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  • Thread Starter charles_i


    Thanks. That makes sense and is a good solution. Except that with iPads I think they do change screen size without reloading when you rotate them. Is there an example anywhere of code for this that I can use? It would be a lot easier to modify code, especially since it requires javascript, PHP and CSS.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    Thanks, but that looks like a nightmare all right. Renaming tables alone is enough to strike terror in the heart of a developer. I think I’ll stick with the Export/Import XML (if it works) and for plugins and uploads I can just pull them down via FTP and upload them to the new location.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    I’ve never used Tools Export/Import – that might be the easiest way. I’m just wondering though, can you use this more than once to update content? If I were to Export and Import to the new setup for building the site, how do I add content that has been added to the site since my first Import later when the site is finished? Will it create duplicate entries?

    As far as “moving” the site to go live, I’ve used this method before and it works brilliantly!

    1. install WP to a folder (NOT a subdomain!)
    2. in Settings – General set site address to your site’s root address without the trailing slash
    – NOT the WP address URL – that’s the db link
    3. in the index.php file change the require link to include the subfolder, eg:
    4. download index.php in WP app directory (not theme’s) and upload to root directory

    Thanks to askwpgirl .

    I suppose doing a mysqldump should work but it makes me nervous to think of the consequences if something went wrong.

    Yes, I just noticed that the images are now being filtered out – but if I restore a saved version from October 2013 the images appear. If I even update the restored page without touching anything else the image disappears. So something in the 3.8 upgrade must now be stripping out the image tag. Anybody find a solution to this?

    Thread Starter charles_i


    Thanks guys. The server is Bluehost hosting and it must have been some strange configuration error because I was getting the 404 page from the root site when I tried it multiple times over the last few days, but when I went back today it suddenly worked. I now have 2 installations of WordPress running on the same site – very cool.


    Thread Starter charles_i


    Thanks. I’ve tried that but the problem is I can’t go to here:


    or here:


    because the root WP site takes over and just displays a 404 page.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    What this plugin needs is a Settings panel that will set options for a Widget.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    I agree but the problem is you can’t put shortcode into a widget (that I know of) so I had no other way to do it.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    I had to look up how I did this because it was so long ago. Because it was in the sidebar I couldn’t use the columns attribute so I believe I found a CSS answer somewhere else and just did it in CSS like this:

    .widget widget_archive li {

    And to answer the other question, I put a div around the entire sidebar and specified the width as width:225px in the CSS to maintain the 50%. Here’s my sidebar.php:

    <?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) ) : ?>
       <div class="rightcolumn">
         <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ); ?>
       </div><!-- #rightcolumn -->
    <?php endif; ?>

    If that works for you we should consider this resolved.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    OK thanks. This is resolved now. It’s probably best to resize the pics before you upload but it’s good to know you can do it this way as well.

    Thanks for all your help.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    OK thanks. This explanation makes sense. I don’t know if it would be possible, but it would be nice to have a scalable feature (like the WP media photos) so if there were slideshow photos of lesser quality you could scale them down in size in the album admin. I now see uploading different sizes will work but you have to have the photos scaled to what you want before uploading to wppa, which does take some trial and error time.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    It’s doing something very strange, this is what I see on 3 different computers using 3 different screen sizes:

    However if I leave it to cycle through the slideshow it eventually fills the entire 940 width (which I don’t want).

    And here is the page:

    Thanks for the albums per page setting.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    I’m using the skeleton grid for this site. The full page width is 940px, and the width minus the left and right spacing columns of 10px each is 920px. I have set Table IV-B1:V align to fit.

    With Table I-B1 set to 920px it stretches the 600px x 800px photos to fill the full width of the page, even though I do NOT have Stretch Photos that are too small checked.

    At 940px the photos display the correct size but the large space is added for smaller ones as it is now here:

    I looked at your twentythirteen page and the difference is that your photo is the same width as the breadcrumb, navigation bars. I don’t want my photos that big because some of them are not very good (see link), so I’ve saved them at 600px X 800px which makes them smaller than the breadcrumbs and navigation bars. I don’t mind the bars being 600px wide, but I don’t want the Parent Albums pages only 600px wide because there are a lot of them and I’d prefer them to use up the full 940px width.

    By the way, is there a way to paginate the Parent Albums pages? They’re OK now but I have an album for every event so there could be quite a few of them in future. It would be nice to break them up into pages the way the actual photo pages are.

    This is a theme I built myself using theme hybrid’s core:
    and the Skeleton grid.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    Table IV-B1, 2 are already set that way. I tried switching to Twenty Thirteen – the entire column width goes to 800px wide so the pictures can’t be off center. The problem is I want the full width for the Parent Albums and since the same WP loop runs everything I can’t just make the slideshow pages narrower (that I know of). I assume you are right that the theme is ‘too intelligent’.

    I’ll try to trouble shoot this later, but at the moment the only height that works for every photo size is 600px for some reason. I’ve tried lots of other combinations of sizes and every other one does not fit the photos vertically in one or more slideshows.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    It already is on auto and yes, I’m using the skeleton grid – full page width here is 940px.

    I’ve set Table I-B to 800px x 600px and saved my photos in Lightroom at that size maximum or no resize, if it’s a smaller photo, because 940px width leaves a a large space under photos that aren’t 600px in height, (and that size is too big for photos that aren’t very good quality.)

    At 800px x 600px all the sizes fit perfectly vertically (and look good at that maximum size), but they are pushed off center. I can manually center them with CSS by doing this:

        padding-right:180px !important;

    That’ll work OK, but 180px is quite a bit off center. Just wondering why it doesn’t scale down properly without adding the padding.

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