Hey! This seems to be the only post on the internet on this subject. I’m not a professional coder by any means, I learn what I have to for the jobs I need to get done.
I’m currently running two plugins. One is Inline PHP, and the other is a little plugin that switches specified text.
In a perfect world: I write “CODE”. Then, the plugin turns “CODE” into “[exec] php_code_goes(here) [/exec]”. And, then Inline PHP sees that code, and runs the command specified.
My client doesn’t want to have to worry about (or see) a bunch of code in the posts. However, it is necessary to have the code exist somewhere.f
But, although this is all fine-and-dandy in theory, this doesn’t work because Inline PHP runs before the text is converted to code. So nothing happens at all.
I’ve tried the above solution, but I can’t get it to work at all. Any advice?