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  • Thread Starter chrissmit


    In the end, I simply switched up that reporting function.

    I checked out some errors, but they didn’t amount to anything.

    As for the “attacks”: I use WordFence and make weekly backups using Updraft.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter chrissmit


    Thanks Jan,

    I thought this was the case, but now I’m sure.


    Thread Starter chrissmit


    Hi (Joy),

    Thanks for your help.
    It did solve the problem.

    Thread Starter chrissmit


    Thanks, I’ll give this a try.

    Thread Starter chrissmit



    I’ve checked and double-checked everything you said.
    Check out the result:

    It’ shows some categories but not the simplicity that I’m looking for:
    2 main categories with all the other products either being in one of them (depending on where I want them.

    This cannot be rocket-science and still I don’t seem to get it right.

    I apprecietate your help, but I’m not getting anywhere with this…

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter chrissmit


    Sorry. Was away for some time.

    The thing that I still don’t get is that I’ve made categories, and categories that have a parent category; meaning that they should be a subcategory, right?

    Still those categories with a parent category are still showing up on the page, and that’s what I don’t want…

    I just want to display two “main” categories and inside those main categories, there should be the subcategories.

    Thread Starter chrissmit



    The current situation is that all categories are being displayed, including individual products.

    I think all my settings are set correctly.
    But they don’t result in what I want to see.

    I only (!) want to see two categories:
    Culture Matters & Other Stuff

    Under those two main categories, I want (and I think I have) put subcategories that will have their individual products.

    E.g. the main category Culture Matters should hold three subcategories: Video, Audio, Lists
    But at this moment everything is being shown.

    In the WordPress Appearance –> Customize, I’ve also set the Woocommerce to display Categories but it keeps on showing everything.

    Also, on the Shop page, I’ve added the shortcode [product_categories] but even that doesn’t do anything.

    Thread Starter chrissmit


    In addition to my previous screenshot:

    Hope this helps

    Thread Starter chrissmit



    Hopefully this works better:

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter chrissmit



    I cleared my cache and checked on another computer (Mac/Safari): same result.

    This is a screenshot of how I have tried a “normal” category into a subcategory: file:///Users/chrissmit/Desktop/Screenshot%202021-01-27%20at%2017.07.07.png

    I’m still lost…


    Thread Starter chrissmit


    Thank you!

    Thread Starter chrissmit



    Taking out the shortcode solved the problem.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter chrissmit



    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Yes, the settings for Woocommerce are set as per your attachment.

    With respect to the “Storefront” theme: will that affect my whole site?

    Selling using Woocommerce is only a very small part of my site/business; It’s a live site and I don’t want to mess things up.
    Or, can I just use that theme for Woocommerce?

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter chrissmit



    Thanks for your previous help!
    I don’t have that many orders/downloads (yet) so I’m going to leave it as it is for now.

    I did check my settings for that specific product and the fact that my “tester” received a confirmation email (with download link) on one email address and not on the other is weird (he did check all other folders/(spam)boxes).

    Just for the sake of it, I’ve copy-pasted the “copy for support” info below. Maybe you can see something in there.

    Thank you again.

    ### WordPress Environment ###
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    Yoast SEO Premium: by Team Yoast – 15.6.2
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    Team Updraft – 3.1.6
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    Child Theme: ? – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme
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    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Complete: 59
    Oldest: 2021-01-07 19:38:55 +0100
    Newest: 2021-01-17 14:07:52 +0100
    Thread Starter chrissmit



    Ok, thank you for your reply.

    Things have been developing a bit here (party to my mistake)
    This is the current situation:
    There are 3 downloadable products:

    Number 1 & 3 seem to work ok.

    Except number 2 gives problems:
    My colleague tried 2 email addresses:
    [email protected] did NOT receive nor email not confirmation.
    e-mail, [email protected] DID receive an email confirmation including the/a download link.

    What am I missing here?

    Thank you!

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