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  • Using hotfix pages saving seems ok, but now the articles saving in 3 languages (DE, IT, EN) is buggy.
    Primary language DE is ok, but the structure of IT/EN in WYSIWYG is cutted from :

    <p>Introtext <!--more--></p>
    <p>[gallery link="file"]</p>


    <p>Introtext <!--more--></p>

    It looks like having some pronlem with <!–more–> tag.
    As non-PHP-coder I dont’t know how to continue with a ML-Blog, if qTranslate is so buggy.

    On WP 3.2.1 I have installed codestyling localization 1.99.15. Everthing seems normal (no error messages) but on the Localization page there was no reaction clicking on the links like “Add New Language”. “Edit | Rescan | Delete” had also no reaction. I have tried it under Firefox 7.01 and Explorer 9: same behavior.
    Can someone help me, what can cause this?

    Nice Hotfix. I like to mention another WordPress 3.1 debugging mode & FB-WP 2.7.5 notice in my FRONTEND (Twenty Ten 1.2):
    Undefined variable: loadAtFooter in /wp-content/plugins/fancybox-for-wordpress/fancybox.php on line 199

    I’m not a PHP-Coder, so I don’t risk to post some maybe false code of mine here.

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