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  • Hi @alwayspaws! Thanks for writing back!

    You were close! Instead of storefront_new_in_products you should use storefront_recent_products

    So, can you give the following a try, please?

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'storefront_child_enqueue_styles' );
    function storefront_child_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    function remove_storefront_home_sections( $args ) {
    remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_recent_products', 30 );
    remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_featured_products', 40 );
    remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_popular_products', 50 );
    remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_on_sale_products', 60 );
    remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_best_selling_products', 70 );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'remove_storefront_home_sections' );

    I hope it helps and let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @dkutcher

    Natively, as you noticed, the published date isn’t exported to the CSV file.

    If you are comfortable with coding, you’ll need to programmatically add a new column, then assign the published date field to that column.

    Alternatively, you can use a plugin like the WP all export. There’re a few other plugins that grant you a more customizable way to handle your export/import products.

    Let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @francisconoronhacarvalho!

    I understood that your Merchant account isn’t synchronized with your store, is that correct?

    If so, we’re going to need a bit more context about what is going on here.

    Can you share your error logs, if there are any, from your Google Listings & Ads with us?

    You can find them via

    • WooCommerce > Status > Logs
    • , and then, in the dropdown menu near the top right, select the most recent log where the name starts with google-listing-and-ads.

      Click the view button and paste it here on your response.

      I hope to hear from you soon!

      My very best,

    Hi @yurbshop21

    I am not able to access your site, chances are that it’s a temporary glitch.

    The thing is, the way everything is shown is usually handled by your theme but you can make some tweaks to it using a piece of CSS code.

    I’d recommend checking out with your theme developer, but you can find some discussions about it here, independently of your theme:

    And here:

    This kind of customization is a bit out of scope for us, so if everything fails, you can also check out the WooCommerce Customizations Page.

    I hope it helps!

    My very best,

    Hi @convospanish

    It’s hard to say what’s causing the issue without reproducing it.

    It sounds like a staging site would be a good idea at this point. If your host doesn’t offer that option, we recommend WP Staging for quickly spinning up a new test site.

    You can then, disable everything except for the WooCommerce and set up a test product, just like the protected one, so you can double-check if the issue persists.

    You can also share with us your staging site, with the test product, so we can try to reproduce it on our end too.

    Let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @edwiince

    I’d recommend that you use the WP-Crontrol plugin, so you can check all your “cron jobs” and run them again when needed.

    From your errors log, I can see that it’s displaying some critical errors with your theme and a plugin.

    I’d recommend checking out with the developers from your theme (hello elementor theme) and a plugin (yith-woocommerce-multi-step-checkout-premium) to fix them. A critical error can prevent things from working as expected.

    Let us know how it goes!

    My very best,

    Hi @tommaso99!

    The Local Pickup is a shipping method that can be added to shipping zones, and you can associate with this method any payment option.

    I created a test flow here, and as you can see when I select the Local Pickup shipping method, all the payment options I’ve set, are still available.

    Image link:

    You can also customize it a bit more, setting up specific shipping methods for a specific product/category.

    Let us know if you have any other questions!

    My very best,

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WooCommerce] add to cart

    HI @majidazad!

    No worries! I am happy that you figured it out! I am going to mark this as resolved but feel free to reach out to us anytime if you need anything else!

    My very best,

    Hi @iturtle!

    I have checked your site and your source code, but I couldn’t find the meta tags between the style elements.

    I found some meta tags injected/optimized by the Yoast SEO plugin, but they aren’t between the <style> elements.

    Let me show you a piece of some of your style elements listed on your source page:

    Image link:

    Can you let us know where exactly are you seeing this, so we can better diagnose it?

    I hope to hear from you soon!

    My very best,

    Hi @woodypad! How’s it going today?

    Just to clarify it a bit, the WooCommerce payments plugin is available in 18 countries and supports more than 100 different currencies.

    A few built-in functionalities like Subscriptions, instant deposits, and in-person payment are available only for merchants in the United States.

