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  • Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Ok, I fixed the nav bar issue, but have had no luck with the comments problem. I do not know css too well. Thanks.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Link color
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Solved. Thanks.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Please do not respond. I am not using the template. Thanks.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Steve to the rescue for me again. It worked. Thank you. I have learned so much from you over the last couple of days.

    Samboll and Trent, thanks also. Sorry about posting too much ??

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Well, searched my .css. I did not find anything that looked like that. Below is the section on images in my .css. Would I delete the last section in bold?

    /* Gallery

    #spg {
    margin: 0 0 0 0;
    text-align: left;

    #spg #image {
    #spg .imgwrapper {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 12px;
    padding: 2px;
    margin-bottom: 12px;
    #spg .imgwrapper span {
    font:9px verdana, sans-serif;
    #spg .imgwrapper img {
    background-color: #ffffff;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-right: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-top: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
    border-left: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
    padding: 4px;
    #spg .imgwrapper a:visited img {
    #spg .imgwrapper a:hover img, #spg .imgwrapper a:focus img {
    background-color: #dcdcdc;
    /* #spg .imgwrapper a:hover, #spg .imgwrapper a:focus {
    color: #8BACD7;
    } */

    #spg #single {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-right: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-top: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
    border-left: 1px solid #f5f5f5;

    #spg #gallery {
    float: left;
    margin: 0 0 0 0;
    #spg #directories ul {
    padding-left: 0;
    margin-left: 0;
    text-indent: 0px;
    #spg #directories li {
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    padding: 5px 10px 5px 44px;
    background: #ffffff url(images/mx4/cam.gif) no-repeat 6px 4px;
    border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;

    /* Entry Images

    .entry img, .content.entry img a {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-right: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-top: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
    border-left: 1px solid #f5f5f5;

    .entry img a:hover {
    background-color: #dcdcdc;

    /* Entry Images

    #content.cams img, #content.cams img a {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-right: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-top: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
    border-left: 1px solid #f5f5f5;

    #content.cams img a:hover {
    background-color: #dcdcdc;

    /* Random Images

    .random a img {
    margin-left: 6px;
    margin-bottom: 6px;
    padding: 4px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-right: 1px solid #a3a3a3;
    border-top: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
    border-left: 1px solid #f5f5f5;

    .random a:hover img{
    background-color: #dcdcdc;

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thank you samboll. I am new to WP, what do I do when I go to that file. Thanks.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thank you Steve. If you can, can you shoot me an email. I wanted to ask you something. Thanks.
    dreamweaver8484 at

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thank you for trying. Could you please send me what you did to get it semi-working on the home page. That way I have something to work with. Thanks again so much. You can send what you did to :
    dreamweaver8484 at
    Again, thank you for the effort. Much appreciated.

    Edit: I also noticed it now lists the pages on the side bar, which was not there before.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Okay, it’s a start. The nav bars are working. The only problem I can see is that the ‘Home’ page does not load. When I used Word Press 2.0.7, I used the plug-in for a static front page. That is not supported in WP 2.1. So when you sign in to my page, for some reason now, the original home page does not load. It shows my latest posts instead of the home page.

    When I use the built in static page from WP 2.1, the home page shows, but it does not show any of the side navigation. Not sure if this makes sense.

    I took images of it to help explain. When I use the WP 2.1 build in static page, and make my home page static, it looks like this:
    The problem, no side navigation.

    When I undo this, and have no static page, the home page disappears, and you see my most recent posts. It looks like this:

    I hope the image links work.

    Please let me know what you think. I am so impressed with your knowledge.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thanks Steve, if you can fix it, I’d be very grateful. I will check back over the weekend. Thank you so much for your expertise.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Wow Steve, that was quite impressive how you figured that out, really impressive. I could never do anything like that on my own. I love this theme, and want to keep it as long as I can. The only problem is the menu you helped me with does not function in Word Press 2.1. That is why I still have Word Press 2.0.7. Everything in the theme works properly in 2.1 except that nav bar. If you know a fix for that as well, now that you have the theme, please let me know. Again, thank you so much for your generosity and time.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thank you very much for your reply Steve. I understand what you are saying, but I am having a very hard time finding where it is in my folder. I think I am going crazy…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Not sure if I know how to do this. I have put the code for the header below. Is there anyplace that shows the order of the nav bar? Thanks.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “”&gt;
    <?php require_once get_template_directory().”/BX_functions.php”; ?>
    <html xmlns=”; xml:lang=”en” lang=”en”>
    <title><?php bloginfo(‘name’); wp_title(); ?></title>
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”<?php bloginfo(‘charset’); ?>” />
    <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress <?php bloginfo(‘version’); ?>” />
    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’); ?>” type=”text/css” media=”screen, projection” />
    <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS 2.0″ href=”<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>” />
    <link rel=”alternate” type=”text/xml” title=”RSS .92″ href=”<?php bloginfo(‘rss_url’); ?>” />
    <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” title=”Atom 0.3″ href=”<?php bloginfo(‘atom_url’); ?>” />
    <link rel=”pingback” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘pingback_url’); ?>” />
    <?php /*comments_popup_script(520, 550);*/ ?>
    <?php wp_head();?>

    <div id=”container”<?php if (is_page() && !is_page(“archives”)) echo ” class=\”singlecol\””; ?>>
    <div id=”bloginfo”>“><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> <?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></div>
    <!– header …………………………… –>
    <div id=”header”>
    <!– <h1>“><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></h1>–>
    <!– /header –>

    <!– navigation …………………………… –>
    <div id=”navigation”>

    <form action=”<?php echo $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]; ?>” method=”get”>
    <input value=”<?php echo wp_specialchars($s, 1); ?>” name=”s” id=”s” />
    <input type=”submit” value=”Go!” id=”searchbutton” name=”searchbutton” />

      <li<?php if (is_home()) echo ” class=\”selected\””; ?>>“>Home
      $pages = BX_get_pages();
      if ($pages) {
      foreach ($pages as $page) {
      $page_id = $page->ID;
      $page_title = $page->post_title;
      $page_name = $page->post_name;
      if ($page_name == “archives”) {
      (is_page($page_id) || is_archive() || is_search() || is_single())?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>Archives\n”;
      elseif($page_name == “about”) {
      (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>About\n”;
      elseif ($page_name == “contact”) {
      (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>Contact\n”;
      elseif ($page_name == “about_short”) {/*ignore*/}
      elseif ($page_name == “home”) {/*ignore*/}
      else {
      (is_page($page_id))?$selected = ‘ class=”selected”‘:$selected=”;
      echo “<li”.$selected.”>$page_title\n”;

    </div><!– /navigation –>

    <hr class=”low” />

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Nav Bar Question
    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    okay, I thought I had it, but it switched back. There has got to be a way to do this that I am missing. Can anyone help out. Thanks.

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