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  • It was an issue with our CDN. After resetting the CDN cache, all was back in order.

    Same problem here (with the latest version 5.6.4 of CF7). Except it never works.
    It seems the div supposed to contain the error message (when clicking on Send and a required field is missing) is empty:
    <div class=”wpcf7-response-output” aria-hidden=”true”></div>
    All error messages have some text in the Contact form 7 parameters.
    This is the url if you want to try:

    Thanks in advance for your help

    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Hi Renee, Please find below the results of my tests with version Site Kit 1.6.0:

    I removed all Google code snippets I had inserted using another plugin than Site Kit.
    In Site Kit I inserted the Goole Tag Manager snippet and I Excluded logged in users in the Analytics settings. (I did not insert the analytics code snippet, only the Tag Manager one).

    When accessing pages from anonymous browser tabs:

    I saw the pages well reported in the Google Analytics realtime overview

    The info displayed by Google Tag Manager on the pages was OK:

    1. Google Ads Remarketing Tag (Green)

    2. Google Analytics

    3. Google Tag Manager

    Then, when accessing pages as a logged WordPress admin:

    I did not saw the pages reported in the Google Analytics realtime overview (this is OK)

    The info displayed by Google Tag Manager was:

    Found 2 tags and 1 warning;

    1. Google Ads Remarketing Tag (Green)

    2. Google Tag Manager


    No Google Analytics HTTP responses because opted out code detected.

    I think this is OK.

    Then I try editing pages and was able to see that nothing was reported in the Google Analytics realtime overview. this is OK.

    (FYI this site use the Divi Theme and builder. I did edit pages using various methods: classic editor, front-end editor. This site aso uses the WP Rocket cache plug-in.)

    So it seems all is in order now.


    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Thanks for the info Renee.

    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Thanks for your replies

    “You mentioned that you experienced tracking when editing. I didn’t experience this with a default theme. Could you tell me which theme you’re using?”

    This site uses the Divi theme (latest version).

    It also uses the Yoast the SEO plugin (but not to insert Google code snippets)
    and a couple of other well known plugins like Redirection, Conditional Menus, Create and Assign Categories to Page, Admin Column Pro and a cache plugin, WP Rocket, but that is not implied (not active) on pages displayed or edited by logged users. As far as I can see, nothing that could interfere with Google tracking.

    IMO, Site Kit should provide the option not to insert the Google Tag snippet for logged users (like it does for Analytics).
    Indeed, even if I remove Analytics from the Tag Manager Container, the Tag Manager snippet will still be inserted for no reasons in pages displayed or edited by logged users.

    For now on, I deactivated Site Kit and I am back to the initial solution I was using before to insert the 2 Google Tag Manager snippets taken from the Google Tag Manager “Install Google Tag Manager” page.
    There is one snippet to put in the head and another snippet to put at the top of the body.
    I reactivated a plugin enabling to insert these snippets in all pages and that allows not to insert given snippets based on roles. So for roles like Admin, Author etc. the snippets are not inserted.
    I tested this and all works as expected. no tracking for logged users and tracking OK for visitors

    Using the Tag assistant, I well see 3 tags on my pages (when accessing them as a visitor):
    1. Google Ads Remarketing Tag (Green)

    2. Google Analytics

    3. Google Tag Manager

    Once I validated this configuration, I realized that I may still benefit of the Site Kit Dashboard if I reactivated Site Kit and configured it not to insert the Analytics and Tag Manager Snippets. I gave it a try and it was OK.
    So now, I have the Site Kit Dashboard and Site kit features to view pages Google data etc. available without the hassle of Site Kit issues related to Analytics and Tag Manager snippet insertions / management for logged users.

    If I’m positively impressed by your prompt support (thanks again), I must admit that I’m surprised that a plugin provided by Google themselves is able to create such a mess and does not even self-detect possible bad configuration issues like inserting a second time the Analytics snippet if Analytics is included in Google Tag Manager.
    Particularly since the things causing issues seem to be so basic to implement (inserting code snippets in the right places, checking that there is no snippets redundancy).
    I hope things will get better in a near future.
    I’ll be happy to test additional suggestions or updates if/when you have some.


