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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogging from Kindle?FYI… I hit up the local Best Buy to look at the Kindle. The store/floor model was hard wired to run some demo thing that allowed for no ‘testing’. Best Buy also sells the Nook & Sony readers, and they too had demos running.
My local BB was also out of stock of all the ereaders, and the staff had no clue where the readers were displayed in the store… great customer service as always… ha…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogging from Kindle?Mmmmm…. The article you linked to would have been the previous generation of Kindle, which had a different (weaker?) web browser. The current (3rd) generation uses the ‘webkit’ browser, which is some kind of open source project if wikipedia is correct.
As for borrowing my sister’s 2nd gen kindle to test, that wouldn’t work. First off, it’s the 2nd gen kindle and I’m looking at the 3rd gen. Second, she’s a long plane ride away. Though, this could still be a good excuse to go visit her ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogging from Kindle?Kindle has some sort of “webkit” thing, really basic browser I think. Not all flashy and such. I don’t have a Kindle, my sis has last gen, and she can check Yahoo! mail and read CNN… basic internet functionality.
Logging into a self-hosted wordpress install, then writing and publishing… that’s sort of what I’m curious about.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Expose URL's in archives?Rusty, Blogbooker looks like a good alternative for anyone that hasn’t used WPG2 plugin for over 3 years. Half my images have regular “img src”, the other half has “wpg2” code. I can’t even move my blog to another webhost (easily… it’s sort of like moving to another state…) because of this! Good thing I’m at an inexpensive host ??
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Expose URL's in archives?Oh excellent! I put it in for the specific div of the entry contents, and it does exactly what I need without exposing the url’s for each entry, or comments, etc (because they aren’t needed since they just refer to themselves…).
For some of the pictures I used thumbnails that are on the left side of the entries. The URL starts to the right of the thumbnail and sometimes wraps down to the next line. Is there any way to force the url for images only to be under the image, and not next to it? Like forcing a
between the image and url?If not, no biggie. Just having the url exposed is a huge help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workFixed on one site:
Step 1: deactivate all plugins
Step 2: via filemanager/filezilla/ftp delete ALL PLUGINS & WIDGETS not in use. I’m prone to installing, trying, disliking, deactivating. I also had some plugins that didn’t work with the current version of WP. I could activate them, but they didn’t do anything (specifically King_framework). Messy, messy, much like my housekeeping.
Step 3: I delved into the sql tables. Some of the plugins I’ve used in the past made their own tables (who knew!).
wp_secureimageI “dropped” these tables since I had deleted the plugins/widets in step 2. I first made a backup though!! While I was pretty sure they weren’t in use, I wanted to be sure I could plop them back in the db if I was wrong.
Step 4: force upgrade the db. It pops up a few errors, but then says it’s successfully upgraded. The errors are probably just housekeeping after dropping tables.
Step 5: delete any previously scheduled posts. I guess you could publish them again, but mine were all tests, so easily ditched
Step 6: set up a future post for a few minutes in the future.
Step 7: Wait…
Step 8: after the alloted time, refresh your blog home page (to run the cron processes). Did the test post publish? Did you wait long enough?
Step 9: after you have successfully published a test entry, start activating the remaining plugins you actually use. You can do it all at once (I did), or one by one if you are worried about conflicts.
Deactivating plugins did not fix the future post problem. Only the combination of dropping unused tables, forcing the upgrade, and deleting the unused plugins/widgets did it.I would have never braved the sql tables if I didn’t do a full site backup first. I also tested the other tables in a second fresh install, so I could figure out what tables were necessary, and which were just taking up space.
I would have never braved the sql tables if I didn’t do a full site backup first. I also tested the other tables in a second fresh install, so I could figure out what tables were necessary, and which were just taking up space.
