hi thanks for your help ??
but now there are still some points missing.
jpegtran: Installed?
version: Independent JPEG Group’s JPEGTRAN, version 9a 19-Jan-2014
optipng: Installed?version: OptiPNG version 0.7.5
gifsicle: Installed?version: LCDF Gifsicle 1.84
safe mode: Off??exec(): Enabled??
Graphics libraries – only need one, used for conversion, not optimization
GD: Installed??Imagemagick ‘convert’: Missing
Only need one of these:
finfo: Missing??getimagesize(): Installed??mime_content_type(): Missing
– Imagemagick ‘convert’ is missing
– and do i need the “finfo” or “mime_content_type()”
It says only need one of these, but on your install video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLBjjcaJ2pw
Its showing all 3 options “ok”