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  • Hi @akinator

    CSS customizations is a bit out of scope for us, but you can try something like this to prevent people from selecting your product-description texts:

    .tab-panels {
     -webkit-user-select: none;
     -moz-user-select: none;
     -ms-user-select: none;
      user-select: none;

    However, keep in mind that there is no way to fully guarantee the complete protection of your work. (After all, this is the internet.).

    A few things that you can consider instead are:

    • Include a clear copyright notice on your site.
    • Use an appropriate Creative Commons License.
    • Search for your content using Google.
    • Here’s a great article with some tips that you can use and adjust to your Store.

      My very best,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by André.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by André.

    Howdy @jimygatsby

    Since PHP version 7.4 works well, I’d recommend changing it back to the working version since it’s the recommended version for most WordPress plugins and themes.

    You can see here the Server recommendations for the WooCommerce:

    But you may need to double-check all your plugins/themes to check to which version they are compatible.

    You can also try a conflict test to double-check where exactly the error is coming from.

    We have an article that comes in handy when testing for a plugin or a theme conflict, you can visit the link below for more details:

    Let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @bapestars

    I can see that you have already find them and also opened a topic there!

    Also, if I am seeing it in the correct place, I can see that you already changed it, isn’t it?

    Image link:

    So, I am going to mark this as resolved but feel free to reach out to us anytime if you need anything else from the WooCommerce community!

    My very best,

    Hi @incapto! Thanks for sharing your Status report with us!

    From that, I can see that you have 219 failed actions and 95 pending. Also, your newest pending action is from Feb 16, 2023!

    If you view the oldest pending actions, are you able to run them manually? If they won’t run, you might delete them and see if the scheduled actions will work properly after that.

    I can see that you already have WP-Crontrol installed, do you see any error on your scheduled actions?

    If you’re able to run/delete them manually you can try to import your historical data again and let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @alla12

    Thanks for sharing the screenshots with us! Your site is now with a Coming soon page, so I couldn’t verify it.

    Have you tried to disable the shipping as I mentioned above?

    Regarding the translations, WooCommerce uses the same language you’ve set to your WordPress installation.

    So you can check your WordPress language via WordPress Dashboard > General Settings.

    Once this has been done, the shop displays in your locale if the language file exists.

    So, a few things you should consider:

    1. Make sure to clear your site’s cache, if you’re using a caching plugin also, you may need to reach out to your hosting company to check if they are using some caching system on their side too.
    2. Check your WordPress language;
    3. Use LocoTranslate or PoEdit to create/customize your translation files.
    3.1 You can refer to this guide for WooCommerce translation help:
    4. Complete disable the shipping option, as explained above;
    5. Use some CSS code to remove that field from your checkout page;

    Let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @luca2715

    Just to clarify a bit more, are you using Wise to receive Direct bank transfers (BACs) or as a default bank account to withdraw your store balance?

    I hope to hear from you soon!

    My very best,

    Hi @carloseuita!

    My colleague was just double-checking to see if you did the full conflict test.

    We ask this because occasionally some themes can cause some unexpected problems and also because it is an easier environment to replicate and diagnose on our side.

    That being said, I am happy to hear that it’s working now!

    Also, feel free to share your solution with the community forum, it can help someone with the same problem in the future.

    I’m going to mark this as resolved but feel free to reach out to the WooCommerce community anytime if you need anything else!

    My very best,

    Hi @edoeod!

    Aye, people are using it. What happens, as explained above is that WooCommerce uses the WordPress comment form by default.

    When the fields aren’t validated, it calls the function wp_die();, it kills WordPress execution and displays an HTML page with that error message.

    You can try to customize that, but since it’s a WordPress function, you may need to reach out to the WordPress folks! The Developing with WordPress forum should be a great start!

    But the solution that my colleague shared with you should work as well!

    All the best,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by André.

    Hi @kushtech! Thanks for sharing more details!

    I believe that since you removed the shipping methods from your South Africa zone, it’s applying the Flate Rate, which is applied according to your screenshot for other regions not covered by your shipping zones.

    Would you mind checking your Flate rate costs? You can click on your “Locations not covered by other zones” link, and then hover your mouse over your Flare Rate link to show up the Edit link, click on it and check the costs.

    Image link:

    You can find it via WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Locations not covered by your other zones

    Let us know if editing/removing it does the trick!

    My very best,

    Hi @alla12

    Do you want to completely remove shipping from your Store?

    If so, you can disable shipping by following the steps below:

    1. Go to your Woocommerce admin panel and click on: Settings > General.

    2. Scroll down a bit and find the General options item.

    3. On Shipping locations, pick up the “Disable shipping & shipping calculations”;

    4. Scroll down to the bottom and save your settings;

    If this is not what you’re looking for, no worries, you can share a screenshot with us through any image service, like:, paste/drag and drop the image there and share the link with us.

    Also, to create a custom translation, you can visit the article below. It will help you create some custom translations for WooCommerce:

    Let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @geonolis! Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Can you double-check if you have the “Enable table usage” options checked from your advanced settings? You can find it via:

    Your WordPress Dashbaord > WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Advanced

    Image link if needed:

    If not, check it and save your settings, if it’s already checked, let’s try to regenerate your product tables lookup it via:

    Your WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Status > Tools.

    Find the item Regenerate the product attributes lookup table and click on the Regenerate button.

    If everything works well, you’ll be able to filter your variable products.

    If you’re still having issues with that after giving the above a try, could you share your system status report with us? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    Let us know how it goes! My very best,

    Hi @shashikant91! How’s it going today?

    Yes, you can do it! There’s a great discussion about it in the links below, and you can also find some snippets to use.

    Here and Here!

    Also, make sure that the option to hide the out-of-stock products is unchecked from your WooCommerce settings.

    You can find it via: WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > products > Invetory.

    Image link if needed:

    I hope it helps and let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @colcas83, thanks for reaching out!

    I’d recommend using this as a plugin instead of pasting it to your functions.php file unless you want to practice your coding skills with WordPress! ??

    The developer also create it as a plugin, and you can install it here:

    I am recommending this because since it’s a complex code with libs and dependencies, it’s much easier to manage everything in the same place (in a plugin folder in this case), otherwise, you could end up having a very large functions.php file to deal with!

    You can find the installation instructions here:

    And the configuration instructions are also here:

    Let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @cammo00

    Let us know how it goes and feel free to share your logs again if, by chance, there was any change on it after deleting the item and sync/import it again!


    Hi @haidermaa! Thanks for sharing more details with us!

    This sometimes happens when PHP variable data is stored in the memory while a PHP script is running.

    To help us accurately diagnose it, can you give the following a try, please?

    • Double-check (maybe with your hosting company) what’s your real memory limit. It shows that you have 4GB, but I’d recommend you double-check it. You can also find this in your php.ini file.
    • Try to use the WP Query monitor to debug your database queries, PHP errors, hooks, actions and so on! Share with us your findings, if any.
    • Try to decrease your PHP version, from 8.1.8 to 7.4 which is the recommended version at the moment and compatible with most plugin versions.
    • Let us know how it goes!

      My very best,

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 557 total)