    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Thanks for your reply.
    My answers to your point 1 and 2 below + additional information:

    1. All web site pages displayed in the browser when I’m logged get tracked in the real time overview.
    As soon as I open one, I can se the real time overview tracking it.
    I well see the graph increasing by one and the correct URL reported in the report.
    I well see the admin bar in the pages being reported in the real time overview.

    Digging this issue a little bit deeper, it is even worse than this, since pages being edited are also tracked!!!
    Example of a given url tracked when editing a page:

    2. Yes I have the Google Analytics tag in the Tag Manager container
    I can see it when editing the container in Tag Manager: “Google Analytics: Universal Analytics” along with other Tags.

    Additional information:

    If I use the Google Tag assistant, it shows (on all pages) 4 tags:
    1. Global site tag( gtag.js) (Green)

    2. Google Ads Remarketing Tag (Green)

    3. Google Analytics (Yellow because “mentioned 2 times”)

    4. Google Tag Manager

    So this means I do not need to connect Site Kit to Analytics?
    Let’s Try. In site Kit I configure:
    Analytics Code Snippet: Snippet is not inserted
    I clear the cache and retry: still, all web site pages displayed in the browser when I’m logged as admin get tracked in the real time overview.

    So now let’s try putting Back the Analytics snippet in Site Kit and configuring Tag Manager as follows in Site Kit:
    Tag Manager Code Snippet: Snippet is not inserted
    I clear the cache and retry: This time pages being displayed or edited when logged as admin are not reported in the Analytics real time overview anymore.
    And pages browsed by visitors are well reported.
    So this is better.

    But now the question is: Does Google Tag Manager still works?
    If I use the Google Tag assistant, it now shows (on all pages) only 2 tags:
    1. Global site tag( gtag.js)
    2. Google Analytics
    With the same UA-117******-1 code

    On a side note, In GTM I have Tags configured only on some pages.
    The info displayed in Google Tag assistant is the same for these page as for other pages of the site. (in both cases, with (2 tags) and without (4 tags) Tag Manager)

    So here no Site Kit option combination is OK:

    Option 1 – Analytics + Tag Manager:
    All pages getting tracked when viewing them as a logged user (including pages being edited!).

    Option 2 – Analytics only:
    2 Missing Tags

    Option 3 – Tag Manager Only:
    No Analytics tracking

    Should I remove The Google Analytics Tag from the Tag Manager container?
    If yes, any side effect to expect?

    Sorry for this long post.
    But this stuff is really not so easy to swallow.

    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Thanks for your reply.
    My answers to your point 1, 2 and 3 below:

    1. the only issue I noticed is that I’m seing pages displayed while I’m logged as admin WordPress in the Analytics Report Real Time (Overview).
    Theses pages are pages of the web site I’m working on (not WordPress admin pages), displayed for testing purpose.
    Since I’m currently logged in WordPress as the admin / editor of the site, I understand they should not be tracked based on the Site Kit setting:
    Excluded from Analytics: Logged-in users
    + I guess that if google displays them in the Realtime report, they are also added to the google stats.

    2. If I understand correctly, you mean that in the Site Kit settings, Analytics and Tag Manager must not be connected simultaneously? One method or the other should be selected but not both? (I connected both).
    I have some settings related to Google Ads managed through Tag Manager, this is the reason why I checked it.
    In case only one must be selected which one to chose. Analytics or Tag Manager?
    For information:
    Analytics account is linked to google Ads account and Search Console account
    Tag Manager account is linked to Analytics account

    3) Yes, the option to Anonymize IP addresses is toggled on in Site Kit

    Thread Starter chrisk200



    Additional to the above post, I tried deactivating Site Kit and was able to check the pages I opened (logged as WordPress admin) do not appear anymore in the Google Analytics Realtime Overview (and this was of course true for pages viewed by ordinary visitors).

    Then I reactivated Site Kit and was back to the initial situation (pages I opened (logged as WordPress admin appearing in the Google Analytics Realtime).

    So it definitely seems that the setting
    Excluded from Analytics: Logged-in users
    does not work / is ignored.

