• On https://www.empsolutions.ca/staff/, six of these contact pages have suddenly stopped working today, while two of them are still working. I am having the same problems on BayStreetANovel.com and williamkowalski.com. I know that typically this is due to conflicts. I tried disabling all plugins on Bay Street and it didn’t change anything. A red border is supposed to indicate server problems, but Media Temple says that they have tested PHP and SMTP and all seems to be working. The webmail that is hosted through MT for all three of these problem sites is also still working fine. It’s just that CF 7 won’t send, but again, this is not happening on all contact pages, just some. I did not make changes to any of these sites today. Anyone else having similar issues, or have ideas on what I could try?


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  • Thread Starter MBWD


    From this site https://www.butlerblog.com/2012/09/23/testing-the-wp_mail-function/ I created mailtest.php and ran it from empsolutions.ca/mailtest.php, after which I received the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘@’ in /nfs/c04/h06/mnt/180271/domains/empsolutions.ca/html/mailtest.php on line 10

    There is no @ on line 10.

    Thread Starter MBWD


    Changing the FROM: setting from the default

    [your-name] <[your-email]>

    to [email protected] has resolved the problem.

    Thread Starter MBWD


    Update: as it turns out, the above step caused some addresses to work again, but only intermittently. That is, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. I am continuing to look for solutions to this issue, in case anyone has any thoughts.

    Thread Starter MBWD


    Yet another thing I’ve noticed: if the To: address is not an empsolutions.ca address, the mail won’t send at all. It’s only working on emails at that domain. This is something that has just started happening… these contact forms have been working fine for many months, in some cases a couple of years.

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