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  • I don’t know anything about mail tester, but here’s what I know that may (or may not) be helpful:

    — I don’t see any text in the default MailPoet newsletter under 12px, which shouldn’t be too small too read by anyone’s standards.

    — I don’t see any hidden text at all, so that shouldn’t be the problem.

    — It looks like the plugin uses defined font sizes (not relative, as in sized by percent), so that shouldn’t be the problem.

    — If you’re using custom CSS or added a “Theme” in Newsletters, perhaps one of those has a font too small.

    — If, in fact, the font is too small on your MailPoet newsletter, you can select the Styles box and change the size of any fonts in it. Did you try that?

    Does mail tester test for mobile viewing, as well as desktop? Maybe something is considered too small only on mobile, since mobile is such a big deal these days.

    You maybe have already done this, but I sometimes find I’m so knee deep in reviewing code that I forget to check the obvious.

    On the Settings page (YOURDOMAIN/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wysija_config), make sure you have this section completed properly:

    Email notifications
    Enter the email addresses that should receive notifications (separate by comma). [[email protected]]

    [ ] When someone subscribes
    [ ] When someone unsubscribes
    [ ] Daily summary of emails sent

    Make sure the email address is typed correctly in the email field. If multiple email addresses should be notified, make sure there’s a comma between them.

    Make sure you’ve checked options for when you want to receive emails.

    Confirm you clicked “Save Settings”

    Also check your spam folder (that’s where mine went).

    Thank you, MailPoet!

    I think I got the list issue working as expected/intended. I’m liking the plugin! Tried MailChimp, Vertical, and Benchmark, and none made me happy. MailPoet did. ??

    On the email issue, I’m going to try adding two fields to the custom subscription page where they can input both old and new email addresses and then either handle it manually, or if I’m good enough, have a subscribe form (not displayed) where, if the new email address field is filled in, it ticks off an unsubscribe of their first email address and subscribes the new one. This isn’t my forte, but going to give it a try.

    Sadly, my hard drive failed yesterday, and I need to put this on hold a day or two, but will get back to it as soon as I’m able. Jumped on here because I wanted to say a timely thank you to you! ??

    Does anyone know if MailPoet’s response above still applies? Can subscribers not just ‘update’ their settings to be on fewer/different lists or change their email address?



    @diegooli: For my site, the image appearing in search results is the Featured Image (thumbnail). I used Advanced Custom Fields to add the field _thumbnail_id to attachment pages. That let’s me add the attachment image itself as the Featured Image, and now search results shows whatever image I’ve set as Featured.

    Thread Starter Bubbles


    I resolved my problem by using the tip in this post where @glowingpurplebunny suggested (5 years ago, no less) using a custom field for the page title and then changing my templates entry title code from:

    <h1><?php the_title();?></h1>


    global $post;
    $newtitle = get_post_meta($post->ID,"newtitle",true);
    if ($newtitle): echo "<h1>$newtitle</h1>";
    else: ?>
    <h1><?php the_title();?></h1>
    <?php endif; ?>

    I changed newtitle in the above code to page_headline.

    I’m using Advanced Custom Fields to register the Custom Field page_headline as a text field with no formatting and show the field when Post Type‘s that are pages and posts. The new field is a Standard (WP metabox) field.

    Editing the TITLE in EDIT PAGE still updates the NAV LABEL, but the page itself uses a CUSTOM FIELD for the page’s headline. This essentially solves the problem by making the display headline different than the NAV LABEL without my having to update the menu labels manually every time a page headline changes.

    I’m still using Yoast for SEO, so neither of these changes the SEO title, since I can enter it in the Yoast fields to be the same as either the headline or NAV LABEL or something completely different.

    There was a long and arduous search to find something that worked (and I consider myself a pretty savvy researcher). In case anyone else is looking for resolution to a similar problem, I’m including these search phrases, all of which I used (and more), with hopes others will land on this post:

    • Use custom field for navigation label WordPress
    • Replace navigation label with custom field WordPress
    • Disable the_title replacing navigation label WordPress
    • Stop menu labels updating when the_title changes WordPress
    • Use custom field for page title WordPress
    • Update menu labels from Edit Page WordPress
    • Make menu labels different than page title WordPress (yes, I know how to do this manually, but after hours of searching, I was willing to try anything!)
    • advanced custom fields nav label menu-item-title


    I see it’s been three weeks since you posted this and, hopefully, the problem is resolved. In case anyone else stumbles upon this and needs the answer . . .

    To answer the question asked: If you have access to FTP so you can edit the plugin files, the CSV file is in wp-content > plugins > zstore-manager-basic > PRODUCTTYPES.CSV. Double-clicking the file will open it in WordPad or the like. Before making changes to those files, I always recommend saving a back-up copy.

    I believe it does NOT show up in plugins > editor because it’s a CSV file.

    However, that product line IS in the CSV file and your code appears to be correct. I’ve found that adding code to a page does NOT override the plugin defaults set on the plugin settings page. For my site, I left the product-specific information blank, and use the shortcode on the pages to retrieve products.

    Hope that’s helpful.

    Thread Starter Bubbles


    Thank you so much for the follow up. I did send an email, and someone responded. I’ll connect with them tomorrow.

    In the meantime, I created a new slider and tried moving images around. It worked until I added I added an 11th image. I did it a second time, just to be sure, and that seems to be the trigger — anything more than 10. Perhaps that’ll help you to solve the problem.

    Here’s one of the galleries: I’ve modified some features, such as changing styling, so I want to be very careful about changing code or overwriting files.

    Again, thank you for following up. I really appreciate it.

    Thread Starter Bubbles


    Thank you, @subsystic.

    I am not experiencing the “last image displayed first issue.”

    No matter how many times I change the order of images (yes, I’m using the BxSlider), they default to the same order, and I cannot determine what it’s using to order them. It’s not by date uploaded, or date imported, or order imported, or alphabetically by slug. It seems to just pick an order and then I can’t get it to change, regardless that I change and save the order up to 6 or 7 times.

    Don — Great plugin. Thank you so much for posting the reason with the solution (so helpful!), as well as the quick response to the OP. Thankful to have found it in search!

    Yes, I did all that, @bojan. And I don’t mean to hijack the thread — I understand the rules. ??

    Was honestly hoping there was a known cause/effect because moving all of my widget content back to how I want it after it blows out is so very time consuming.

    It’s *seemingly* random and there appears to be no logic to the manner in which it moves my content around, but I know that it isn’t *truly* random and there IS some logic — I just can’t see it. (BTW, I see up there I didn’t properly identify my components: It’s my widget content that moves from one widget to another and not my sidebars that move around, and content for widgets that I am unable to drag/drop, when the problem occurs.)

    If it happens again, I will start a new thread. In the meantime, if anyone can see a correlation between symptoms and a potential cause, I’d love to hear it!

    @stemac — Did you find a resolution?

    Whatever blew out my 20-something Widgets for both my development and live site did it again, and I am having to juggle all of the content around. (And the words I’m thinking aren’t fit to be published here! LOL)

    If you found a resolution, I would be grateful for you to share it.

    This is going to sound weird, but if it doesn’t let you drag a widget where you want it, try reducing the browser size to less than 100 percent, refreshing the page, and trying again. Odd, but it seems to make a difference.

    When I created a new sidebar, I realized I had the same problem, plus all of the content for 20-something existing sidebars shifted. (Widgets moved from one sidebar to another without any apparent logical reasoning.)

    I deactivated the plugin, since it’s not showing as compatible with the latest version of WP, then reactivated, so that I could copy my content for easier recreation in a new plugin, and when I reactivated, the plugin started working again.

    Afterwards, I created another new sidebar, and the widgets seem to be staying in place (though I still have to fix all of the content that shifted originally).

    Hope that helps you. What a pain!!

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