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  • charlielove


    I resolved it by replacing

    $user_is_owner = ($this->user_id == $user_id );

    		$username = bp_group_creator_username($group_id);
    		$the_user = get_user_by('login', $username);
                    $groupOwnerId = $the_user->ID;
    		$user_is_owner = ($groupOwnerId == $user_id );

    I’m sure there is a more elegant way!



    Looks like the issue is in classes.php Line 256

    $user_is_owner = ($this->user_id == $user_id );

    mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in classes.php:256



    I’ve got the same issue on all my groups. PHP7 running on server – works no problem when logged in as an Admin – just affecting all non-admin users (editors, authors etc).

    Doesn’t work. It needs a bit of a re-write to use the Buddypress groups API properly from the very quick look I had at the code. I’ve started the job but I might just switch to another plug-in.

    The fix is easy:

    Edit achievements-classes.php line 676 from

    $admin_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "AND (is_active = 1 OR is_active = 2)" );

    to be

    $admin_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "AND (is_active = 1 OR is_active = 2)", NULL );

    And Edit
    achievements-core.php line 453 from

    $actions = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT FROM {$bp->achievements->table_achievements} as achievement, {$bp->achievements->table_actions} as action WHERE achievement.action_id = AND achievement.action_id != -1 AND (achievement.is_active = 1 OR achievement.is_active = 2)" ) );


    $actions = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT FROM {$bp->achievements->table_achievements} as achievement, {$bp->achievements->table_actions} as action WHERE achievement.action_id = AND achievement.action_id != -1 AND (achievement.is_active = 1 OR achievement.is_active = 2)",NULL ) );

    The $wpdb->prepare expects an additional parameter to adding the NULL makes to work as it did previously.

    This fix gets the plugin so that no errors are reported but I now have new members being automatically approved rather waiting to be approved.

    Really need a fix from Author for Buddypress 1.5

    Thread Starter charlielove


    Change the files in the plugins folder

    /plugins/achievements/includes/templates/achievements/ and

    to match the structure of the main pages. The divs need to be reorganized to follow the same structure as the other pages.

    i.e. /single/home.php fixed

    <?php get_header() ?>
    	<div id="content">
    		<div class="padder">
               		<div id="sidebar-squeeze">
                	<div id="main-column">
    			<?php if ( dpa_has_achievements( 'skip_detail_page_result=0') ) : while ( dpa_achievements() ) : dpa_the_achievement(); ?>
    			<?php do_action( 'dpa_before_achievement_home_content' ) ?>
    			<div id="item-header">
    				<?php dpa_load_template( array( 'achievements/single/achievement-header.php' ) ) ?>
    			</div><!-- #item-header -->
    			<div id="item-nav">
    				<div class="item-list-tabs no-ajax" id="object-nav">
    						<?php bp_get_options_nav() ?>
    						<?php do_action( 'dpa_achievement_options_nav' ) ?>
    			</div><!-- #item-nav -->
    			<div id="item-body">
    				<?php do_action( 'dpa_before_achievement_home_body' ) ?>
    				<?php if ( dpa_is_achievement_change_picture_page() ) : ?>
    					<?php dpa_load_template( array( 'achievements/single/change-picture.php' ) ) ?>
    				<?php elseif ( dpa_is_achievement_activity_page() && bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) : ?>
    					<?php dpa_load_template( array( 'achievements/single/activity.php' ) ) ?>
    				<?php elseif ( dpa_is_achievement_unlocked_by_page() ) : ?>
    					<?php dpa_load_template( array( 'achievements/single/unlocked-by.php' ) ) ?>
    				<?php elseif ( dpa_is_achievement_delete_page() ) : ?>
    					<?php dpa_load_template( array( 'achievements/single/delete.php' ) ) ?>
    				<?php elseif ( dpa_is_achievement_edit_page() ) : ?>
    					<?php dpa_load_template( array( 'achievements/single/edit.php' ) ) ?>
    				<?php elseif ( dpa_is_achievement_grant_page() ) : ?>
    					<?php dpa_load_template( array( 'achievements/single/grant.php' ) ) ?>
    				<?php endif; ?>
    				<?php do_action( 'dpa_after_achievement_home_body' ) ?>
    			</div><!-- #item-body -->
    					<?php do_action( 'dpa_after_achievement_home_content' ) ?>
    					<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
    					</div><!-- .main column -->
                    <div id="side-bar" role="complementary">
                    	<?php get_sidebar() ?>
                    </div> <!-- #sidebar -->
    	<!-- #sidebar-squeeze -->
                    </div><!-- .padder -->
    	</div><!-- #content -->
    	<?php get_sidebar() ?>
    <?php get_footer() ?>
    Thread Starter charlielove


    I had a look at it and Achievements uses its own templates which then render in the theme. They don’t follow the same structure as the default Buddypress/Frisco themes hence the full width of main column and widgets over the top on the right.

    I edited the Achievements plug-in templates to have the same structure as the other Buddypress pages and it works great now.

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