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  • Thread Starter chtito


    I found out how to submit bugs and i did it.

    Thread Starter chtito


    Interesting indeed ??

    I don’t think that it would be so confusing to edit an attachment like a post since when using the option “Linked to Page” the attachment appears exactly as a post. It has a title, a content and possibly comments. Beside, changing the code to allow to edit an attachment like a post would require very little work.

    However i agree with you that one should also be able to edit an attachment’s information through the Browse options.

    Thread Starter chtito


    Yes, you’re right!! Here is the plugin (it’s too simple to be made a general purpose plugin, imo). I didn’t use the strftime function because the right locale is very difficult to get. It requires to have the date in the ISO format, like 2005-01-13. So here is the code:

    function frenchMonth($n)

    $months = array("janvier", "f??vrier",
    "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao??t",
    "septembre", "octobre", "novembre","d??cembre");
    return $months[$n-1];

    function frenchWeekday($d)
    $days = array("Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi");
    return $days[$d];

    function localTimeFilter($theDate)
    if (empty($theDate))
    return $theDate;
    $date = explode("-",$theDate);
    $phptime = mktime(0,0,0,$date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);

    return "<h2>".frenchWeekday(date("w", $phptime))." ".date("j", $phptime)." ".frenchMonth(date("n", $phptime))." ".date("Y", $phptime)."</h2>";
    //return "<h2>".strftime("%A %e %B %G", $phptime)."</h2>";

    add_filter("the_date", "localTimeFilter");




    Ooops! Sorry…
    Still, i’d be happy to see the rss feeds of wordpress validate using the very simple hack i posted.



    If you want to validate the rss feed you have to replace the lines like??:
    header('Content-type: text/xml', true);
    header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=' . get_settings('blog_charset'), true);
    Weird that the developer team has not fixed this… I hope it’ll be fixed for the next release.

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