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Albums, Galleries, Photostream, Group Pools, Sets, Camera Roll…Flickr has become a mess in and of itself, and I almost feel sorry for any developer trying to develop a plugin based on it.
The point of my post that started this thread was that the procedure for using Group Pools in “Settings” of the plugin:
Group pools
To show the photos of a particular group pool, you need to know the group id, that you can retrieve using idgettr.
To show a particular group pool, you need to use the flickr_group shortcode, and specify the group id with the attribute id. For example:[flickr_group id=”1563131@N22″]
…does not work.
What I needed was a way to have multiple users with their own logins be able to upload images to one pool that would be visible in a single image gallery on a web page. I had tried all of the other possibilities like–as you mentioned–album, gallery, etc, but nothing will do exactly this. According to the plugin instructions above, “flickr_group id” will accomplish this, but it does not work.
So this thread is actually more narrowly about the non-functionality of this “flickr_group id” specification.
I have been able to accomplish this without this plugin and without Flickr through the use of a page on my website with a non-wordpress gallery script, and FTP apps on the users smart phones.