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  • Thread Starter happyorright


    I am actually using W3 total cache and figured that out. Thanks for the suggestion.


    Thread Starter happyorright



    Then if I am the only 1 star review you don’t have anything to worry about. If what I say is so inaccurate and wrong, then that reflects on me not you doesn’t it?

    Lets agree to disagree on this one. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

    Thread Starter happyorright


    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for contacting me. A public forum is an interesting way to have me respond but I will since that is the choice you have given me.

    I have at least 20 reviews that are 5 star. This characterization of my reviews as though they are not thoughtful is not only not true, but implies that I am not a thoughtful person. In addition you used the text of what one of the authors of a plugin wrote to me, which implies that you have already had a conversation and made your decision about me before gathering the facts.

    The facts are this. Not all authors support their plugin. Not all plugins stay in the directory so they can’t be responded to like BackupBuddy. I did not do anything that other reviewers did not do. Other reviewers both has short reviews, had links, and didn’t explain the technical issues of what happened. Listen I understand your point of view, you want the reviews to be fair. But authors will get 1 star reviews for valid reasons.

    For your information, I do work with developers and do help them when their plugin is excellent. Look at my posts of Janis website who makes the excellent Broken Link Checker plugin. The fact is that both you Ajay can’t verify or not if I worked with other authors before leaving a 1 star review. But it is not the responsibility of a reviewer to also be a developer. I could get into the technical issues on a public forum, but that doesn’t help anyone. I am not going to post my private details of my server in a public forum, and very few plugin authors have private for a fee service which I would gladly pay.

    Does it help the average person who is not technical to read a review that the error_log went to 29 GB with his plugin, or any other the other plugins that I had problems with? Does it help when I discuss the problems in such a way that only an incomplete picture of what happened occurred? Rather than attacking your customers in this forum in a public place, a private email could have handled this better.

    Delete my account if you must, but every story has two sides.

    Thread Starter happyorright


    You are welcome. So does this change your rating/usage of it?

    Thread Starter happyorright


    I was using the plugin the day I wrote that review. If you go to Pingdom and load your website, then go under the Waterfall page you will see the link. Regardless, Google penalizes slow loading websites with less traffic/referrals so its not worth it to me.

    Thread Starter happyorright



    As you can see by the one star reviews:

    I also saw redirect requests to the developers site every time a page that had the code was loaded. Pingdom showed exactly the URL it was requesting, which another person pointed out in the reviews above. It slowed my site down 1 second, and when I disabled it, it also went from taking up 25% of my CPU as shown by the plugin P3 to 0%. The P3 Plugin shows how much of the resources a plugin takes. In addition I care about my viewers and my own privacy, so I don’t support plugins that made clandestine calls to other websites. Very few people are going to look at the details of their website and the redirects it is making, so this means that very few are going to realize the true cost of using this plugin.

    Instead I am using Simple Share Buttons Adder which doesn’t have any of these issues. It doesn’t send information to a third party. It doesn’t hog resources on the cpu, it doesn’t slow my sign down as measured by Pingdom. It doesn’t have any bad reviews about compromising privacy.

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