Keep in mind that the wp-categories table is converted to wp-terms, wp-taxonomy, & wp-relationships when upgrading to 2.3 If you are testing in 2.2x, your sql will have this variance. If you’ve already upgraded to 2.3, do NOT delete the terms, taxonomy & relationship tables. These have the ‘categories’ and the new ‘tags’ feature.
Now I’m off to fix my friends wp install. I hope this helps someone else.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workOtto: your godaddy installs may be working for a number of reasons, different server, different hosting package (dedicated, virtual, shared), fantastico install vs manual install. My friend’s wp blog has a future post that was suppose to show up over 130 days ago, so no, it’s not working for all godaddy installs.
I’m going to keep plugging away at trying to figure this out, but at this point it’s down to doing a complete wipe and reinstall. I’m afraid to bring over the sql database to a new install in case the bugs are buried in the tables, but I also don’t want to abandon my 5+ years of posts.
My host ( has been nice enough to check on the suggestions made in this and other support tickets (fsockopen, dns, etc) but could not find any problems.
And since I’m not the only one posting this problem, following this ticket, I’m not convinced “changing hosts” is the solution.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workHitting the wp-cron.php, after making the edit, does not work for two of my WP installs.
I write my future posts
they sit there, pending
after the time passes, the clock starts clicking up
If I go into the sql tables, the status still says future. What I need is something to hit the status and change it to publish. hitting wp-cron.php is doing nothing
As for my host setup being the problem, I don’t think that’s the case. I have my own wp setup on a host ( and future posts don’t work. I do the technical work for my friend’s wp install on a totally different host (, and it too does not have future posts working.
there seems to be something wrong somewhere or there wouldn’t be all these users having problems with something that worked perfectly fine before. Makes me wonder how many have just given up and are living without this awesome feature.
I wish I could do more in terms of finding a fix, but I don’t know how to write in php, or how to make a script that would talk the sql tables into flipping the status of my posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Future posts not postingI’m still not able to get this to work. I was following this thread: and it mentioned some cron job to act as a work around, but that doesn’t seem to work for me either.
It seems there are several potential reasons as to why this is happening, so some of the work arounds may work for you, but then again, they might not.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workI took a few (lots) of minutes and installed a second, fresh, copy of WP and a second SQL database on the server using a sub-domain. The future posting works, so I’m thinking the settings on the actual server are not a problem.
While I would like to do an export/import of my blog to the fresh, working, version, my export file is over 5mb, and apparently there is a 2mb limit.
I was thinking about exporting the SQL databases, but where as they are most likely the problem, I don’t want to just import an existing problem (that kind of defeats the purpose).
Does anyone know how to work around the 2mb import file limit so as to import the blog data, without using the actual SQL databases?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workUm, there isn’t an error from what I see in the times. Times on the server are good.
Only error is not getting the post status to change.
Isn’t that where we are at? I thought that’s where we were at… maybe it’s me…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workLOL! I pay for only one web hosting package. The site is all together there: web, sql, cpanal, email… blah, blah, blah…
cron that I looked up earlier is in the same ‘big picture’ sql database for WP as the post status information, just in different tables (if I am understanding sql correctly).
The WP latest upgrade did database upgrades with 2.2, but since everyone should have had to upgrade their databases as well (I’m not the only one, am I?), then wouldn’t everyone be having this future/publish switch issue?
I wish I had the time to do a totally fresh install, but being at work, I’m already breaking rules being here….
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workTime is setup correctly on the server, I have the four hour difference in WP. Somehow I need to get the SQL to change the post status from Future to Publish once the time has passed. The cron does it’s thing (which was mentioned here earlier), just the post status isn’t flipping over.
And that’s where we all got stumped.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workApparently there is a light bulb missing a switch. At least we found the root of the problem, though a fix would have been super groovy.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Schedule a post to be published at a future date: Does not workSherlock, we have a clue!
Post date: 2007-05-28 22:34:03
Post Date GMT: 2007-05-29 02:34:03
Post Status: futureOoo!!! My sql tables doesn’t know how to tell time!! ??