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I would have to echo the same issue here too – A logo image in my footer of my theme stopped showing. Eventually had to disable .png from being lazy loaded. Setting custom class and id’s to be ignored did not work. And even adding in additional images to be lazy loaded in the footer resulted in those not appearing – the image markup had it’s class values all removed and only “lazyloaded” was present.
I did also not that even adding in extra test images below this png logo in the footer resulted in the images all having an SRC of “” Is there a cache that we can delete for the Lazy Load? Also – the base64 is showing “gif”, but the image was a “png” – could that be the issue in it not showing up?
I have disabled PNG from the allowed images, and it is now showing back up.
No problem! If something makes no logical sense – it’s probably cache! haha
Was just about to say that “easy-bootstrap-shortcodes” is not this plugin, you need to speak with them, but I kept reading!
So even after deleting plugin “easy-bootstrap-shortcodes” and “WP Clone” you are getting this error message? Do you have a cache plugin installed and in use?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin] adding CPT caps with 1.x.xAhh thank goodness I wasn’t going mad!!
Love the tabbed role screen, and the fact that your new custom post get’s it’s own tab, but I concur that I just went to that tab, selected the default caps as I have custom capabilities, and on page submission the capabilities are gone.
If I add in a script to add these new custom capabilities to Administrator on load (once) then viewing the role screen they are ticked as you would expect. If I untick one of these – e.g. edit_movies to disable Administrator from viewing and editing them in the default GUI I can no longer “tick it back in”.
If I now add in a custom cap via the roles screen and grant Admin permission my CPT menu appears and all is well. If I untick this custom cap I can then no longer tick it again once unticked.
Not sure if this is to do with having custom CPT capabilities, but it’s quirky at least!!