I’ve now verified, that there is absolutely no caching involved, even no browser caching.
When using shortcode [pdb_single record_id=”12″], the page prints the dataset with that ID without problems.
But when using only [pdb_single], I always get, no record found.
I’ve tried with ?pdb=12, ?pid=12 and ?id=12…. and I’ve also verified, that the page with this shortcode is set up in the configuration as the page for the details.
I’ve tried to do some debugging in the code of participants-database.php and I have maybe some hints:
In function print_shortcode( $params, $content, $tag ) the $params and the $content is completely empty, when calling the page with ?pdb=12.
This is the reason, why in function function print_single_record( $params ) the $params is also completely empty.
Maybe this helps a bit….?
Please tell me, what I can do, to help you with fixing that.
Best regards
P.s.: are you german???