Forum Replies Created
While we wait for an update, change this
line 693 on yoast-acf-analysis.js terms = _.pluck( field.$el.find('.acf-taxonomy-field[data-type="multi_select"] ' + select2Target ) .select2('data') , 'text' );
to this
terms = _.pluck( field.$el.find('.acf-taxonomy-field[data-type="multi_select"] ' + select2Target ) .select2() .select2('data') , 'text' );
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Woo Product Remover] Does what it says, and a little more.Allright!
Now it seems to do what it says, I will update my rating accordingly =)
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Woo Product Remover] Does what it says, and a little more.Great!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Woo Product Remover] Does what it says, and a little more.Hey, thanks for the reply.
I fixed it by removing the two rows from wp_terms table. The two categories were not visible on wp-admin and just caused the php notices.I think you should update the plugin description to indicate that it will remove categories as well. In my case, I only wanted to remove the products since I would import new products to the same categories.
Aren’t categories like their own entities and not just product meta?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Iptanus File Upload] Other types of inputs for user dataAll right thanks buddy
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Opening Hours] Bar HoursWhile we wait for janizde to update this nice plugin, heres a quick dirty fix so that at least the overview widget looks ok. Open the plugin editor in WP, select the Opening Hours plugin and edit the file OpeningPeriod.class.php. (/wp-content/plugins/wp-opening-hours/lib/classes/OpeningPeriod.class.php). At the end of the file you see
/** * Removes nonsense-entries */ function correctValues() { return ( $this->start < $this->end ); }
Modify it to always return true so even nonsense timeperiods will be displayed =)
/** * Removes nonsense-entries */ function correctValues() { //return ( $this->start < $this->end ); return true; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recent FB Posts] facebook problem I think or plugin it was workingI get the same error.. After renewing access token it works for a while but then again the same error. I think this topic is not resolved.
edit: It looks like I have to redeploy the plugin before renewing access token in order to get it to work again.. not very usable at the moment. ??