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  • Thread Starter cheerychops


    Hi thanks for your input here are the results, no success though

    Try 1. caused “Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant ““wizpart”” in C:\xampp\htdocs\wiz_invent\wp-content\themes\storefront-child\functions.php”

    if  ( (! isset($_POST[“wizpart”][“sku”])) || (! isset($_POST[“wizpart”][“quant”]))) {
    			print '<p class= "error">Fields not completed!</p>';
    			$okay = FALSE;

    Try 2. This produces no code error but does not prevent the saving of empty text fields as presumably $okay = FALSE

    if  ( (! isset($_POST['wizpart']['sku'])) || (! isset($_POST['wizpart']['quant']))) {
    			print '<p class= "error">Fields not completed!</p>';
    			$okay = FALSE;

    Try 3. No errors but does not save data. And commenting the ‘if ($okay)’ results in empty string added.

    if  ( (! isset($_POST[0]['wizpart']['sku'])) || (! isset($_POST[0]['wizpart']['quant']))) {
    			print '<p class= "error">Fields not completed!</p>';
    			$okay = FALSE;

    Try 4. No code errors still saving empty form text fields.

    foreach( $_POST[$wizpart] as $entry){ 
    			// print out each part
    			if (! isset($entry) ) {
    			$okay = FALSE;

    Try 6. Using ‘if ( empty($entry) )’ in above also fails to prevent saving of empty text fields.

    The output from a successful save is;

    array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(0) “” [“quant”]=> string(0) “” } [1]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(3) “PA1” [“quant”]=> string(1) “6” } }
    Product comprises units of
    Product comprises 6 units of PA1

    Entire code

    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'wizpart_meta_box_init' );
    // meta box functions for adding the meta box and saving the data
    		function wizpart_meta_box_init() {	
    		// create our custom meta box
    		add_meta_box( 'wizpart_meta', // Unique ID
    					 'Parts Information', // Title
    					 'wizpart_meta_box', // Callback function
    					 'product', //  post type
    					 'normal', // Context
    					 'high'  // Priority
    function wizpart_meta_box( $post ) {
    // Leading HTML
        // retrieve the custom meta box values
        $wizpart_meta_full = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wizpart_data');
    	echo var_dump($wizpart_meta_full).'<br />';
    		if (! empty($wizpart_meta_full)) {
    			foreach( $wizpart_meta_full as $entry){ 
    			// print out each part
    			print 'Product comprises '.$entry['quant'].' units of '.$entry['sku'].' <br />';
        //nonce for security
    	wp_nonce_field( 'meta_box_save', 'wizpart_plugin' );
       // Form HTML
    	echo '<div class = wizpart>';
    	echo '<table>';
    	echo '<tr>';
    	echo '<td> Enter correct SKU of part: </td>';
    	echo '<td> <input type="text" name="wizpart[sku]" value = "" size="5" > </td>';
    	echo '</tr>';
    	echo '<tr>';
    	echo '<td> Enter quantity of parts required as integer: </td>';
    	echo '<td> <input type="text" name="wizpart[quant]" value = "" size="5" > </td>';
    	echo '</tr>';
    	echo '</table>';
    	echo '</div>';	
    // hook to save  meta box data when the post is saved
    add_action( 'save_post', 'wizpart_save_meta_box' );
    function wizpart_save_meta_box( $post_id ) {
    	// Flag variable
    	$okay = TRUE;
        // catch incomplete form
    		/*if  ( (! isset($_POST[0]['wizpart']['sku'])) || (! isset($_POST[0]['wizpart']['quant']))) {
    			print '<p class= "error">Fields not completed!</p>';
    			$okay = FALSE;
    			foreach( $_POST[$wizpart] as $entry){ 
    			// print out each part
    			if (! isset($entry) ) {
    			$okay = FALSE;
    			// if auto saving skip saving our meta box data
    			if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) return;
    			//check nonce for security
    			wp_verify_nonce( 'meta_box_save', 'wizpart_plugin' );
    			// store data in an array
    			// Get the post ID from the from SKU
    			$wizpart_data = $_POST['wizpart'];
    			// use array map function to sanitize options
    			$wizpart_data = array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $wizpart_data) ;
    			// save the meta box data as post meta using the post ID as a unique prefix
    			// using add_post_meta to increment the array with values
    			if ($okay) {
    				add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wizpart_data', $wizpart_data );
    			print '<p class= "error">Success!</p>';
    			} else {
       			print '<p class= "error">Encountered error</p>';

    Thread Starter cheerychops


    I’m afraid not, the code works to enter values when I comment out the ‘if’ statement

    if  ( (! isset($_POST["wizpart[sku]"])) || (! isset($_POST["wizpart[quant]"]))) {
    	print '<p class= "error">Fields not completed!</p>';
    	$okay = FALSE;

    to give the following output;

    array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(3) “PA1” [“quant”]=> string(1) “5” } }
    Product comprises 5 units of PA1

    But with that code commented out using the post’s UPDATE button it will keep adding Null data

    array(3) { [0]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(3) “PA1” [“quant”]=> string(1) “5” } [1]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(0) “” [“quant”]=> string(0) “” } [2]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(0) “” [“quant”]=> string(0) “” } }
    Product comprises 5 units of PA1
    Product comprises units of
    Product comprises units of

    The bottom ‘if’ appears to work as intended

    if ($okay) {
    add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wizpart_data', $wizpart_data );
    print '<p class= "error">Success!</p>';
    } else {
    print '<p class= "error">Encountered error</p>';

    Still nothing is printed though.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by cheerychops. Reason: minor edit
    Thread Starter cheerychops


    Thanks for your continuing patience!