    Site Kit is connected to
    Search console
    Tag Manager
    All have green status

    Thread Starter chrisk200


    In a page displayed when logged as WordPress Admin (that includes the Site Kit icon in the WordPress bar at the top of the screen) that appears in the Google Analytics Real time report, I can see it in 2 different script blocs mentioning the Tracking ID:

    A first one:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    /*googlesitekit*/ ( typeof URL === 'function') || document.write( '<script src="https:/


    and a second one

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    window._googlesitekitBase = {"homeURL":"https:\/\/w


    And I also have the Property ID mentioned in another script in the middle of the 2 above scripts:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    window._googlesitekitBase = {"homeURL":"","trackingID":"UA-13XXXXXX-3"}


    and in the <Head>:

    meta name="generator" content="Site Kit by Google 1.2.0" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" /> 
    <script>( function( w, d, s, l, i ) {
    				w[l] = w[l] || [];
    				w[l].push( {'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js'} );
    				var f = d.getElementsByTagName( s )[0],
    					j = d.createElement( s ), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? '&l=' + l : '';
    				j.async = true;
    				j.src = '' + i + dl;
    				f.parentNode.insertBefore( j, f );
    			} )( window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-MGXXXX8' );


    Now, on the live page seen as a visitor, (thatalso appears in the Google Analytics Real time report).

    I also have the
    <script>( function( w, d, s, l, i ) {....
    in the <head>

    But the Tracking ID is not present
    Instead I have the property ID:

    <script type='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */ var et_core_api_spam_recaptcha = {"site_key":"","page_action":{"action":""}}; /* ]]> */</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='' async></script> <script type='text/javascript'>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', 'UA-11XXXXXXX-1', {"useAmpClientId":true,"anonymize_ip":true} );</script>
    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Thanks James, our posts have crossed each others.
    Yes I well have the setting you mentioned:
    Excluded from Analytics: Logged-in users

    Thread Starter chrisk200


    A precision:

    In the Site Kit settings, I well have
    Excluded from Analytics: Logged-in users

    But despite this setting I see the pages I open (logged as WordPress admin) listed in the Realtime Overwiew of Google Analytics.

    Thread Starter chrisk200

    gives error 404 page not found/
    Also tried .html and.htm same result.


    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Hi Tazo, Thanks very much for your prompt reply.
    To the best of your knowledge is there a solution enabling to implement this kind of hierarchy in the URLs of the posts. for instance to have all posts URLs under a given parent page URL (or kind of virtual URL) like, etc.
    After having organized page hierarchy in a clean structure using Parent/Child relationship, having all posts at the root level doe snot look too good.
    It looks a bit weird to have all posts at the root level of the site, particularly when the main site is not a Blog.

    Thread Starter chrisk200


    Thread Starter chrisk200


    I’ve found something that may interest you:

    If found a case that can be reproduced with the Divi code module:

    If you have a line jump (that is replaced by Divi in the DB by <!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –> ) and if this line jump is inside a style, then it creates the Yoast Error: unable to tokenize

    It is very easy to reproduce:
    Create a new page. Create a section and add a code module. Copy this code below (there is a line jump after .8s) and save. Save the page. then you get the Yoast unable to tokenize errors when editing the page.

    <div id="CLabel" style="-webkit-transition: all .8s;
    font-size: 27px; font-family: 'Open Sans',Arial,sans-serif; width: 0; opacity: 0; padding: 0; height: 29px;"> Get in touch!</div>

    Now if you edit the code module and remove the line jump after 8s to get this:

    <div id="CLabel" style="-webkit-transition: all .8s;font-size: 27px; font-family: 'Open Sans',Arial,sans-serif; width: 0; opacity: 0; padding: 0; height: 29px;"> Get in touch!</div>

    The problem disappears.

    Using Search Replace DB, I did a replace of all occurrences of <!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –> by a space in my database and it cleaned up the problem for some my pages but not for all of them.

    I’be double-checked and I have no [et_pb_line_break_holder] left in my db.
    It means there are other similar cases.

    I’ve also posted this report at Divi.
    I strongly suggest you get in touch with them on this.


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