hello LMP
i updrade to v3.3 and found that my visual editer loss,so i follow your teaching :
1. First you need to be able to access your web host through FTP or a file manager (most web hosts have one in their control panel). Something that will allow you to actually view the files and folders that make up your web site. After you figure out how to do that, go to the next step.
2. Then you need to download WordPress 3.2.1 to your computer and expand it so that you can see the individual files.
3. Then you upload all the WordPress v.3.2.1 files (EXCEPT the folder named “wp-content” and the file named “wp-config.php”) from your computer to your web site (through FTP or file manager) and overwrite the existing WordPress v.3.3 files when asked.
Finally, when you next try to log in to the WordPress admin interface, you will see an alert that the database needs updating. You then allow the update to proceed, and presto, you’re back to version 3.2.1
now i can downgrade to v3.2.1,but my visual editer only appear 4 item,and i still loss many visual editer item,
and in your download link v3.2.1,there is no file named “wp-config.php”
only one file named”wp-config-sample.php”and one file named”wp-cron.php”
thank for your help