    In support of creating a global commerce platform, we are actively working to make WooCommerce Payments available to other countries.

    If you want to use WooCommerce Payments and it’s not available in your country, please vote for your country to be supported on the WooCommerce Ideas board.

    If you’re not a merchant from the United States and want to use a subscription functionality, you can consider using a plugin/extension like this one with your WooCommerce store:

    Let us know if you have any doubts about it, and we’ll be happy to help!

    My very best,

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WooCommerce] add to cart

    Hi @majidazad! Thanks for sharing your System report!

    As my colleagues mentioned, we were not able to reproduce this behavior on our end, which leads me to believe that is something very specific from your side.

    Have you tried to access your store using a different browser/device and a different connection to double-check if the issue persists?

    For testing purposes, I accessed your site and:

    – Added an item to the cart;
    – Move out from that page, and accessed a different category;
    – Added more items to the cart;
    – Accessed the cart page;
    – Got back to the main shop page, accessed a different category, and added more items;

    Everything worked as expected as you can see in the screenshot below:

    You can also see the image here:

    You may need to purge all your cache:

    – From your site;
    – From your browser;
    – From your server (you may need to reach out to your hosting company to do that);
    – From your local environment – You can find a quick guide about that here:

    Let us know how it goes! My very best,

    Hi @francisbisson! Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Sorry to hear that, but we’ll do our best to help you out!

    The first thing to check is, does your site support background processing? You may need to reach out to your host to double-check that, but alternatively, you can wait for your sync to get stuck and use the option Clear Square Sync.

    You can find this option via WooCommerce > Status > Tools, and start the import again.

    Repeat the process until no further products are imported. The log will be marked with Completed step cycle: update_inventory_counts.

    A few other things that you may need to check and will help us accurately diagnose what’s going on:

    • Are SKUs set in Square and WooCommerce products for items you want to sync/import?
    • Are you seeing any errors on your WooCommerce/Square logs? Can you share them with us?
    • You can find your error logs via WooCommerce > Status > Logs. Then choose a log from the drop-down labeled fatal-errors.log and click View.

      Paste them in your response if there are any.

      I hope to hear from you soon!

      My very best,

    Hi @tommaso99, thanks for reaching out to us!

    If I understood you correctly, you’re wondering to use the Local Pickup method, isn’t it?

    It’s a WooCommerce built-in shipping method ready to be used in your store. You can set this method via:

    • WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping
    • Select a Shipping Zone, and click the + icon to Add Shipping Method.
    • Click Add shipping method.
    • Click Local Pickup in the row you wish to define.
    • You can set Local Pickups for a specific zone or everywhere, and the user will be able to use one of your payment methods after choosing the Local Pickup method.

      You can read more about it here:

      Let me know if this is not exactly what you’re looking for.

      My very best,

    Hi @abhisheksharma8789! How’s it going today?

    As stated in the forum guide, this kind of customization is a bit out of scope for us. This forum is mostly focused on resolving issues with core configuration and its intended functionality, but we’ll do our best to help you out!

    That being said, if I understood you correctly, do you want to remove the sidebar from the mobile view, is that correct?

    There’re a few ways to remove the sidebar from the product page, you can check the guide below for some of them:

    If you’re considering using the CSS solution listed on the link above, you can use a mobile query to target only mobile devices.

    Here’s a quick intro for mobile/media queries:

    If you need any further help, share with us the link to your site and a sample page/post/product that you need help with, and the details that you want to achieve.

    Let us know how it goes, and thanks for using Storefront! ??

    Hi there! Thanks for sharing more details with us!

    To help me accurately diagnose it, can you give the following a try, please?

    Go to the URL below and disconnect the site.

    If you’re using any caching plugin, you may need to purge them after disconnecting. You also may need to reach out to your hosting company to double-check if they aren’t using any caching system on their side too.

    Then try reconnecting it.

    Please, replace with the URL to your site.

    Let us know how that goes.

    My very best,

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