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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Navigation Bar: Drop down menu horizontally displayed -.-i changed a few things sorry, watch my site now…
as you see, when you click pass the mouse on others, you get the sub elements displayed horizontally (or in a strange way, maybe i modified some margins^^)…i want them in column, like a normal drop down menu…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Main Wrapper won't modify??Here is what i get inspecting the wrapper with firebug
[CSS removed]
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Search through php filesah ok thanks…but about my first question? the main thing i need is an instrument that allow to search in all the source code…it would be very usefull
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Search through php filessuffusion, and i know that, but if i have to remove an object, i cannot do it on child theme…i think^^
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Edit Style.cssmmm wait…i installed it, now when i open my home page, and go to css, there is a long list, i post a piece of it to convey the idea:
“.googleads-container, .googleads-topmiddle, .googleads_300x250, .googleads_title, .googleadsense, .googleadvertisemen120x600, .googleadvertisement, .googleadwrap, .googleafc, .googlebanwide, .googleimagead1, .googleimagead2, .googlepostads, .googley_ads, .gpAdBox, .gpAdFooter, .gpAds, .gpt-ad, .gr-adcast, .gradientAd, .graphic_ad, .grev-ad, .grey-ad-line, .greyAd, .greyad, .grid-advertisement, .gridAd, .gridAdRow, .group_ad, .gsAd, .gsfAd, .gt_ad, .gt_ad_300x250, .gt_ad_728x90, .gt_adlabel, .gtop_ad, .gutter-ad-left, .gutter-ad-right, .gutterAdHorizontal, .gx_ad, .h-ad, .h-ad-728×90-bottom, .h-ad-remove, .h-ads, .h-large-ad-box, .h-top-ad, .h11-ad-top, .h_Ads, .h_ad, .half-ad, .halfPageAd, .half_ad_box, .halfpage_ad_container, .hbPostAd, .hbox_top_sponsor, .hcf-ad, .hcf-ad-rectangle, .hcf-cms-ad, .hd-adv, .hdTopAdContainer, .hd_advert,”
this don’t seems like css to me…what i have to do?