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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Events and News errorI did, and they said it’s not from their end, also showing me a screenshot from the dashboard of another WP site they say is on the same server and using the same PHP version and which works. They also poked around for a while, pointing out that WP uses its own ca-bundle.crt for certificates and that the one from the version I’m using is outdated, but that they tried to update it, and also “force updated” cPanel, and nothing changed, so they don’t think there’s anything else they can do and their assumption is that the RSS feeds no longer work with WP 4.9, even if it still receives security updates.
I don’t have root access to the server to try anything myself (saw that there was a more detailed reply here earlier, but it seems to have vanished since then?).
So may that assumption that it no longer works with older WP versions, even if they have the latest security update applied, be correct? Can someone who stays on pre-Gutenberg WP say whether it works for them?
Actually you have been literally dealing with me for a few days in November last year. Last reply was Nov 26, then I dropped that old issue, and next message I sent was on May 7, when that update brought this other one, which the next made a whole lot worse. There was no contact in between and definitely no requests on either side to stop sending messages. Would have been odd, since there were none sent, you know?
And after May 7 there was no room for being repeatedly asked anything since there was no real exchange until I posted on another thread here. I sent one message, you sent one reply. In that reply, you said that ticket was closed and to send another ticket if there are other issues, which I did since technically there were other issues, as the problem sure seems to have the same cause but is definitely different from the one we talked about back in November. There was no reply to that, so no exchange and nobody saying stop contact on either side. The exchange started in that other thread you helpfully linked to above, and everyone can see how that went.In that video it also shows the issue on another site. Again, how does that fit with what you keep repeating? Seriously, just leave my site and the whole back end part aside for a moment. If it’s not WPSS, why does the same issue (talking just front end now) appear on another site using it?
And again, instead of spending hours not really helping, you could have said “hey, go to [url], it’s another WordPress blog that uses the same version of WPSS, but also the latest PHP and WP. Tell me if you still experience the issue.” Then we could have worked from that.
It is a good thing to have “discussions” like these in public, you know? Anyone can see what’s being said exactly and doesn’t have to go by people’s claims.
Did consider activating a site, with latest WordPress and default theme and no other plugins, to see what happened when I activated WPSS there, but guess there’s no point in bothering.
You are again repeating what you already said…
There were not “many errors” and none had anything to do with other plugins because there were zero other plugins even installed, not to mention active. Nope, not even the default ones were even there, deleted them, WPSS was the only plugin on my site. And there were precisely four notices, none having anything to do with it, as one mentioned a setting not being explicitly stated and WP (correctly) assuming the default and the other three referring to deprecated functions used by the theme. As I pointed out to you then, those notices appeared exactly the same whether WPSS was active or not, but the 24 second delay clearly visible between them only appeared when it was enabled. I can provide that original log again if needed as proof.
Those warnings have nothing to do with the issue. What does have to do with it is my IP/connection, as on another one the issue does not appear, nor does it appear for other people. Again, unable to do so now (but offered to try in a few days if possible and needed), but those months ago when the issue was just with the session cookie I literally went to someone where I could use a computer that had both a connection on the same ISP I use and a mobile one, switched connections and saw the issue appear when it used this ISP and disappear when not.
Also, in the video I tested another site using WPSS and showed the issue appearing there as well. If it is specific to my site, please explain that. Also asked if you want to point me to other sites you know use the latest version so I can test those as well, if you need that to work out the issue, but the response was that ban.
And yes, I do and will keep saying the problem appeared after an update because it did. But I guess I’d have needed a before and after video of that as well to prove it. Which wouldn’t have done anything because you’d still refuse to believe it anyway, judging by all of this.
And since you like quoting and repeating, can you please quote me being abusive? I honestly don’t recall saying anything I’d consider as such, but it is possible that I was a bit angrier than I thought, don’t have that message so can’t check now. Do apologize if that was the case and anything went past simply being frustrated and feeling talked down to.
And I do take issue with sending evidence being considered harassment.
