a button where someone would buy each individual products, like “courseA”, “courseB”, “Lab1”, “Lab2”, etc.
[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_CourseA) AND current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_CourseB) AND current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_Lab1) AND current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_Lab2)]The problem there is that (1) it means a lot of ccaps to add, and if you add a new product that you want to include in the “all inclusive”, then you have to change the ccap to all the members… THAT can be a chore.
I am using something similar to the simple method but more as with a magazine like subscription: you can pay the subscription and get the content starting TODAY, and for months to come OR you could have bought just that ONE issue, so that issue is available if you have the “all” ccap, or the “Oct2015” ccap (something similar).
Hope this helps.
I am doing exactly that on my site. I don’t use levels, but only ccaps.
I have over 50 standalone courses and one membership so here is how i do it.
For course A, the ccap might be CourseA, for course B, the ccap might be CourseB. When the visitor buys the course, you have a button where you identified the ccap either as CourseA or CourseB.
Then, on the page itself where you have the course (video, pdf, etc.), you place this shortcode on top:
[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_CourseA)]
Display the content of the course A
[s2If !current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_CourseA)]
You can have a message that they might not be logged in, or can purchase it and you post the button for purchasing.
[/s2If]I only use Levels to differenciate between the free subscriber and the paying one, but since everything has a ccap (membership or standalone courses), everything is using ccaps like that.
Using the restriction box on the top right is more global and less flexible in my opinion.
Here is one example of a page like that on my site:
The modules are restricted to those with the correct ccap: if you don’t have it, you are prompted to get it.In s2Member, under API/List Server, there is a possibility to code something for other mailing list providers, but it is not out-of-the-box.
Right now, there is also a third-party plugin that does BIDIRECTIONAL integration of s2M and MC, and the developer is currently working on a similar integration for Active Campaign, so maybe he could also help you? Check him here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Top 10 - WordPress Popular posts by WebberZone] Showing only one postI had the daily tracking disabled (as i thought it meant it would generate a list of the top 10 for each day, and having not enough traffic, i thought it didn’t make sense).
So i enabled the Daily tracking in the settings AND the Overall in the widget and it works now.
I knew it had to be a wrong setting only.
Oh right… only with the pro form.
I am using Headway Theme, so i don’t know if it could matter (i am not much of a programmer, which is why i use that theme!), but here is the code i am using:
<div id="loginAtTop"> [s2If is_user_logged_in()] <span style="font-size:10pt;">Welcome [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_DISPLAY_NAME" /] / <a href="/my-account/">My Account</a> / <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(home_url()); ?>" title="Log out">Log out</a></span> [/s2If] [s2If !is_user_logged_in()] <span style="font-size:10pt;"> <a href="<?php echo wp_login_url( get_permalink() ); ?>" title="Login">Login</a> </span> <span style="font-size:10pt;"> <a href="">Register</a> </span> [/s2If]
So i am not 100% sure where you would put that code for your particular site or theme, but if you can’t figure it out, you can ask Krumch (he posted just before me). He is my programmer!
Good luck.