Forum Replies Created
And about the curly bracket thing, it is a human error.
OMG it works like charm. Thank you so much for your time and the tip for login credentials.
It is a regional content based channel.
Url here : am pretty sure that my child theme is working properly and i have created it through step by step instruction. If you need back-end login details for troubleshooting please let me know. Thanks for your time.
Ya i did. Still nothing.
I was facing the same problem. Worked for me too. Thanks Chuckie
No change in front-end appearance after pasting the code.
Hey Paul as per your instruction I did everything
- Removed the header keeping header text checked
- Pasted the code in child theme style.css file pointing the image url to my logo.
But i don’t know whats wrong there still its not working. I appreciate your time for me. A little bit more help here please. Thanks a ton.
please check this site
this site is not mine, but I would like my logo to be like that.
Hey paul, thanks for your reply.
I want the logo display and no text. After removing Header Image from the setting what should i do in css?
I am already using Twenty Thirteen child theme as i have mentioned in my first post
There is a problem in that. It is up scaling the image to 1600 × 230 pixels and appearing in same size in front end. I want it to be appear in 300×50 pixel size in front end. How to do that?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Thirteen] Replace background header with fixed imageI want to transform the header image into a logo of 300×50. How it can be achieved. Please Help. I am stuck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Nothing found in WordPress categorystill waiting someone to help
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Nothing found in WordPress categoryI am beginner in WordPress. I don’t know much about html, php coding. But i can edit those if proper instruction is provided
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Nothing found in WordPress categoryActually I am using Twentythirteen child theme.