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This is what I attempted. I’m dyslexic, so it’s kind of hard to catch errors when i’m still really unfamiliar with this all. But i think that this is correct, but my results say otherwise ??
<?php get_header();?> <div id="page"> <?php if(have_posts()): ?><!-- boolean function - returns true or false semicolon replaces curly brace statements --> <?php while (have_posts()): ?><!-- boolean function - returns true or false --> <!-- HTML HERE --> <!-- 'right' is the end of the file name, e.g. sidebar-right.php --> <div class="post_content left"><!-- begin 'content' --> <?php the_post(); ?> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class("standard_post"); ?>><!-- //give us all of wordpress classes --> <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2><!-- //wp_function --> <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> <?php the_content(); ?><!-- gets the wsyiwig content editor --> <p>Written by <?php the_author(); ?></p> <p><small><time datetime="<?php the_time('Y-M-D'); ?>"><?php the_time('M j'); ?></time></small></p> <?php comments_number("0 comments", "1 comment", "% comments") ?> </article> <?php endwhile; else: ?> <!-- Combines endwhile + else statement --> <!-- HTML HERE --> <p>Add Posties</p> <?php endif; ?> </div><!-- end 'content' --> <?php get_sidebar("right"); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php get_footer();?>
I should also probably note that for all i know it’s not the loop tha tis the problem. I’ve really no idea, it just seems like a loop problem. I’ve looked through my code and i thought i’d terminated everything (close tags) but evidently not. ??
I am aware and have tried for days now to resolve the mark up errors, but i can’t find any actual mark up erros, which makes me think i’ve done something wrong in my loop of my index page or something. And some errors completely baffle me – i don’t have a metacharset that i am aware of called ‘themekitty’. I don’t know where the heck that one is coming from and i’ve tried to google it to find out where so i can correct it. likewise th time stamp error i also can’t resolve.
i still can’t get my aside over to the left properly ??
Errors listed below:
Line 4, Column 28: Internal encoding declaration named an unsupported chararacter encoding themekitty.
<meta charset=”ThemeKitty”>
Error Line 4, Column 28: Bad value ThemeKitty for attribute charset on element meta: themekitty is not a valid character encoding name.<meta charset=”ThemeKitty”>
Syntax of encoding name:
An preferred encoding name according to the Encoding Standard. Example: utf-8Error Line 55, Column 44: Bad value 2013-Apr-Tue for attribute datetime on element time: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.
<p><small><time datetime=”2013-Apr-Tue”>Apr 16</time></small></p>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My NavBar No Like MeThank you for the Guidance vtxyzzy, I will try that as soon as I get home and report back positively or negatively as to how the results panned out for me. And again Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My NavBar No Like MeI am trying to validate the CSS/HTML but this is my first time doing wordpress and the multiple parts make it very hard to find out what is coming from where.
I’m not sure what you are asking vtzyzzy when you ask where contents are coming from, I believe they come from the menu which i did with the menu builder which is native to wordpress.
But i do have the following code installed in the header of my file which i believe helps the menu and might be what you are asking Vtxyzzy:
$mainMenu = array( "theme_location" => "main_menu", "container" => "nav", "container_class" => "", "container_id"=> "main_nav", "depth" => 2 ); //Depth is how many levels of menu - main, child, subchild
I do have theme support in my function file:
add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); //featured image
Thank you for the suggestions, i’m hoping to get this resolved. i’d just like to get the drop downs to work, that would be so nice.
Thank you.I forgot to include a link (See I am a newb ?? )
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bootstrap Menu] Sub menu are not displayedAs others have said, I too will echo that I think that this is a useful plugin.
I am having a problem with the drop down menus, mine aren’t displaying (I have the base line pages, but if i hover over my services selection or Gallery (Blog), etc the submenus do not display.
I’d very much appreciate it if you could help me. Once i get them working, I’ll write a review of my expereinces and I’m hoping to say many super awesome things as this is a great plugin.
My site url is:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Wackadoodle Caching IssueThank you again WPyogi,
I reset the plugin folder as you suggested (plugin.HOLD), force emptied caches, etc. Now i’m going to take a break as it’s very hot tonight. Once my studio’s cooled a bit i ail try to to see if i can get my footer and Header to behave properly so i can complete the assignment – Thanks for the help (I don’t know what the caching was doing mind you but my teacher who is very smart said it was a problem to resolve and i think it resolved?Cheers and many thanks WPyogi (I just ‘got’ your handle, very cool)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Wackadoodle Caching IssueIf it helps, this is what I’m trying to create:
I haven’t put in the slider stuff yet, i’m still just trying to get the navigation to work.
And i almost forgot to say ‘Thank you WPyogi’,
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Wackadoodle Caching IssueTHANK YOU very much for taking a look – I’m aware that their are html errors being thrown at this time, but until i get the cache issue resolved they will persist as changes I make don’t come through.
Currently i’m trying to get all my nav styling into the dropdown menu bar but i keep hitting roadblocks which i think is the result of cache issues playing out maybe; My teacher said that i had some cache issues going on and tasked me with researching htem which I am doing as I’m a super novice.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twentyeleven child theme does not load properlyYes something was still off, but at least what I did allowed the site to be viewed as I was hoping to view it. And I did find the problem which was that there was a problem with the dreamhost install, the server my database was on was experiencing bleed or something. I don’t know what it was exactly. But the problem was found when i did new installs and wanted to know how to rename my databases — that lead to the discovery of the problem on the server which has been fixed now.
So i always did my installs correctly from the get-go. It was just an example of ‘stuff happens’ sometimes. And it’s cool as i learned a bit about databases and troubleshooting wordPress and i learned about this site as well.
thanks for everything
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twentyeleven child theme does not load properlyI did that. And that DIDN’T work. Adding the header DID work. My Problem seems to be solved by having added the header. I understand that you say that I don’t need to do this, but it is hard to argue with my having done this and suddenly the nag is there, styled the way i’d expected and that the image is there on the front page (yes?).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twentyeleven child theme does not load properlyYes. I’m now doing it again, following this tutorial which explains a bit more about making a child theme of the twenty-eleven theme such as you need to include the header.php file from the twenty-eleven them into the child theme folder; So it maybe that i didn’t do anything wrong, just that duplicating the theme to get a starting point requires more steps that aren’t covered by the ‘create a child-theme’ tutorials.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twentyeleven child theme does not load properlyI downloaded the twenty eleven theme again, deleted the old one, uploaded the new one and still the same situation persists.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twentyeleven child theme does not load properlyI will try that
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twentyeleven child theme does not load properlyIf it is loading elements of the child theme, i don’t know what they are, also saying that to me is very meaningless as I don’t really know what you are referring too; I am completely new to this. I am trying to set up my first theme.
The errors you just experienced were caused by my attempting some fixes/changes (i tried copying the entire twenty-eleven theme folder, removing the it’s style.css and replacing it with the new style.css folder to see what that would do. The result was a lot of errors.
I’ve reverted the folder back.
I have the twenty eleven theme here (this is what my child theme ought to be referring too).