Forum Replies Created
Nice answer for a support ?? As long as the programmer has no problem, there is no problem. Anyway – plugin deleted.
I upgraded from 5.4 to 7.2 and since then it is not working anymore. The “auto” cron job is not triggering anymore.
Any solution?
Thanks C
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cropping issueAre you referring to the favicon here? Or a separate logo somewhere in the header of the page?
Logo in template – favicon works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cropping issueno matter if I use jpg, gif, png… and it only does not crop with logo, all other cropping works with the very same image and size.
Solved, was an incompatibility of KB with Yoast SEO.
Experiencing the same issue ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: One menu only shows when logged-inUpdate I believe it has something to do with the whole theme section as it also shows the WooCommerce shopping tools (basket, checkout, search) in that area (and also only once logged in).
How can I display it all the time?
Many thanks
CForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: XML-Export strips paragraphsWith Advanced TinyMCE I can add the
and <p> back in WordPress, however, the XML-Export still has no line breakst.Frustrating.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: XML-Export strips paragraphsReally, nobody an idea?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: XML-Export strips paragraphs?!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: XML-Export strips paragraphsNobody?
Thanks, it is a theme conflict.
Any “easy” solution that comes into your mind?Cheers
CNope, as I have enough visitors it is enabled and the the second option is ticked, where the visitors will trigger the Mailpoet Cronjobs.
chtredeAny idea or solution. The plugin is hardly usable like this as double-mails are very annoying.
I tested on three other wordpress installation on different servers – the same is happening on all!
Many thanks
chtredeForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fifteen] Previous / Next PaginationIt was a clean installation, have not touched the CSS before this thread.
Maybe you can post your CSS of Twenty Fifteen here and I simply copy it into mine.Thanks