im currently completing a Certificate IV in Assessment & Training (In Melbourne – Australia) and part of our assessment is too create 3 x 10 minute presentations for the class. Ive decided to do 2 x presentations on how to create a website using good ol’ WordPress. The first part will be theories and terminology on the basics – whats is html/css/php – the 3 layers of the web – content/presentation/behaviour.. 3 tier architecture – Opensource – WordPress.
the second part will be focusing on how to install and create the actual site – Its alot to cram in 2 x 10mins but the way i see it is the more ppl we train in WordPress the more the community grows.. Ill be posting the presentation on my blog very soon.. so keep a look out..
like i said its at a basic level – im hoping to develop it further down the track but ill be happy to throw it out there for others to tweak and use..