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  • Just thought it would be useful if one has more than one servers.
    Since one file which could be requested in the generated html from one server, is not available on the other…

    @harry Milatz
    How did you get FFPC to mem-cache autoptimized css and js files?

    Just two more questions:

    • Is it possible to change the cache direcotry by configuration? i found the constant AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_DIR without a “definded” check before so my alternations will be overwritten
    • Does anybody have experience to run autoptimize behind a loadbalancer and 2+ servers? I’m asking, since the page might be generated by one server and the css/js request might go to another server where the file might not be available. I also use Cloudfront with wp-supercache. So couldfront will pull from the origin severs but the behaviour should be the same.


    great stuff! works like a charm. will push this to the staging server and play around with it now

    hi frank

    So, I found the guilty plugin. it’s WP Media folder (Version 3.5.5 | By Joomunited). An essential plugin which helps me to organize the pictures.
    How can I find out which part of this plugin does incompatible stuff?

    one more thing. Now since autoptimize is finally doing what it is supposed to do, it works great with the css.
    With js how ever I get “jquery not defined”. how can I load jqery earlier?



    I have a similar problem.
    Acutally, Autoptimize does nothing at all.
    I run the latest wordpress 4.5.2 and also autoptimize from the latest git.
    Parallel I run wp-supercache.
    I also switched of supercache but still, autoptimize does nothing. I also made sure, that ther e is a starting <html> tag. There is. (one line earlier though, there is the <!Doctype tag)

    I see in the wp-content/cache/autoptimize that the files are generated. Its just not modifying the html.

    How can I make autoptimize to work or do anything at all?

    Same problem here. My configuration an htaccess look somewhat similar.

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