    This is the current code. It displays the first value using the ‘reset()’ function (bold) other wise it displays ‘NA’. Is this the best way to access the ‘nth’ entry in an associative 2D array?

    Also I used the ‘add_post_meta’ (bold) function as the update overwrites the data – is this correct.

    // Meta Box Inventory Project
    Plugin Name: WIZ Custom Meta Box Plugin
    Plugin URI: 
    Version: 1.0
    Author: David
    Author URI:
    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'wizpart_meta_box_init' );
    // meta box functions for adding the meta box and saving the data
    function wizpart_meta_box_init() {
        // create our custom meta box
        add_meta_box( 'wizpart_meta', 'Parts Information', 'wizpart_meta_box', 'product', 'normal', 'high' );
    function wizpart_meta_box( $post ) {
        // retrieve the custom meta box values
        $wizpart_meta = reset(get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wizpart_data'));
      	// debug
      	echo var_dump($wizpart_meta);
    	$wizpart_sku = (! empty( $wizpart_meta['sku'])) ? $wizpart_meta['sku'] : 'NA';
    	$wizpart_quant = (! empty( $wizpart_meta['quant'])) ? $wizpart_meta['quant'] : 'NA';
        //nonce for security
    	wp_nonce_field( 'meta_box_save', 'wizpart_plugin' );
       // display stored values 
    	echo '<table>';
    	echo '<tr>';
    	echo '<td> SKU: </td>';
    	echo '<td> <input type="text" name="wizpart[sku]" value = "'.esc_attr( $wizpart_sku ).'" size="5" > </td>';
    	echo '</tr>';
    	echo '<tr>';
    	echo '<td> Quant: </td>';
    	echo '<td> <input type="text" name="wizpart[quant]" value = "'.esc_attr( $wizpart_quant ).'" size="5" > </td>';
    	echo '</tr>';
    	echo '</table>';
    // hook to save our meta box data when the post is saved
    add_action( 'save_post', 'wizpart_save_meta_box' );
    function wizpart_save_meta_box( $post_id ) {
        // process form data if $_POST is set
    		// if auto saving skip saving our meta box data
    		if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE )
    		//check nonce for security
    		wp_verify_nonce( 'meta_box_save', 'wizpart_plugin' );
    		// store data in an array
    		$wizpart_data = $_POST['wizpart'];
    		// use array map function to sanitize options
    		$wizpart_data = array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $wizpart_data) ;
            // save the meta box data as post meta using the post ID as a unique prefix
            // using add_post_meta to increment the array with values
    		add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wizpart_data', $wizpart_data );

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by cheerychops. Reason: minor edit
    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by cheerychops. Reason: minor edit
    Thread Starter cheerychops


    Thank you!

    Saving into the array is working fine. I am not picking up the meta data as I probably have not understood how to extract from this array – which I need to do to display the previous entered meta data and to delete it if necessary.

    array(3) { [0]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(3) “GA1” [“quant”]=> string(1) “6” } [1]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(3) “GA1” [“quant”]=> string(1) “6” } [2]=> array(2) { [“sku”]=> string(3) “GA1” [“quant”]=> string(1) “6” } }

    I have also made a local installation for testing. I use Notepad++ which has an extension for the XDEBUG so I will look into that.

    Thread Starter cheerychops


    Thank you, that sounds like a great idea. I had not seen that option so I will explore, thanks!

    have a good day (from a rainy UK)

    Thread Starter cheerychops


    Good morning

    Thank you for replying.

    In more detail

    1. Yes, the products can be purchased separately.
    2. These ‘component’ products can be purchased individually in the same way as any simple product can be purchased.

    The scenario is this. A model locomotive kit is composed of simple products, for example wheels, chimney, cab etc. It is quite possible that a locomotive kit could also be a variable product containing different formations of exterior features (e.g. chimney styles) suitable for different periods during its operational period.

    However, if one component is not in stock the kit (or variant thereof) is not available.

    For a locomotive kit, the inventory is = 1 if only if all components are available. The kit is made up ‘just in time’ for delivery. What we want to avoid is that a locomotive kit is ordered only to find that, for example, the wheel set required is ‘out of stock’.

    It is quite possible that a chimney is ordered separately for a customer’s project. (Point 2 above)

    What I am looking for is a (hopefully) free stock/inventory plug-in which allow ‘dependent’ components to be added to another product, and if a necessary kit component is missing then to automatically register the kit (or variant) as out of stock.

    Additional functionality might be to indicate the missing component and raise an alert for the shop staff.

    I hope this provides the detail you asked for.

    Kind regards

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