Forum Replies Created
Hi Nathalie,
I use the autoresponder CampaignRefinery (they are some links to their documentation on their website : https://campaignrefinery.com/).
I don’t understand how adding hidden field can help to send the registration email and name to my autoresponder, can you explain a bit more please ?Here my report:
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——————————————-I have finally found the cause: there is a field in the Settings > Accounts for Privacy Policy that overwrites the Translation File:
https://prntscr.com/nkmngwThat would be great to have a check box to be able to choose if we want this field to overwrite the translation file (not overwrite by default).
Thank you for your response.
1/ Yes, I run the last version of WordPress 5.0.3:
https://cl.ly/ba149600dc4c2/ Here what I get in the console when I refresh the “Add Membership” page:
https://cl.ly/285e8a9370563/ Nothing happen in the console when I click on the description field
4/ OK for the “Save Button”, I will use the update button until you fix the problem