As for the time spent, I still say it’d have been way faster to actually test what I’m saying. And if you won’t do it yourselves, perhaps point me to sites with various combinations and ask if I still experience the issue. For example, if you say my site uses outdated PHP and not the latest WP, point me to a few others using the latest WPSS, one with still supported PHP but not latest WP, one with still supported PHP and also latest WP and one with outdated PHP and latest WP. If the problem appears in some cases but not others, we’ll be able to pinpoint it to a conflict of WPSS with one of those older versions you still claim to support and then you could either look into it or change the listed requrements so people will know what they’re getting at least.
Not going to put it back on my site now, but completely willing to have a look at others like this if it may help anyone.So if we’re talking of clean conscience, so is mine.
There were no theme errors, just a few warnings related to the use of deprecated functions. Those warnings remained whether WPSS was on or off, but the 24 second delay only appeared with it on. And I keep saying there is no error there, just a delay in something WPSS tries to do.
Seriously, run the operations WPSS does on my IP, see if those delays appear; I’m sure this would have taken far less than this exchange so far. And again, they do not happen for others, and if there was anything related to theme or WP version or hosting they’d happen for everyone, but I ran Google PageSpeed Insights and the whole process completes far faster than any single page loads for me and it usually says server response is fine, occasionally throws up a warning that it’s a few hundredths of a second over the 0.2s it considers as fine (and you said you ran other tests yourself and it seemed good enough but could be better, definitely no 24 sec delay there). Also said I had others test and the problem doesn’t appear, and I tested myself on another connection and the problem doesn’t appear, and I had someone else on the same ISP test and the problem does appear. And since it’d really be bad practice for WPSS to request the user to make some other connections (which my ISP may for some reason block) before being allowed to view the page and I don’t want to believe it does that, only reasonable explanation is that it has some issues with these IPs.
I’d really like to know how you can argue that it’s not WPSS and IP related if it doesn’t happen for other IPs and doesn’t happen with WPSS off but those warnings appear either way.And yes, a WPSS update mostly solved the issue some time ago and these recent ones made it far, far worse than it ever was. (And you wonder why I’m wary about updating…) This last time at least I definitely didn’t do anything else, nor did my host, but as soon as I updated WPSS things changed. And if nothing was intended to create this behavior, maybe it just happened to slip through, hence my canary in the coal mine comment.
So you didn’t “bend over backwards”, though you did admittedly make it appear so at first. You just keep feeding your ideas to me and refuse to listen (er, read) what I’m saying.
And I definitely wouldn’t call any of that exchange abusive. Just frustrated. On both sides.
Seeing as this is the most recent slowdown 1-star review, let me add that we may be canaries in the coal mine here for issues the author is unwilling to look into.
So I’m using this before submitting a low-rated opinion myself, after the exchange in messages and the latest update that made my site next to unusable for me with it on.
Issue in my case is that me and the dev are talking about entirely different issues and after an apparently friendly initial exchange this last time it was a case of know-it-all “expert” talking down to assumed idiot user, just shoving his ideas at me again and ignoring what I was saying the issue actually was. And then the latest update made it far worse.
At first, after an ISP switch, the first time the site created the session cookie it had an 24-second delay. I submitted a support request, we went through it at length and kept being told it’s my host’s fault or my fault, and maybe at the time I half-bought it and dropped it, though it was clearly something that didn’t also affect others I asked to check, so obviously not a general site issue and couldn’t have been due to hosting or versions of anything used.
Then, after some WPSS update along the way, this issue no longer appeared when creating that cookie, but only if I tried to submit a test comment or, in the back end, went to the plugins page or updated (or (re)activated) WPSS, so whatever it was doing was only done when it should be done, WPSS no longer got in the way when it wasn’t its business. And at that point I just shrugged it off.
However, updating to 1.9.8 (straight from, so the change may have been in between too) caused that delay to reappear for me whenever I tried to save to the database, so also when autosaving drafts or when posting or editing posts. At which point I meant to continue the discussion and we got to the situation I described above, being told nothing changed in the plugin to cause this to happen so it’s still my or my host’s fault, though the change was obviously after a WPSS update.
And now after the update it happens on every single page, every single time. Same fixed 24 second delay. For me. Had someone else test it just now again, behavior not noticed.So I keep saying there’s an issue with certain IPs or some other user data, tries certain checks, certain connections, no idea what it does, but besides looking into what happens here exactly, the main point is that it shouldn’t do it unless you try to post a comment, so the fact that it happens all the time now means WPSS is getting its digital nose where it doesn’t belong.
So… Worked through some of the anger left after last time and trying to get to the bottom of it before dropping it, but that takes willingness on both sides.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Text jumps each time I type in my blogThere are 3 buttons to the right of the address bar: compatibility view, refresh and stop. While on your site, click the first one. By default, it will make the entire domain the site’s on run under compatibility mode and the setting will be saved (you’ll see that button light up whenever you go to the site).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Text jumps each time I type in my blogUm, adding that line had nothing to do with the text jumping issue, it was about what samboll said about the post number being incremented every time it saved. (Which means that if you actually use post revisions, you really should remove it right away. If you don’t use them you can leave it there well enough and get rid of an annoyance :))
Back to your (and my…) issue, until somebody’ll actually write a fix for it (if one already exists, do let me know!), running your site under compatibility mode in IE8 should help… I think.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Text jumps each time I type in my blogAh yes, I hate that post number problem, but that’s not because of autosave, but because of post revisions. Before implementing post revisions (in 2.6 I believe?) it didn’t do that. Still, saw that you can reduce that problem by adding
to wp-config.php. With that it just adds one post revision if it autosaves when you edit it after posting. Would be nicer if it wouldn’t do that either but uh well.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Text jumps each time I type in my blogThis text jumping on autosave issue is what happens in IE8. Wrote about it just a couple of days after it launched and hoped it’d at least be solved by WP 2.8 if nothing was done before, but apparently nobody cared. Actually, 2.8 made it worse than 2.7, the text tending to jump pretty much constantly, more so the longer the post was.
And I don’t think that disabling autosave (or using a different browser) are solutions. Heck, the autosave is very likely the last added WP feature that I actually find useful for what I use it for.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding code before body tagIf it’s before the body tag then it should be inside the head portion, which should be inside header.php (or similar) in your theme. Assuming it’s a script? Because the ad itself certainly wouldn’t belong before the body tag.
And a little patience doesn’t hurt. If you get no answer after 2.5 days is one thing, but 25 minutes is nothing…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: side bar slides downLooks fine to me… But the most likely cause when something like this happens is that the sidebar ended up too wide. Likely because of an item that’s too large, such as a very long word or link or an image (that image at the top in this case seems the most likely culprit), that causes the browser to try to widen it to make said item fit, which makes everything end up wider than the screen (take margins into account too), so the wrapping throws the sidebar below the content portion.
One simple solution would be to leave some room for such events, not making the different page areas add up to 100% (or to the maximum width if you’re using exact numbers). On mine the content part has a width of 75% and the sidebar has 20%, because 80/20 tended to cause such things.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: scroll bar is none stop movingLet me guess, you’re using IE8?
I really hoped they’d have solved this issue in WP 2.8, but it actually got worse. 2.7 just scrolled up when it autosaved, but in 2.8 it really is almost constantly moving around, as you say. Not fixed in 2.8.1 either, so it’s quite impossible to write posts in WP anymore, I have to write them in Notepad and then c/p to post.
(And no, I’m not going to use another browser, but I am thinking about looking for some other blogging software if this isn’t solved at least by 2.9…)Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Auto FormatingGood question, while inserting automatic line and paragraph breaks and not showing them in the edit box is nice most of the time, there should be a way to view and edit the full code for cases when you want to post just code on a line, want to enclose the paragraph tag in something else or want to insert line breaks just so you’ll be able to edit easier, but want everything to show up on a single line on page (for example when posting multiple links or small images).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Autosave not working after upgrade to 2.2That helped, thanks. My recent comments plugin was blocking things apparently. The interesting thing is that it still works after I reactivated it, guess it was just a glitch. (Unfortunately, the editor also works now. Disabled visual of course, but I’d still want to have just a simple text box with no buttons above it again.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WYSIWYG is killing me*raises hand* Don’t like it either. Just insert line breaks to get rid of the tedious bit, I’ll handle any other code I might need to put inside posts, thank you very much…