Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Post List] All Admin dialogue missing.That fixed it. ??
Just dumped the files over the old and now I can see everything on the settings page. Thanks!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Already Installed (Loop)How are you logging in?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrading issueIt seems like a theme issue. Is that a custom theme?
Try switching to another theme and see if your posts re-appear.
If they do, something about your theme is incompatible with the newest version of WordPress.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: No blog showing just white pageThis is most likely a php problem on your host’s server.
Samboll mentions a soution in this thread.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: having trouble uninstallingWhat kind of installation did you do originally? Automatic through your host or a manual install?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade 2.7 to 2.8.4 fatal errorRodger that.
I didn’t read any of his other posts. Something screwed up his database then. Sounds like an evil plugin.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade 2.7 to 2.8.4 fatal errorI seriously doubt that your blog is unrecoverable. WordPress uses a SQL database to store allof your pages, posts, and other information. You will be able to get your site back up and running if you can access your wp-config.php (located in the root folder of your site) and copy it along with any theme files you want (located in the wp-content/themes folder).
Once you have these things copied, you can wipe out all the WordPress files for your site and then reinstall the most recent version in it’s place.
A new site will not be connected to your old database -so your site will look empty -so replace the new site’s wp-config.php with the old one.
This will connect your new site to your old database. Then go to “”
This will upgrade your SQL database if necessary.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: stuck at install.phpI use BlueHost.
For new installations there is a great service called SimpleScripts in the control panel which will automatically install WordPress in about 60 seconds.
Not sure if this is available in the godaddy hosting control panel or not.
If it is, use it.
If not, SimpleScripts may still be able to perform an auto-install of the latest version on your domain.
Go to SimpleScripts, sign-up for a free account, and let me know how it goes.
Been meaning to test the service externally from my host -but maybe you can test it for me and get your installation done.
BlueHost reccomends it as a service. You can perform multiple installs of WordPress, BBpress and several other CMSs.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: how do you Add another Sidebar to my website?Ok. If you really want to learn this, you can find the documentation here.
I recommend reading the whole document but the part you are looking for is halfway down the page called The New Way of Adding a Sidebar.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: auto upgrade to 2.8.3 wants ‘hostname’?Blind stab here without knowing your hosting setup but try
Hostname: localhost
Works with most hosting setups.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WP Content Imported into HTML Page – Need Formatting HelpWrong forums.
Has nothing to do with WordPress installation -or even WordPress “which is working perfectly.”
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: White Screen on just one edit page?Disable your plugins one by one (checking the page after each one) until it comes back to identify the plugin causing the error.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Header already sent huge bugDreamweaver? Never heard of a dreamworks editor.
Yeah. Like whooami said. Use a text editor.
Dreamweaver is ok for making a website or authoring something from scratch -if you like using it.
Placing foreign code into it will often ALTER the code per Dreamweaver’s automatic code “correcting” standards. In effect, it will often break whatever foreign code you place in it and even add lines of code.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: auto upgrade to 2.8.3 wants ‘hostname’?Not sure.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Install : HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found404 indicates that the file you are trying to look at isn’t there.
You say “install a 2nd wordpress blog on my website”.
Did you install it in a subfolder off of the root? Which folder?
In anycase, you won’t find anything at /wp-content/install.php.
Try going to /wp-admin/install.php. like mentioned in the detailed installation docs:Step 5: Run the Install Script
Point your favorite web browser to start the installation script.If you placed the WordPress files in the root directory, you should visit:
If you placed the WordPress files in a subdirectory called blog, for example, you should visit: