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  • Thank you for posting that link, @myrafletcher. Took me a bit to get it the way I wanted, so non-WP users go to a registration page instead of just looping back to the original page, but that code helped a bunch to get me in the right direction.

    After activating the plugin, “username” changed to “user name” on my login screen. I deactivated and confirmed the plugin is what is causing this change in the field label and placeholder text. Therefore, while it’s not an easy change in your Dashboard, yes, it can be done, @Jamesl20015.

    Editing the plugin file admin-custom-login.php did the trick for me. I followed up by logging in and out, and there were no adverse effects.

    Even if you’re a pro at editing those files, I always recommend backing them up first.

    Good luck!

    Well, yes I am concerned about the count because I’m migrating a previous site to wordpress. I have many registered users, but not all of them are subscribed to my mailing list. So I’m saying, it doesn’t make sense if wordpress users are counted toward the 2000 cap, if they are not subscribed to any mailing list.

    Actually, I think they should count toward the cap — the cap is 2000 people to get my newsletters. Where they come from doesn’t matter. If they are on a MP list, I would think they would count.

    To remove WP Users from your subscriber count (not WP), I would think you could go to the WP Users List and unsubscribe them. That shouldn’t remove them from being Users; it should remove them from being on that List only. (Note that I haven’t tried it, so I would test with a fake login before doing this to a big batch of users.)

    If the cap matters, then that’s the only way I see that working for you.

    But did you read the part where the test email works in the mail settings screen, but it doesn’t work when trying to send a test email of a newsletter. Makes no sense……

    Yes, I saw that. I suggest trying different settings anyway. I don’t know all of the inner workings of either the plugin or most mail servers. I’ve found (often, I’m afraid), that a setting which doesn’t logically make sense to me works. I figure it’s always worth a try.

    Again, 554 is an authentication error. Is it possible you have one email address in one area of settings and another in a different area? I haven’t tested sending newsletters extensively. I’m stick stuck on subscriber links to push this little plugin a little harder than it wants to be pushed. :\

    I haven’t tried it myself, but it would make sense to:

    Create a form and include all existing lists.

    Publish that form somewhere (anywhere) and copy the code for the checkboxes.

    Create a new form and add Random Text or HTML.

    Paste the code you copied, and change the checkboxes to radio buttons, thereby limiting the user’s selections — choosing one radio button turns off the others and vice versa.

    Again, I haven’t tried it, but it sure seems like it would make sense.

    This is what your code shows:

    <p class="wysija-after-comment">
    <label for="wysija-box-after-comment">
    <input type="checkbox" id="wysija-box-after-comment" value="1" name="wysija[comment_subscribe]">Kyll?, lis?? minut listalle.</label>
    <p class="comment-subscription-form">
    <input type="checkbox" name="subscribe_comments" id="subscribe_comments" value="subscribe" style="width: auto; -moz-appearance: checkbox; -webkit-appearance: checkbox;" />
    <label class="subscribe-label" id="subscribe-label" for="subscribe_comments">Ilmoita s?hk?postilla tulevista kommenteista.</label></p>
    <p class="comment-subscription-form"><input type="checkbox" name="subscribe_blog" id="subscribe_blog" value="subscribe" style="width: auto; -moz-appearance: checkbox; -webkit-appearance: checkbox;" />
    <label class="subscribe-label" id="subscribe-blog-label" for="subscribe_blog">Ilmoita s?hk?postilla uusista postauksista.</label>

    The class set for the first checkbox is different than the other two, but it doesn’t look like changing the class on the first will do the trick.

    The class #wysija-box-after-comment (first checkbox) has CSS making it 25px wide, while the width for the second doesn’t appear to be declared, so it’s picking up the browser’s “width: auto.”

    Try adding this to your CSS:

    input#subscribe_comments {
        width: 25px !important;

    It looks like there’s something also going on with the spacing between the checkbox and the text, too. So if that code doesn’t do it for you, try this instead:

    input#subscribe_comments {
        width: 25px !important;
        margin-right: -3px;

    I think that would be annoying, as well, so I tested the send newsletter function, and it didn’t send duplicates to an address that was on two lists.

    I sent to a list that was, say, Category 1, and my WordPress Users list. Both Cat 1 and WP Users had email address [email protected] on them, and the test newsletter was sent to [email protected] only one time.

    See this thread.

    Note that MailPoet says it’s NOT an officially supported solution, and I haven’t tried it yet, so I don’t know if it works.

    FWIW, I don’t suggest to my clients that they put unsub links everywhere. Unsubscribing isn’t made difficult, but I’m not going to actually suggest that users unsubscribe with a link in the footer.


    It seems like what MailPoet says to do will work, no, @michele.fazzini? Add something like “By subscribing to [list name], you are accepting our privacy policy” and make Privacy Policy a link (opening in a new window, so they don’t leave the subscribe page/box).

    And, actually, since adding “Random text or HTML” to a form permits you to include HTML, I don’t see why you couldn’t add a check box, make it required, and say, “Please check here to accept our privacy policy,” with Privacy Policy still being a link and opening in a new window.

    @marga451, the same goes for inserting the entire policy. Just choose add “Random text or HTML” to your Subscriber form.

