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  • You’re welcome! Glad it works and glad to help! ??

    It looks like it’s working for me…it’s the search results page, right? When I visit the page I see the content column stretch across the entire site area…is that not the result you wanted?

    Try clearing your cache and reloading the page. Do the changes show up? What browser are you using? I’m on Firefox.

    Hey, I’m so sorry I haven’t replied. Things came up in my life, lol!

    Basically, to make full-page.php full page, you would need to open that file (“full-page.php”) and remove the code that displays the entire second column. You should also remove get_sidebar() from that page.

    So, in the “full-page.php” file, you should remove everything from <div id="sidebar"> to </div><!-- /sidebar -->. Keep the footer in place.

    You will then need to go to the CSS file and change the widths of your #center div to make it expand the entire page. The problem is, there’s a background gradient on that div that is only 600 or so pixels wide, so unless you make a new version of that gradient, it won’t expand across the entire page. So let’s just get rid of it for now and use a background color. Open “style.css” and add the following rules near the bottom of the sheet:

    .page-template-full-page-php #center {
    background: none;
    width: 930px;
    .page-template-full-page-php #sticky,
    .page-template-full-page-php #headline,
    .page-template-full-page-php #latest,
    .page-template-full-page-php #the_loop,
    .page-template-full-page-php #comment {
    background-image: none;
    width: 100%;

    Let me know how it goes. I’ve subscribed to this thread so I’ll get an email when you reply.

    The “webdesignmedia” folder must already exist in your wp-content/themes folder. Can you login to your site via FTP? If so, delte the “webdesignmedia” folder and try reinstalling the theme. You might want to just download the theme to your computer and install it manually.

    Post the code for the search.php file and then post the URL of your pastebin here. I’ll take a look at it. Don’t post the HTML source, rather, post the “search.php” file code.

    Where are you placing that .one class in your stylesheet? If you’re placing it near the top of the stylesheet, it might be getting overwritten by later styles. Try placing the .one style near the very bottom of your stylesheet and see if that makes a difference. Also, if the paragraphs are inside divs which have their own paragraph styles, the .one class might be overridden as well.

    Otherwise, I highly suggest you use the Firefox browser and install the Firebug plugin. With firebug, you’ll be able to examine a paragraph with the “.one” class and see all of the styles that are affecting it and preventing it from working the way you want it to. Chrome has this feature built in, as well.

    If you post the URL of your site, I can take a look also.

    Can you post the URL of your site?

    What exactly are you trying to do that isn’t working? When I visit the link you posted, I see a page with content, but I’m not sure what you are trying to accomplish.

    Looking at the code, it looks like you’re using the Genesis framework. That is a commercial theme, so you might want to seek help over at the forums. They made the framework so they’ll be able to help you with it.

    You’d have something like this:

    body {
    background: url('path/to/your/image/filename.png') no-repeat #fff;

    Obviously change the path and filename to match your image. And since you’re not tiling the background, you should specify a fall-back background color.

    If you want the background to be fixed when the user scrolls, you can add background-attachment: fixed, like this:

    body {
    background: url('path/to/your/image/filename.png') no-repeat #fff;
    background-attachment: fixed;

    I’m not sure how that theme is setup, but you can try adding a new full-page template. What you do is this (I’m assuming you have FTP access to the theme):

    1. Duplicate the “page.php” file. Name the new file “full-page.php”
    2. Open “full-page.php” in your HTML/PHP editor. At the top, add the following:

    Template Name: Full Page

    Then remove the get_sidebar() function call from the page. You might also have to remove some divs and/or other mark-up surrounding the get_sidebar(). Since I can’t see the code, I can’t tell you everything you need to remove. But basically, set it up so that only the code for one column remains. Also, you may need to create a new CSS class for the main content div for the full-page.php template and set it so that it fills 100% of the site width.

    Good luck!

    If you can hack the theme files and work with CSS then you can add as many menus to a theme as you want.

    I’m not sure how your themes are structured, but you’ll need to go to the index file of your theme (you can find it in the Theme Editor in the WordPress Dashboard) and replace all occurances of “the_excerpt()” with “the_content()”.

    You might also need to change the_excerpt() to the_content() on “category.php”, “archive.php”, “author.php”, “home.php”, “front-page.php”, “search.php”, “date.php”, “tag.php”, etc, if those files exist in your theme.

    Yes, you can do this easily by floating two divs on the same line. Then drop a WP nav menu inside each div. Give the two floating divs different CSS selector names, so you can then give each menu its own look.

    A quick glance at your site using Firebug revealed that the style is being controlled by the WP Property plugin. This is the rule: #property_stats.overview_stats dd.alt

    You might need to change that plugin’s CSS file.

    1. The widgets you’re seeing are there as placeholders. Once you add some widgets in your sidebars, they’ll disappear.

    2. As for the menu, it’s hard to tell without being able to see your site. Maybe try removing the “Main” menu from “Menu 2” as seen in your screenshot. See if that makes a difference.

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