I’m sadly getting the same. This isn’t really providing a good first impression of the plug-in, and I was hoping this would set me up.
I create an article, and during the creation process, I can use the preview link to get to the article I’m about to publish. As soon as I publish it though, it adds a link to the selected category, and bringing up my knowledge base page shows that. If I click it, it shows the link entered in the permalink URL before publishing, but it just displays an error and says it could not find the page I was looking for.
I’ve done this multiple times, and the result is the same each time.
I just downloaded the plug-in for the first time today since it looked like what I wanted, so I’m hoping we can find out why this is. I’m not going to bother making more than one article until this gets sorted.
Also, kind of hoping there’s a way to actually shorten links with maybe some kind of post ID, because yikes!