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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Variation Price is not workingHi there,
Yes, you understood everything correctly. It is two products one standard size, which is selected as default product, and a sample which has to be selected. Now the issue is for one, that even if only Elementor Pro and the Woocommerce are activated, the price still doesn’t change when selecting and just the product price range is displayed. So the issue is that it doesn’t change at all and that is really bad. It is a bug of Woocommerce as if all plugins are deactivated it isn’t a custom code or anything….
I really need this fixed quickly as this is causing me a lot of trouble and harm to my sales.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Custom Login and Registration for WooCommerce My account pageNot at all the solution I was hoping for, but i guess this won’t be possible with woocommerce in that case…
Hi there, thanks it really seems to be working now! Thanks again for your help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Custom Login and Registration for WooCommerce My account pageHaha, well the elementor support said that given that the element was yours you should be able to help me with that. Could you please tell me where I can put in the short codes, so that the login and registration form is displayed? I just need the basic steps I can follow.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Custom Login and Registration for WooCommerce My account pageWe use elementor, and we want the login and registration form in the links mentioned in my first message. I have attached the link of the form: https://naturecastle.ch/login/. The idea is to have the login form when a customer gets to the account page and isn’t logged in.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Custom Login and Registration for WooCommerce My account pageWell, that is not how I want it. The idea is that the login form is displayed and not the ugly form from the first image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Multi Currency disable or at least modifySure! I will try to do that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Multi Currency disable or at least modifyI think it is ok now, I had to deactivate quite a bit. However not sure where this was coming from and if it is permanently resolved.
Yes, all is good thanks!
You are an angel thanks a lot. It worked beautifully. Is there a way where I can see the name of the single elements of the different gadgets, this way it is easier to create custom CSS as otherwise I just experiment, because I don’t know the label of the elements. Do you know what I mean?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Could not update snippet. Request failed with status code 510Hi there,
Thanks a lot for your answer. I manages to resolve the issue when editing directly the file of the plugin.
However I guess this is only a temporary solution as once I update the plugin it would always reappear. The plugin is called Seraphinite Accelerator and they use a banner in the footer to promote their plugin. I totally respect that but this really harms my brand image. Therefore with a bit of coding I guess it could have been resolved. Now what I did was directly edit the code here and put in “none” where there was “inline-block” or “block” to stop the banner from showing.
Unfortunately I did not manage to do this using code snippets. Maybe you want to have a look at it?
if( $ctxProcess[ 'mode' ] == 'full' ) { $itemhuddqr = HtmlNd::Parse( Ui::Tag( 'a', Ui::TagOpen( 'img', array( 'src' => '', 'alt' => Wp::GetLocString( 'Seraphinite Accelerator', null, 'seraphinite-accelerator' ), 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'display' => 'none', 'vertical-align' => 'top', 'position' => 'absolute', 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => 'auto' ) ) ) ) . Ui::Tag( 'span', sprintf( __( 'BannerText_%s', 'seraphinite-accelerator' ), Wp::GetLocString( 'Seraphinite Accelerator', null, 'seraphinite-accelerator' ) ) . Ui::TagOpen( 'br' ) . Ui::Tag( 'span', Wp::GetLocString( 'Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.', null, 'seraphinite-accelerator' ), array( 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'font-size' => '0.7em' ) ) ) ), array( 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'display' => 'none', 'text-align' => 'left', 'vertical-align' => 'top', 'font-size' => '16px', 'padding-left' => '36px' ) ) ) ) . ( !$ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? Ui::Tag( 'script', '(function(){var c=document.currentScript.parentNode;setTimeout(function(){var x=new window.XMLHttpRequest();x.onload=function(){if(this.status==200&&this.responseText=="f")c.outerHTML="";};x.open("GET","?seraph_accel_gbnr",true);x.send()},0)})()', array( 'seraph-accel-crit' => '1' ) ) : '' ) , array( 'href' => Plugin::RmtCfgFld_GetLoc( PluginRmtCfg::Get(), 'Links.FrontendBannerUrl' ), 'target' => '_blank', 'style' => array_map( $ctxProcess[ 'isAMP' ] ? function( $v ) { return( $v ); } : function( $v ) { return( '' . $v . '!important' ); }, array( 'display' => 'none', 'clear' => 'both', 'text-align' => 'center', 'position' => 'relative', 'padding' => '0.5em', 'background-color' => 'transparent', 'color' => '#000', 'line-height' => 1 ) ) ) ) ); if( $itemhuddqr && $itemhuddqr -> firstChild ) if( $item = $doc -> importNode( $itemhuddqr -> firstChild, true ) ) $ctxProcess[ 'ndBody' ] -> appendChild( $item ); }