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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Downloadable Child theme?Thanks Dave. Mea culpa for not even noticing those buttons (after staring at them for hours). They also resolve my long-lines query. Do I risk any problems by copying code which I have allowed to linewrap?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Change default image (notebook looking thing)@tomaja – thanks for the Search tip. Not such a dumb question after all then.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Change default image (notebook looking thing)Thanks (again), acub. I will choose something easier on my eye – unless there’s a way to replace the icon with a thumbnail photograph. If not a photograph, I wonder if I could create my own icon and link to it?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Downloadable Child theme?acub, you are very kind – and crystal clear (most folk who know a lot forget how little total novices know). In fact, I have already managed to create my child theme and all seems well — although I see now that I made a mistake in not leaving an empty line after my php opening tag (didn’t stop it working though).
When I come to add some new code to this file (copied from Snippets) I presume I leave another empty line and paste away, without having to close the original opening tag or create another tag? I haven’t used a closing tag.
Incidentally, when I have pasted Snippets into my style.css I get a column of (line) numbers before the code, which I assume I should delete? Is there a way to copy Snippets without collecting the line numbers? And is there an easy way to copy long lines of code which disappear miles off the edge of my browser window? I have tried hitting Command-A (on my Mac) but it seems to select the whole page rather than just the box of code. Seems that it would be easier to include a blank line at the end if a final line of code is uber-wide so that I can at least be sure I have copied everything – but I would need to remember to delete the blank line at the end (or maybe it wouldn’t matter).
On one occasion today I was trying to add something new to both the CSS customiser and my functions.php but Customiz’It! wouldn’t allow me to Save & Publish. What should that have been telling me?
My site is hosted locally for now and I called it At what point – and where – do I need to give it its public name (eg.
TextWrangler offers me two versions UTF-8 encoding – UTF-8 and UTF-8 BOM. I assume I don’t want BOM? Is it true that I need to save – or send – my TextWrangler files straight to the server directory rather than saving to my hard drive first and uploading later?
These are the very details which have frightened me off for a week so I’m sure your primer will be welcomed by other complete newbies too. And thanks to you, I now have a fancy picture of my child theme in my Dashboard!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Slider and Big resolutionsn3v3rm1nd, your centred slideshow downscales impeccably but your code doesn’t seem to do anything for my full-width carousel (using 1200x500ppi images). Did you abandon full-width?
I would like to superimpose a logo on each of my images, ideally close to the bottom right edge. But the darned thing gets cropped to one degree or another at almost any size of viewer.
Did you experiment with different image resolutions, eg 144dpi rather than 72dpi?
I haven’t played with your larger images (1200×800, 1920×500) because I’m concerned about the load overhead and don’t want a long pause before the slideshow kicks in. Maybe I could try the larger images and cut down the number of different slides (currently 6).
I can’t go your centred carousel route because I’m under orders to go full-width.
Would it be possible to call three (or four) different sizes of slideshow, each using appropriately sized images, when transitioning down to successively smaller windows? Even if it were, I guess there would be a penalty to pay as new images are loaded at each transition…
Sorry for rambling. Brand new to all this.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Change default image (notebook looking thing)Me too. It’s an ugly thing and I would like to replace it with an image of a flower if possible. Failing that, I’ll just get rid as per the existing Snippet.
PS. Dumb question from a newbie: How do I restrict a forum search to just this theme?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Downloadable Child theme?Ha! Thanks. No blog – but I do write for a living. (Not markup, obviously.) Maybe one day… when I make a website for myself.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Downloadable Child theme?Well, I snapped out of my analysis paralysis for long enough to create the child – and even my first custom functions.php. Father and child both doing well. I just need to remember to keep feeding it Snippets.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Remove rule and space above footer?Hi Dave. This makes me smile because you know e v e r y t h i n g and I felt so bad for not knowing the answer…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to hide black WP navbar?Damn! I’m really annoyed it was this easy. And your avatar makes me feel even worse.
Thank you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Remove rule and space above footer?Wow! It works! Thank you! And now I know how wonderful this live-view custom CSS tool is, I won’t be able to stop playing with it.
One final, really stupid, probably off-topic question if I may (I daren’t open a new thread for this or I’ll be laughed at):
When publishing or previewing my site locally, on my PC, how do I get rid of the black WP navbar at the top of the page? It won’t be there when/if the site is uploaded so I don’t want to see it when I publish the site locally.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Remove rule and space above footer?Top man, Edde – thank you. I can’t test this for an hour but I’ll report back.
Are you saying that this will somehow eliminate the rule too?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Remove rule and space above footer?I forgot to say that I’m a complete novice so was rather hoping there was a CSS Snippet for this which I had overlooked.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Remove rule and space above footer?Hi Eddie and thanks for helping. My site is only hosted on my PC at the moment but you can just see the faint rule in my image – it runs across the page just touching the top of my red splash. It’s part of the theme – I didn’t add it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Downloadable Child theme?Thanks, guys. I do need to stop reading and start experimenting. I’ll maybe bite the bullet tomorrow. So many more questions though…
@tasha: I don’t think Notepad++ is cross-platform but I have downloaded TextWrangler which seems to do a similar job on Mac Os.