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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Negative Space
    Thread Starter chanel


    I notice this is only happening with Firefox. On safari and Internet Explorer it looks fine.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Negative Space
    Thread Starter chanel


    Thanks for responding itproxy.

    What should the .blog style rule be for me to remove the gap?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Negative Space
    Thread Starter chanel


    The negative space I speak of is that “gap” between the header and the WordPress content. You can see the background image through it. I hope my explanation is clear.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Post Title Help
    Thread Starter chanel


    thank you by the way. It’s fixed!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Post Title Help
    Thread Starter chanel


    alchy…I’ve been editing it via wp-admin since last night but i see when i access it via ftp, it didnt save any of my alterations. Any reason why this happened? Do I need to change the CHMODs?

    Thread Starter chanel


    I fixed it. I found this in my css:


    I removed it and now my comments are working fine.

    Thread Starter chanel


    Thank you so much. That fixed it. There was an extra space after /%postname%/ which generated the error.

    Thread Starter chanel


    Ok I fixed it. I implemented the other code back into the post:

    <?php echo get_the_title($post->DATE); ?> <small><?php the_time(‘m/d/y’) ?></small>

    Thanks for the help Michael!

    Thread Starter chanel


    That worked Michael to show the date, but it just replaced the Subpage title with the date.

    * 02.28.09 (5 comments)
    * 03.08.09 (4 comments)

    That’s what’s there now.

    Thread Starter chanel


    Hi Micheal H. Thanks for your reply. I named my pages with the numbers purposely so maybe you can ignore that part of it.

    Here is my Template:

    Template Name: Discussions

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”side-left”>
    <div id=”content”>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <div class=”kutu”>
    <div class=”ust”><span></span></div>

    <div class=”post” id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    This section is an open forum for viewers to discuss & debate random topics per week. I will be posting “The Topic Of The Week” as it will allow us to converse about highlights of the media, politics, celebrity gossip, life & relationships, and parenting. Topics are posted in a numerical order (the highest number being the most recent topic) For those that are subscribed, you will receive an email notification when the new topic is posted! So if you’re interested in being involved, please subscribe to my mailing list. Thank you.

    <div class=”entrytext”>
    <?php $children = get_pages(‘child_of=’.$post->ID.’&show_date=modified
    &date_format=$date_format’);if ($children) : ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>
    <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit this entry.’, ‘<p style=”margin:10px;”>’, ‘</p>’); ?>
    <br class=”clear” />
    <div class=”alt”><span></span></div></div>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comment Count
    Thread Starter chanel


    It worked wonderfully jcow!! Thank you so much for the help. I’ve tried using the comment loop before, but I didn’t know how to place it right. I see all I was missing was ( ) all along.


    Thread Starter chanel


    Anyways, on the brighter side of things, I didn’t know bumping a topic was making the matter worse. I didn’t know there was a “No Replies” section either. So I do admit I was wrong & I apologize about that.

    Nevertheless, thanks jcow, stvwlf & otto42 for giving me a more mature view on how things are run around here.

    Thread Starter chanel


    The thing is that I just told you what I have observed here, you can deny it, but then you can continue to get such poor response to your threads as well.

    It isn’t “cattiness”, it is the way it is. It isn’t personal, but I don’t have time to check every thread on here. I have a job and a life. So in an effort to help things, I tend to skim for something that jumps out as something I know or someone who needs help and isn’t getting it.

    Your attitude is not very inviting to help, I have to say… We try to function as a community with a common interest and help each other out. Nobody is entitled to anything on these forums. Period.

    It’s not a personal issue so why are you taking it personally jcow?

    In my opinion, I think helpers are purposely ignoring topics. Just like you all have your opinion of us who need help.

    Furthermore, if it appears that I have an attitude IN THIS THREAD it’s because I am frustrated. I have shown no attitude in my previous topics.

    Thread Starter chanel


    so what. Look, threads go unanswered, thats the way it goes. When the ratio of people answering questions to the ratio of people asking questions is the way it is, thats going to happen.

    you want to improve the ratio then instead of over-analyzing stuff.. here:

    Chip in, youve been a member here for 2 years. be sure to write out a reply, even if its identical to something you had to personally hunt down in the docs too..

    Since you found the time to check my profile, you should have also seen that I haven’t been active daily for the past 2 years I’ve had this account. And yes I have responded to topics that I know a solution to, or have had experience with. may not reach your standards but I have made effort when I can. Need I remind you that I am a novice and I really don’t understand php? So I apologize if my reply count to other issues doesn’t reach your contribution expectation.

    Thread Starter chanel


    Hey whooami. In all fairness, I have never seen that sticky post because I was posting my inquiries in the correct section “How-To and Troubleshooting – Once you get your blog up and running”. The only forum section I am active in is the How-To and Troubleshooting. I notice that’s in “Request & Feedback”. Maybe someone can implement that sticky thread HERE as well?

    I always do a web search. Posting here is always my last resort when I am unable to solve an issue. Now if someone is able to find the solution in a web search, that’s because they worded it differently.

    I haven’t trashed anyone here.

    I always post my url, when applicable.

    (I’m sure someone can testify to this) – But plenty of times I’ve seen other people post a NEW topic for their issue, just for a moderator, in a “smart ass” way, redirect them to an old topic providing the resolution or that is similar to theirs.

    Which i did here:
    In this case, that is why I responded that one time to an old post. I didn’t want to go thru the chastising of posting a new topic, for something that’s already been solved. Also, my question was slightly different than the main topic, I just needed clarification on how to place the code.

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