    I’ve unsubscribed and resubscribed myself a half dozen times while I’m testing the functionality of the plugin, and it has sent me a Confirmation Email every single time.

    I realize that answer doesn’t help you, but I post it to let you know that it seems it is SUPPOSED to work the way you want it to work.

    I might suggest double-checking your plugin settings and maybe adding a note or form somewhere that says, “Having trouble with your subscription? Contact us, and we’ll fix it right up for you.” That also does’t resolve your problem, but it gives users an option when “things don’t seem to be working right.” If they email you asking to be confirmed, you can do it manually in the Subscribers section of the plugin.

    Does this mean that when someone registers on my wordpress site, they are automatically counted as a subscriber, even if they don’t intentionally subscribe to a list?

    I don’t think you actually care if they are “counted” as a subscriber; the way I read it, you are wondering if they are going to get your newsletters, even though the didn’t subscribe, yes?

    In my other post to you, I mentioned a “Bonus List” — when you go to send your first newsletter, you’ll see it in the Send To List options. You’ll be able to choose to send your newsletter to everybody subscribed to Category 1, everybody subscribed to Category 2, everybody subscribed to Category 3, and/or everybody who is signed up as a WordPress User. The “and/or” is important. You can choose Category 1 and Category 3 or Category 2 and WordPress Users. Entirely in your control. So, no, those who sign up as WP Users will not automatically be emailed.

    Also, if a wordpress user subscribes to a list, does he count twice (once in one list, and once in the wordpress users list)?

    I don’t know. It seems, as thoughtfully written as the plugin is, that it would NOT send multiple times to the same email, but I haven’t confirmed this.

    That said, if you don’t ever send to your WP Users, then this isn’t a problem for you.

    If you ARE going to send to your WP Users, then I suggest you sign up as a Subscriber to Category 1 using the same email address as you use for your WP login/user account and create a test newsletter, send it to Category 1 List and WP Users List, and see what happens.

    Okay … as I’m typing this, I realize this is a really good question, and I need to know how that works too. I did it, and it did NOT send two emails to the email address that was both on a list and used for a WP subscriber account. You should test it for your site, to be sure.

    Also, if a wordpress user subscribes to a list, does he count twice (once in one list, and once in the wordpress users list)?

    “Count” where? And why does it matter (just curious)?

    If you got the 2000/20002 info from the MailPoet website, then I say the WP subscriber counts once. And that, by the way, seems to be a way around the 2000 subscriber cap, although that doesn’t really matter to me. I’ll go pro when I get that big!!

    An error occurred. Show more details.
    Error Sending Message 5 Minute User Guide to xxxxx | DATA not accepted from server 554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified.

    Error 554 is an email authentication error. I would try changing the email settings in the Settings of MailPoet and see if you can get that to clear.

    I hate being told I can’t do anything. ??

    If this were my dilemma, it seems to me two WordPress installs would permit two installs of any plugin. A quick search brought me here:

    I haven’t tried it, but that may be of use to you, @hnaseri.

    Yes. That’s how it works.

    Honestly, I had to play with it a bit to figure it out myself. Seeing it happen is the only way I really get it. ??

    I’m testing all manner of subscribing/unsubscribing now, and I think you’ll like how all that works. They can add or remove themselves from other lists, as well, and they have to confirm addition subsriptions, so you’re covered for CAN-SPAM, if you selected the double opt-in option. All of that seems to work as advertised.

    Sort of. Since MailPoet doesn’t use your WordPress categories, no, they can’t subscribe to them.

    But if you create Lists with the same names as your Categories, it will work the way I think you’re wanting it to — they subscribe or unsubscribe to a List (which happens to have the same name as a Category). Only you know it’s a LIST and not a CATEGORY. Does that makes sense?

    I realize that seems like (okay, is) double work for you to set up Categories and then Lists, but that seems to be how MailPoet works. I’ve looked at all of the major email marketing companies and have chosen MailPoet, despite this and a couple of other little deficiencies (those deficiencies are the reason I’m on the forums!!). This double-entry issue isn’t that big to me. ??

    When you create a newsletter, you’ll pull in specific posts from, say, WordPress Category 1. When you go to send the newsletter, you’ll have the option to send to your LIST called Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, or — a bonus — your WordPress Users.

    So while it isn’t using WP Categories, it IS giving you the functionality you want (if I’m interpreting you right).

    Sounds like something isn’t working right for you. When I try to subscribe an already-subscribed email address, I get “Oops! You’re already subscribed.”

    EDIT: I just realized that if I have NOT confirmed, I don’t the “Oops!” If I HAVE confirmed, I get the “Oops!” So maybe it’s something that simple for you — make sure it’s a confirmed email address, and try re-subscribing. Hopefully, it’ll work correctly for you.

    I’m guessing you are wanting them to sign up to pre-existing Categories as WordPress defines them, and I don’t know if that’s possible.

    The way it works within MailPoet:

    Click Subscribers, and at the top of the page, choose Add List to create a New List, fill in the information and save it.

    If Lists exists, when you go to Settings and choose Forms, drag List Selection from the Add New Field section, and you can now add any or all of your lists to your subscribe form.

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